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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. All right, there we go. I found the way. The (green) hatchets are open! I must say, I'm finding some unexpected enjoyment out of this. Every time I uncover the secret it makes me feel like a genius. Of course, it is accompanied with a bittersweet feeling of being trolled by the devs, but hey. I am enjoying this. Would've dropped it already if I wasn't. Who made this game, by the way? I'll bet it's an old japanese man with a funny name like Kaga or Anno or Iga. This just feels like that type of game. Yes, I know, Anno didn't make a game. Forgive me, I just find it really funny that there's a guy called Anno out there. No need, I've found the way forward by bombing every spot imaginable. I also found a hidden room that contained absolutely nothing. That was a fun experience. Oh, absolutely. This type of secret hunting game isn't something I'm accustomed to at all. Yeah, yeah, I know, Kaga elitist and all, but... Well, Kaga's secrets weren't mandatory lol.
  2. Okay, so please don't take this as me complaining or anything, but... Wow, this game feels like a prank from the devs at times. Like, seriously. I found a wall that I could break with my super sprint powers by sprinting through the save, recharge and navigation rooms. So I did it, I broke the wall, I landed on another breakable sprint wall, and then I slowly sank through the ground. All very promising signs of progress. And where did that leave me? In front of a door that I could just access by walking. Why? Why did they do that? There's no reason to do that other than to make me feel like the court jester. And hey, if that was the intent, mission accomplished in flying colors: This game is making me feel like an idiot every two seconds.
  3. Hurray, I have unlocked the ability to run a little faster after running for 10 hours without stopping. Now I can break into the pump room and do whatever I'm supposed to do there.
  4. Oho. You know, 10 year old me was smarter than 22 year old me. I thought that maybe the pole thing had got me to quit back in the day, but no, I actually made it to this part. Huh.
  5. Ah, there we go. I found the piece of ground I was supposed to break.
  6. Actually, never mind the never mind. I am stuck. Damnit...
  7. I'm stuck again. Oof... Welp, time to bomb every spec of dirt and see if I find any more random poles. EDIT: Never mind I'm just an idiot Actually, I was just talking about your comment about people complaining that this game didn't feature as many poles in the ground with no indication that they're there.
  8. Well, no matter. Now that dinner and that little bit of trouble are out of the way, let's continue.
  9. Yeah, that's what happened to me. I did bomb the floor, but I missed the tile, so when nothing happened I just assumed there had to be something else I was missing. Oh, well. Good to know there's only a couple moments like this in this game. I do find it rather funny that people complained about it, though...
  10. In retrospect, I probably should've thought to use the tool I just got on the floor instead of trying once, discarding the whole idea and then proceeding to waste two minutes trying to perform a midair bomb hop before angrily consulting a playthrough. But the smart, patient way isn't the way of an accomplished tactician such as myself.
  11. Hmm. Well, that's fair enough, I suppose. I guess I'm just not used to bombs being the multipurpose tool to end all multipurpose tools. I'll keep it in mind from here on. Sorry, I can't help it.
  12. What the fuck. You bomb a random part of the floor, and a dick comes out of the ground to help you up. I spammed bombs are one point, but I just happened to miss that part of the floor. Good game design, right there.
  13. Sooo uhhh... Did the game just troll me, or is there some high jump bomb technique that I'm missing here?
  14. Game: "Blue hatches are now active." My brain: Yeah, that's all for now.
  15. Yeah, outside of Samus reminiscing about some guy called Adam, it has been pretty self-explanatory. 'Sides, plot's not what I'm here for anyway.
  16. @Armagon Against my better judgment, considering how it went last time, I have listened to your recommendation. I'm now playing Metroid Fusion. I'm a bit lost in the plot, probably a side effect of starting with the 4th game in the franchise after basically never playing a Metroid game in my life, but it did start to catch my attention when I took that one elevator. That was pretty good.
  17. And there we go. The Lonely Mirror is over. Fun game! Super cool unit concepts and promotions, fair difficulty for the most part (chapter 29 was a huge pain, and the creator used crit-boosted classes a bit too often for my liking, but beyond that it was good), a legit awesome story and varied character designs. While it doesn't quite beat Sun God's Wrath, I think it does take second place among the FE hacks I've played, and it gets my recommendation for anyone looking to play something FE. Now... Well, I was going to play Sword of Heaven and Earth with the new translation, but apparently Blademaster will, this weekend, release an update to SGW in celebration of its first aniversary, and depending on what it contains, I may or may not replay it once more. So I'll hold off on that for the time being. Maybe I'll grab Metroid Fusion on my completely legal GBA. Seems like the kind of game to spend a few days on. I remember playing it once when I was a kid, getting lost and giving up. But I'm not a kid anymore. I am now an accomplished tactician who has wiped out many armies - some of them even ones I intended to wipe out. I'm not afraid of no metroids.
  18. Well, that's that. I was a bit afraid, considering the difficulty spike the game had, but fortunately, the game presented a rather fair final confrontation. Chasing the boss was a bit tedious, but beyond that, it's basically like that one boss in DLATMOL that I mentioned, except this one doesn't make me want to tear my hair off in frustration. So yeah. Pretty decent final boss.
  19. Great. Another hack boss battle where the boss warps all over the place. I know that static bosses are dumb and boring, but chasing a boss all over the place isn't that much fun either.
  20. All right, time to finish Lonely Mirror. For some reason it has this as its final map theme, which is... a bit too tranquil for a map theme, but what do I know. Also, the game warned me to equip 5 legendary macguffins on my units to "protect them from malevolence." I have no idea what this means, but I can only hope that this just means I need to give them to the units that are going to fight the final boss, and not something like half my army gets berserked out of nowhere.
  21. Kaga made life, that's why it's so unbalanced.
  22. For some reason I was misremembering Ralts as Riolu. That was dumb.
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