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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. "From Shakespere to The English Patient to Titanic, death has proven to be the most effective instrument of high romantic drama." George Wood is a genius.
  2. It's always the phone's fault, ain't it Hah! Sure.
  3. You...! Well, you made a typo, therefore you lose and I am winner. Certainly am. This is still an Armagon recommendation, though. Let's give it time. Nobody knows what the future holds...
  4. How dare you worry for my mental wellbeing due to my hatred of fun. Which I don't have. Because I don't hate fun. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go and refund Beard Blade because I got myself softlocked like a moron and that has proven to me that the game is not worth my time Seriously though, it's a bit early to tell, but I believe the cause for the slowdown I experience earlier might be going to the desktop while the game is open. It's a bit inconvenient, but that's okay, it's not the first game where I've experienced such a thing. I've also disabled the steam overlay, see if that helps. Otherwise, no complaints. Game's really fun so far.
  5. Banned because I'd like to tell @twilitfalchion that I'm sorry for his loss too. I'm a bit late, I know. I don't read this thread that often, I'm afraid.
  6. Uh... okay, thanks, but... why're you telling me that lol?
  7. I don't hate fun, I hate your concept of fun, because your concept of fun is wrong, as you are, all the time, every time, Armagon Nah so far I'm enjoying it. Only issue I ran into was a weird bit of slowdown in one of the levels, but I'm hoping a reset will fix it. They said they released a patch to fix exactly that... Eh, no matter. The game's definitely a bit rough around the edges, technically speaking, but the game itself is quite fun. It even has this neat little day-night cycle system to mix things up a bit.
  8. @Armagon So far Beard Blade is being your best recommendation by far, and I don't think you even played it or recommended it to me for any reason other than it's called Beard Blade.
  9. Okay, so I have learned two things: 1- The name wasn't a joke. You literally turn your beard into a blade in Beard Blade. 2- The ESC key shuts off the game, no questions asked, like Vestaria Saga. So that's nice.
  10. This is me right now. I'd play both, but I'm also waiting for a patch for Beard Blade before I buy it, and I'd rather not juggle three games... Urgh. Decisions.
  11. Not on my watch. I will take the wasps' side, and we will take you down. They could never lose with a talented tactician on their side. ...They may not all make it home, though...
  12. Yeah, I agree, you seem to live in a pretty lovely place.
  13. They have it in for your house. Clearly the solution is to blow up the city.
  14. Honestly? Nothing really. I was just sick of the game by that point, so when I failed the first four attempts I just went "fuck this." I did find it a bit odd that it screamed like a human woman. But nah, the boss didn't really have anything wrong.
  15. Eh, it's all right. I do have to admit I tend to exaggerate. My issue was more with the timing. I just couldn't get it down, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Honestly, I've never understood this whole "keyboard controlls are horrible for 2D platformers, you NEED a controller" argument. 3D platformers I can see, since the joystick allows more freedom of movement, but there's no difference between a D-pad and the arrow keys. It's just a matter of being accustomed to one or the other. Frankly, I think I'd do worse with a controller, since I'm not as used to D-pads. Yeah, I'm afraid this hasn't been a good first impression. I don't think this is my kind of series, unfortunately. Again, I don't think it was a bad game, just not for me. Well, uh... Actually, I didn't beat Fusion. I got up to Ridley, tried a few times and then just... noped outta there lol. Apparently I just had another boss left after that, but... yeah. I mean, your point stands. They are pretty short games. Just, well... uh, yeah.
  16. Well, that was Metroid Fusion. Graphically it's wonderful, the atmosphere is excellent and finding secrets feels rewarding. Unfortunately, I found the controls rather cumbersome, the boss fights not too fun, and the "find secrets by bombing every pixel of the screen" gameplay wasn't enjoyable for me personally. So yeah. Good game, just not for me. I guess I'm too much of an idiot to enjoy games that make you think.
  17. I... think I'm going to stay away from Metroid in the near future. Aha. You know what, I think I'm just not going to answer that.
  18. Little help? I've bombed every inch of this entire area. Super bombs, even when they don't work, at least reveal breakable blocks. Unless there's like, a secret within a secret within a secret and that's how I progress, I just have no idea what to do now. EDIT: I don't feel like reuploading the image, so let me just say, I figured out what the yellow thing is. It's an invisible path that you can only discover by jumping at the wall. Samus grabs on to the ledge. Very nice. Except it's not an exit, it's just another dead end with a useless upgrade. This game is wearing my patience thin. Look, I know I complain too much. I want to finish it, but if there's any lesson I've taken from this game, it's that this really isn't my kind of game. Goddamnit. EDIT 2: Ah, there we go. I should've known, before I joked about it, that the answer really would be a secret within a secret within a fucking secret. Red hatches are open and I don't even feel like making the same tired meme joke again. I just want this game to end already. Pretty please?
  19. Jesus, finally. That was the worst boss in the game so far. That's a bit less than I was hoping. Thanks. The space jump controls are terrible and the guy has no pattern when charging. In the end, however, I managed to get it in the right spot to spam missiles from the wall railing. So I beat it. Woohoo.
  20. Would anyone mind telling me how much game is left after this boss? Thanks in advance.
  21. I don't know, I froze it and it seemed pretty happy to just keep chasing me. Don't get me wrong, it was doable, but even with the freezing it still took me five or six attempts to get past that sequence. I can't dodge the frigging thing. The flying sommersault is horrible to use, and when I actually manage to dodge it, the boss goes fucking apeshit and starts hacking. It's the only explanation I can come up with. I agree, it was really cool to watch it flying around. Until I had to fight it, then it wasn't cool anymore.
  22. The one time I actually managed to use the horrendous controls of the flying sommersault move to dodge Nightmare's charge a couple of times, the game rewarded me by having the boss go "oh yeah? Well we'll see if you can keep that up" and keep charging without stop until I died. Yeah, I think I've had enough. This boss can go fuck itself, I'll go play something else and come back later. That guy is called "much" in Spanish. Do it damnit.
  23. Kill him. This game just has a way to make me feel like an absolute clown at every turn. Oh wait, you meant like, the Sax. Sorry, thought you were talking about something else. Yeah, I did freeze it, but as Observer says, it lasts no time at all.
  24. This droopey face computer boss is even more annoying than the plant thingy. Unbelievable. I could, on the third attempt. Gasp! Look guys look, it's Reuben Teehee Thread!
  25. The parasite itself is killing me more than the boss now.
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