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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. I took a sneak peek at the growth rates document. I haven't been looking at it, because... well, honestly, I don't really care about growths as much as unique faces and unit ideas. She has a 5% speed growth. The rest are regular enough prepromote growths, but then there's the 5% speed. She's like Barth, except instead of resistance her meme stat is the most important stat in the game. I love this woman. I actually have to commend this game for its portraits. They're a bit rough around the edges at times, but I appreciate how distinctive they are, for the most part. Most of the more obvious splices are on lesser enemies. The player characters are all quite elaborate portraits, and they have a little something I can't quite put my finger on that feels different from most GBAFE portraits. I dig it. ...Then there's Ghebzagla. Honestly, I don't think I mind. It suits her.
  2. Pfffffffffffhaahahahahahaahah! She has her own class! 2 speed! 2 speed in chapter 24! Oh my God, she just gets better and better. I need this woman in my team, I really do.
  3. An okay desert map. I'll be. This hack is going places. Don't think it'll beat Sun God's Wrath, but... If it doesn't drop the ball massively, it's definitely going to take second place when it comes to hacks. So was I
  4. This is gold. I can't wait for her to see his sixhead. I swear, if her first reaction isn't to trashtalk his balding head, I'm going to be seriously disappointed.
  5. I'd just like to say that "mi casa", pronounced exactly the same as Mikasa, means "my house" in Spanish. That's all I have to add, really.
  6. Well, that's pretty nice. Yeah, this is more or less my opinion as well. There's just no need for it sometimes...
  7. Yeah, I think I understand. It's the kind of item you end up never using, because when you need it you're too afraid of wasting it, and then you find yourself at the end of the game with far more of them than you could possibly use. Well, all right. I hope the immense waste of time will be worth it. Eh. Whenever a story doesn't do romance, the fanbase starts making up their own romances instead. People love a good fuckery too much. Yeah, this is true. Though I would argue this particular romance is well deserved. I mean, c'mon. They deserve a break. Ah. Well, that's not very nice. What do you do if you just never find one of these items?
  8. Bah. Hoarding is a pitfall. They would've gone unused anyway, like every other higher-tier item in every other conventional RPG. Use shit when you need it.
  9. That's what I thought when I saw fat general woman
  10. Well, she's not quite as monstrously obese as Gheb... I checked out the recruitment guide. I've tried not to use it too much, but well... You can't make this shit up.
  11. You have to be kidding me. Not only are there two worthless benchies force-deployed in this map, there's ONE LESS SLOT than usual. Goddamnit, Lonely Mirror. Why do you do this to me.
  12. OH, C'MON! STOP! Why is every character design in this game so good? I have 12 slots, I can't put more people in the team! I need the slots for beard pegasus, fat brigand and balding archer man...
  13. What the absolute fuck am I looking at. What the absolute fuck am I reading. And can I get that on my team. These are my questions at this point in time. The Lonely Mirror. I namedrop it from time to time, but it gets tiresome to do it in every single post.
  14. This is the second hack that's pulled the "surprise, there's actually another map after the previous map!" trick. But at least here there isn't a time limit that takes into account the turns from the previous part of the map.
  15. I was going to criticize her outfit, but on second thought, I don't think it qualifies as an outfit. It's fucking dumb, that's what it is. Dumb, and dangerous. I mean, if disturbances consistently occur whenever there's a football competition, measures should probably be taken, instead of brushing it off as a fact of life. But, such is humanity, I guess. I suppose I just don't see what's so amazing about watching other people kick balls. ...Not to mention the fact that they earn millions for kicking them balls, while scientists get peanuts to do their extremely vital work to mankind. If you can't tell, I fucking despise the culture around this shitty sport that there is in my country. It's not the only sport where it happens, but it's definitely the biggest. Kill everyone else. For experience. Sooks.
  16. In some countries there's riots and murder when they lose at football. Racism isn't surprising at all. What is surprising is that this is somehow still acceptable. Kill everyone else for experience.
  17. I have 10 slots and like 15 people I want to use. Not to mention, I need a unit I'm not using to recruit someone. ...I'm seriously considering just killing him. I already have a dark mage. Haven't heard many details, but from what my father mentioned... Yeah. Absolutely.
  18. I believe Italy won the football. Then London burned because football fans take it way too seriously.
  19. I cannot believe the turn Lonely Mirror's story just took. However, I still have only 10 deployment slots and I need to add more units to the team. Halp.
  20. I love how my promoted troubadour is a better lance specialist than my armor knight, my cavalier and my Ephraim lord. Promotions in this hack are wild.
  21. Man oh man, it's that time again! I'm playing a hack and I want to use tons of units, but I don't have the delpoyment slots! I sure hope the main cast from the pre-timeskip part of the game, three of whom I intended to use, don't rejoin right now and make me suffer an existential crisis! ...... Fuck. One of them got one hell of a glow-up, too...
  22. Oh my God, the RNG. I swear to God, every time I have to land something in the 80s, it misses. Every. Single. Time. My characters can't land blows to save their lives. I don't know what's with this hack in particular! I even asked the creator and he says he didn't do anything to the RNG! It's still classic true hit, and yet I've missed so many attacks, it's ridiculous! Well, that's another reset. I must've lost this wyvern rider idiot like 6 times now. Great.
  23. He's here. I mean, technically he's not here yet. He appears on turn 2 and I have to talk to him. But he's here.
  24. I'll be certain to share an image of him. Well, I already did, but he was just in a cutscene without even being named. I just know who he is because he was shown in one of the hack's trailers. According to the recruitment guide, he joins next map. Yeah, I've been keeping track. Can you blame me? It's a pegasus knight dude with a big puffy beard, how can I not keep track of when that joins?
  25. There, second try after taking a break. That's really all it takes every time. And now the game gives me another choice of chapter. Man, branching paths, a timeskip, unique class concepts, bearded pegasus knight... Not to mention something that I've actually never seen any other FE8 hack do: Maintain FE8's main gimmick, the branching promotions. Yeah, imagine that. Really liking this hack so far. I didn't expect that much from it, but it's pleasantly surprised me. It goes a weeee bit too far with the difficulty in a couple places, but to be fair, I am playing on maddening difficulty, so well, I can't complain. Even with a couple moments where I felt a tad overwhelmed it still runs laps around Three Houses's take on the name.
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