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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Keep making games that can be played on the regular Switch. That is all I ask.
  2. I'm just glad that it's being spoken of as just a fancier Switch. I don't want to upgrade yet. If it had been replaced already it would've lasted roughly as long as my last computer, which kinda ruins the one and only advantage of a console.
  3. I'd like to remind @Armagon that spiritual successors such as Bloodstained could probably not exist if Kaga hadn't won his lawsuit against Nintendo over TearRing Saga. Therefore you must thank Kaga for the existence of games you like. And with that, time to go die against Notlucard.
  4. No, no, no! Damnit! You weren't supposed to react all positive and understanding-like! What are you, the protagonist of Teehee!? Not gonna lie, when I started Bloodstained and first laid eyes on Miriam's design I was pretty disappointed. By the time I left the first room, I was sold forever. (I mean, I know it's not quite the same thing because this really isn't a story game or anything like that, but shut up I want to take a moment to appreciate Miriam because she's wonderful) So I heard. Doesn't seem to be much info out there other than "It's being developed", but I'll definitely keep an eye on it. All fair points. To each their own, as they say.
  5. Ohhhh so Bloodstained's OST was made by the same person who made the OSTs for the Igavanias. Now it all makes sense. Man, I'll reserve judgment until I finish properly, but... Remember when I put Order of Ecclesia in my list of favorite games of all time? Yeah, I think it has been dethroned. I will always have a soft spot for it - and I do still think the story in that one is a bit better, for whatever that's worth - but... fuck me sideways, this game. What a game. Right, right. They're both anime so I don't like either of them I don't wanna say it. I really don't wanna say it. But... yeah, you know what I don't wanna say.
  6. ...Yeah, it... it stands to reason that this would probably be a reason, indeed. Well, that was a stupid question.
  7. The good thing about having reached the end of Bloodstained is that, now that I have confirmed the extremely obvious plot twists, I can listen to the ost without fear. And what an ost it is. I don't know if it's the same composer as the Igavanias, but either way, they managed to retain the wonderful style they had. Oh, I see. Dear, dear... Is that a conflict of opinions I smell? May I ask why that is, if there's any particular reason? Yes, I'm glad, too. I don't think I could've even reached the 10 hours I did if Joshua was even MORE prominent than he already is.
  8. I still find it hilarious that there's a JRPG anime-styled series called Trails with a protagonist called Estelle and a JRPG anime-styled series called Tales with a protagonist called Estelle.
  9. Well, that's it. I'm exhausted. Off to bed early with me. See you guys tomorrow.
  10. Oh, fuck off, you. You're sitting on the bench. Cry me a river.
  11. Y E S She's my best unit, too. Absolutely busted hero. Goddamnit, I knew I liked you for a reason. Definitely. I mean, pretty sure he's a lord, even if he's an extremely weird one. Kinda gotta use him.
  12. Okay, so Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light, in its infinite wisdom, has given me an Est Roy lord at level 7 at a point when everyone is level 2 promoted. Oh, and he came out of a chest. Literally. The kid locked himself in a chest and we had to save him. Nice. Another unit to somehow fit into my team. Can I get 5 deployment slots? Pretty please?
  13. All right, so I'm fighting the 8 bit overlord now. This is one fight where the gun really shines. I'm so happy for it. After this, it'll only be Dracula #2 and the developer left before I can proceed to the grand finale.
  14. Actually, never mind. He cannot comprehend Invert. There's the trick.
  15. I like how the slot machine and Salmon were piss easy, and then the Master Carpenter is impossible. Well, fuck the no damage, just this once I'll make an exception. This guy drops no medal anyway.
  16. I heard about that, yeah. Sheesh, I've got a lot of optional bosses to go through.
  17. All right, Salmon Elmond has been defeated. These extra bosses don't even drop medals, I don't know why I bother doing them with no damage. Pride, I suppose. On to the third one, and then... well, I've heard tales of an "8-bit overlord" that actually does drop a medal. I'll look up how to find that one, vanquish it as well, and then... It's on to beat Iga up. That's the text I was trying to post earlier. Except I accidentally pressed some keys and it somehow caused the post to post itself. I considered editing it, but I prefered to let you guys try to figure out what I was meaning to say with "all right, Salmon." True enough. I guess I should've paid more attention to the riveting plot of this game, instead of the awesome visuals and the badass boss fights.
  18. I've seen it a couple of times. Maybe "trend" is too much, but every time I've seen it it's just come completely out of left field. I'll never understand the appeal of gachas. Never. Yeah, that's true. Well, that does sound pretty cool. Maybe I'll check this one out. Particularly interesting that Zangetsu gets an actual character, because in RotN the only enjoyment I ever got out of him was calling him Redstream Zan. ...Well, okay, I lie - teaming up with him at the train was hilarious and badass at the same time. I loved that. Oh. Yeah. Hadn't thought of that. Yeah, I guess it wasn't completely out of nowhere. ...The bigger problem there is Maybe it's more satisfying when it costs you a crapton of money and you don't even get the porn you wanted?
  19. Yeah, well, mine does too. It has a limit in that I would never bother to grind every single enemy for 9 of their shards. It does, however, allow for spending 3 hours on Bloodless. That's fine in my book. Every time you crap on something I like: Not gonna lie, I disagree. The music is a bit better, but I don't think by as much as people say, and I find Mystery's artstyle to be one of the ugliest in the series. Not to mention, the gameplay is better because it has difficulty, as opposed to being a "press A a bunch of times to watch the game play itself" simulator. But, hey, that's just me. They gotta powercreep the horny too, or else the otakus might stop spending as much money on the roulette to get their JPEGs. Japan all too often presents their villains as atheists, as if they believed that atheism is a horrible, evil trait that will automatically paint a proper villanous picture of their baddie and make the audience perceive them as bastards. In bloodstained, however, it's something else. God and religion don't even come up at any point in the game - the villain just starts spewing villanous atheist lines for no reason. It's so heavy-handed, I love it.
  20. And all of a sudden, I find myself fighting a slot machine. Did you know that in Spain, we call slot machines "Tragaperras", which literally translates to "buck swallower"? Ain't that neat. The boss was super boring, I hope the other two bonus bosses won't be as lame. ...Then again, I know Iga's going to offer enough insanity to more than compensate for these...
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