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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. She does have 8 speed. They had some manner of forethought with her.
  2. At least in the first map she didn't double brigands... It's a joke about the Jeigan being so good that I can't use her because she kills everything and I need to train my scrubby archer.
  3. Wow, the Jeigan fucking sucks though. She doubles things to death with her iron lance, and one-shots them with her steel lance. So she ends up doing absolutely nothing. Nice. It has absolutely nothing to do with FE1. I hope I will! I played it a while back, but I got bored. I hope the same won't happen again.
  4. I did what I could. No, actually. The game comes with two predefined tactician portraits and that's it. I took the liberty of replacing the male one with a portrait of my own I've had for a while. He looks a little out of place, everyone else has a brighter outline, but eh, what can you do. It's called Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light.
  5. Great. Off to a great fucking start with you. I'm not too fond of you, man. You're on thin fucking ice. You better be careful with your levels in the future. Defense is okay, but work on that shitty magic and speed, will ya?
  6. Good, thank you. That's all I needed to know.
  7. Weird as in, I listen to videogame music and nothing else. No great arguments, just... Regular music has something that I just can't get into, for some reason. I've tried listening to some, and the closest thing I ever found was Dragonforce.
  8. I am summoned. I believe I got the Stoic edition. The differences are minimal. I have nothing to add, but Serenes on mobile is wonky so I can't remove this part.
  9. Featuring Alfred's giant blue balls Okay no, but seriously, does anyone know if that attack ever runs out? The man goes super saiyan and I become a snail, it's ridiculous. At one point, after getting hit, I tried waiting it out and see if it ever ended... But it didn't.
  10. Well, I couldn't beat him, and I've gotta go somewhere, so that's that, I guess. Eh. I'm not mad. It's a fun boss. I'm not super impatient to get through him. I'll have more chances. You lot are so predictable, did you know that?
  11. To be honest, the problem with Alfred's slowmo attack is less the slowmo and more that with his gigantic blue balls all up in my face I can't see shit. It's a struggle just to find him, let alone reach him while dodging a bunch of attacks I can hardly see coming. Also, I could swear he becomes faster when he uses that attack. I did find that if I stay close to him, his AI just throws potions at his feet and he doesn't use the attack. I managed to knock him to 200 HP that way. Shame I couldn't finish it.
  12. A guy in the saint class from Radiant Dawn. He's a wonderful person. It's worth it, though, because all the bearded men in the army automatically promote upon recruiting me, and the children get +10 to all their stats.
  13. Lekain. Bwahahahah... You just recruit me and half the women in the army just keel over. But it's worth it.
  14. Yes, basically. Yeah, discovered those the hard way. Other than that, though, it's a really fun fight. Helps that the guy's hilarious.
  15. Oh hey, it's finally time for the boss fight against Red Herring! His run cycle is hilarious, and I dig how they're using the camera angle for this fight.
  16. It really is difficult to feel bad about pirating big corporation games when they constantly pull stunts like this. All of them. Indies are a different story for me, though. For the most part.
  17. It's... weird, yeah. Especially when you get into this kind of cultural clash where somewhere the word is extremely tame and somewhere else it's the height of offense. For instance, I used to employ "cunt" rather carelessly, until someone here in Serenes told me that this is extremely offensive to women in America. Just, not in England. In England it's whatever, as far as I know. Whoops.
  18. I have nothing to fear. Basically, yes. Puto/a is a lot more widely used here in Spain. I didn't know it was such a bad swear in Latin America.
  19. Come to think about it, more than Kaga, it reminds me of the classic adventure game, Gabriel Knight. Being a Sierra game, it had plenty of fun death scenes, but perhaps the most fun of them was the one that happens if you try to speed through one particularly long cutscene, which you do by pressing the space bar. At the end of the scene, Gabriel drives away... But if you're still holding the spacebar, he drives off a cliff and dies. Then a text box appears saying "next time leave the driving to the driver!" Hilarious. ...No. I don't think I will. Of course it does!
  20. A recruitment to surpass Xavier - you just talk to me, but then you have to sit through a 30 minute long diatribe about how anime is the worst thing ever. If you try to skip the cutscene, I become unrecruitable.
  21. Youtube just recommended me a video called "what you favorite Three Houses character says about you." They skipped Hanneman. Welp, looks like I don't exist, guys. I can't believe they would do Luigi like that. Hahahaha... Guess I'm going on the villain side of Teehee. Twilit and Shrimpy out there being conquerors and schemers, and meanwhile there's Ruben, the prologue boss who embarrassed the protagonist one time. Heck, my name is Spanish - perfect for an earlygame brigand boss! Ehh, I'm still fond of GBA sprites. The lack of dynamic animations sucks, but I think they're cool enough.
  22. Literally, it means "pussy." Though it's more commonly used as a swear. A bit like how "fuck" is used as a swear in English, except instead of the act of sexing itself, we use the instrument of fuckery.
  23. You... You don't know what coño means, do you...
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