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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. I tried to find a clip of Luigi saying "thank you very much!" Instead, Youtube directed me to this, for some reason. So, yeah. There you go.
  2. I like how you just had no reaction to the Lena goof. Christ, Xenoblade designs are so fucking bad... Hey, that's almost not anime! Thanks a lot! Hot take: FE has always been ugly. KagaSaga is where the real beauty lies.
  3. The struggle of playing Berwick Saga while the translatiom was being developed. I tend to stay away from unfinished projects, but Berwick looked so good... I ate up the half of the game that was done, rammed into the end of the patch at full speed and suffered severe withdrawal. It was not nice. But hey, at least I got my name in the credits for my efforts!
  4. I suppose tomorrow I'll start with that hack I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, I must hate it from the get-go, because it has an avatar, and I am an elitist. Of course, being a fanmade hack, that just means I can customize the avatar endlessly by simply inserting a portrait of my own into the game. So I dusted off my old self-portrait, made a few adjustments and it's ready to go. I'll show you tomorrow, if you like. Tell me about it... Years back I ran into a post asking people if there was any character that they were as devoted to as Cordelia is to Chrom. Back then I didn't know the first thing about Awakening (heck I didn't even know who Cordelia was), so the wonky phrasing made me think "oh so it's like, a character we're a diehard fan of? That it? That seems to be it." The result was that I shipped myself with Frost by accident. Look, I love Frost, but... not in that way. Just... no. Wait why am I dredging that up, people take the piss outta me for enough things already, I don't need to give them more ammo--
  5. Hahahahah... Well, what matters is that you've turned around and redeemed yourself. Good for you. Only thousands of fans left to go.
  6. Oh yeah... Hah, I dropped all of them there. I had forgotten.
  7. Of course you do... Oh. ...Wait, which one? I don't recall ever using that one outside of my LPs...
  8. Wha-- I was just scrolling through the posts and ran into this. What the hell, Twilit. You even went through the trouble of going to one of my LP threads to find the alternate face. Most people just copypaste the pfp. Why all the effort for this, Twilit.
  9. Actually, I only lost 15 units. That's not too bad, I expected more. Then again, I'm pretty sure it's not counting enemy units that weren't recruited, so... Eh. Speed, E. Survival, E. Tactics, C. Truly a peerless tactician. The game says my skills are "absolutely terrifying." That they are, that they are indeed.
  10. Best waifu All right, that's that. I have saved Archanea, murdered half the playable cast and used Roshea. I wanted to give him the Medeus kill, but Marth stole it with a crit. Shame. He already got Hardin stolen from him by Roberto. Maybe I'll go back tomorrow and try to set up the Roshea kill. It's not every day you have a chance to record Roshea killing Medeus. I never said it was going to be an ironman. It was always a chill run. And as such, there have been chills.
  11. And well, that's that. Had to reset a couple of times because RNG and fuck ups, but in the end, we made it. I mean, not all of us, but we kinda made it.
  12. Fine, then. If that's how it's going to be. They can reunite in heaven.
  13. You get to post two lewds, guys. Elice, Nyna and Maria have suffered tragic accidents. A shame. ...Only two, not three, however. Because... The first female armor is back in-- LENAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I should've let you die with the rest. Fine, three lewds it is. God fucking damnit.
  14. I think the RNGoddess just took pity on me. Marth dodged and critted five dragons in a single enemy phase. After a whole game of being RNG-screwed and underlevelled, he decided to redeem himself right before his sister suffers a tragic accident. Well, that's convenient. Gonna make the final chapter really nice and easy. Looks like FE12 ends tonight, folks. True, I have seen very few so magnificent men.
  15. So basically, Buffalo Bill: The Game? Hah! Okay, that's better. Pfffft...
  16. Tanner Saga. You play as the sun and you have to give people tans, but be careful not to shine your light on them for too long, or they'll burn. Riveting story decisions ensue, as you gain the ability to save a person from a pursuer by burning the latter, or help them by burning the former instead. The villain is the moon, as it attempts to stop you from shining your light on the world, but it will come to like you if you make good choices. True enough, I do remember such a thing. Still, the choice at the town is still by far the most impactful of them all.
  17. Oh. ...did you just compare me to a fucking... You know what, I'm not even going to acknowledge it. Does it start with a B? Tactics Ogre has one big choice. Banner Saga has tons of big choices all over the place. Also, I liked Banner Saga's gameplay far better. But that's a matter of tastes.
  18. Bloodstained playtime according to the save files: 9 hours + 1 hour from my first failed run. Bloodstained playtime according to Steam: 2 9 H O U R S Considering nothing after death is counter, that means I've spent roughly 20 hours failing at the game. Think about it. Oh, and I just realized Bloodstained has no Steam trading cards. Weird, considering even some of the tiniest, most unknown Steam games I've seen have them. It really shouldn't have been left up to chance. It's so strangely inconsistent with the rest of the game, too. Every other progression shard is guaranteed. Why the heck did they do this for this particular shard? Is Iga just a fan of RNG and couldn't resist? If the swimming ability was only required to get into an optional area, that'd be fine - but there's no way that's true, because I haven't had any "ok yeah we're definitely on our way to the good ending now" moments yet. I can only assume I have to swim to proceed. But that's bullshit. Then there's also the fact that this is the one thing that Dominique gives no clues for. Yeah, the one you're most likely to miss? Thanks, girl. Real nice. So that's another point off the rating. So far it's looking like this: Cons: - Bathin. Fuck him. - The swimming shard is difficult to find. - Johannes's voice actor has something to do with Three Houses. Pros: - Everything else. - It's not anime.
  19. All right, so I have thoroughly explored the caves beneath the fountain. ...Yes, I have to agree with everyone complaining, here. The mob required to get the swimming ability (at least I'm assuming it's that glowing blue medusa thing, from what you guys said before) is some random monster that only appears in two rooms and seems as mundane as any other. There is absolutely no reason to even begin to consider that it may drop a vital progression shard, when every other shard required to make progress has been either a guaranteed drop from bosses or found on statues that are also guaranteed to drop it. Not only that, the monster can dive and you can't, which makes it awkward to fight, and in one of the two rooms where it appears, there's a broken bridge you can use to skip the water altogether, so you have to go out of your way to fight the monster. Not very well thought out. Now, there is one bit of smart design here: The things have the highest shard drop rate in the game according to the internet (10% before luck), and the other room that has them leads to a dead end (with a teleporter, but chances are you'll go back to that teleporter sooner or later anyway) and this time they're squarely in your way. Thus, on your way through and then back you'll fight like 8 of them. The chances of failing to get the shard from that are low. They should be nonexistent, but... yeah. It's bad, but compared to something like Aria of Sorrow's three required random drops... I'll take it. Also, guess who went through that room and then back and didn't get the shard. My luck is something else, I swear... See, that's a good character des-- WAIT WHAT IS THAT THING ON HIS ARM--
  20. Another day, another look for Miriam. The mask is never coming off. Never. ...Except for boss fights, I kinda need the gauge goggles, heh.
  21. I love the amount of weapon names from FE I'm seeing in Bloodstained. Most notably, Gram. It's looking a little bit different from when Reese had it, but I'll take it anyway. Also, I keep typing Bloodless instead of Bloodstained. I think that battle has scarred me for life. I've heard many people praise its story... which worries me, because that's the same sort of things you hear from fans of PoR and Genealogy, and that's not a good sign for me. But the portraits are too glorious, I want to give it another go. No, not really, but I appreciate them among the sea of painfully generic anime teens.
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