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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Pfffft, Dominique just gave me a hint about Bloodless. That's old news, Dominique. Now take these worthless shards and give me your money. It's called Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light, which at first sounds like a FE1 remake, but it's its own thing. It has old men with beards, and that's all you need to know.
  2. I'm looking forward to finishing FE12, because afterwards I've found a new hack that I'm interested on. Well, it's not exactly new. I played it a while back, but I got bored after a few maps. However, I want to give it another chance, because it has some character designs that appeal to me personally. Yeah, I'm shallow, sorry. I'll tell you which one it is later.
  3. He made that one himself? Should've known, the guy's a meme master.
  4. Yeah, I did it on purpose. Not to mention, as Shrimpy said, Aethin worked on his free time. There were periods where he couldn't work on it at all because his job took up too much time. For these other dudes, translating IS their job. To be honest, every time I find the odd typo that's left in Berwick I get the urge to go to Aethin and be like "hey I know it's been a while but would you be up to some typo fixing?" But then I remember the amount of work he did already and I just don't have the heart lol, it feels professional already, let it rest. I had quite a few interactions with him during the later stages of the translation's development and during my Berwick LP. He's a swell guy.
  5. It's settled, then. You're officially my worst enemy. Fun fact: Berwick Saga's translator, Aethin, had the whole script of Berwick done and released in roughly 3 years. He worked alone, with only the help of a programmer who did no work on the script itself, and Berwick is also a rather text heavy game with a wonky internal structure to make matters worse. They really have no excuse, is what I'm saying. Well, that, and Aethin is awesome. That's something I don't say enough. Well, no, but he counts. They're all prepromotes. I mean earlygame staffbots that aren't Lena recolors. Those are the real rare ones. Even Wendell only fits the first part. Yeah, well, I disagree. Variety is the spice of life. We can't keep getting lame Lena recolors. It's boring. They're all boring.
  6. Damnit, you've got like 12 Lenas in the series! Enough is enough! I want more old guy healers! It's only Moulder and Wrys so far, that's just not right.
  7. You want her to die? Acknowledge Wrys's superiority, peasant!
  8. Okay, but not as much as Wrys, though. Wrys is the real badass. Did you know he beat two waifus in one of these meaningless Heroes polls? Incredible, incredible!
  9. Armagon. You do not mess with Matthis in my presence. Understand?
  10. "Agonize" I'm already considering to throw caution to the wind and kill them all so I don't have to deploy the three scrubs. ...Well, no, I couldn't do that to Matthis's sister. Look at that man. He knows I'm one of the few who takes him seriously, so he makes sure to become good every time. Just one more point of strength and he'll naturally cap it, too! I did feed him one dracoshield and a truckload of goddess icons, but beyond that, it's all his personal growth. Way to go! Besides, Lena is straight up badass in her recruitment conversation. Just for that she deserves to live. The others are dying, though. Fuck Merric. Arlen will get a kick out of seeing him mourn his beloved.
  11. ...Fine. It's a deal. I'll cut the red string in your throat if you don't shut up. Come now. I grant them a greater purpose: to be experience for Roshea. It's one or the other. Either you murder for me, or you get murdered by me. It's their choice. 23 defense Ryan be like "are you sure about that?" ...I mean, I did end up benching him. The poor kid may've had a shitton of defense, but he also had virtually no speed. But he was so useful while he was there. Shrimpy is going to kill you. Hah! Great. I will take even more pleasure in murdering her. I ship. Femleth x Edelgard, Maleth x Dimitri, a well-sharpened axe edge x Claude's neck.
  12. Nope. Won't happen at all. Nobody else will die. You're all fucked. ...Besides, I've still got the Aum. Though ideally, I'd like to use it on Sheena. Girl didn't deserve what she got. Or, well, I guess I could use it on Minerva so I can save all the maidens, but fuck it. I'll murder Maria. Who cares.
  13. Oh, I almost forgot to respond to these. It would, but he won't. ...There are no more bow enemies in the game-- Good. No rush, no rush, there's just a lot of rush, but no rush. Insomnia.
  14. I just returned from taking a nap myself. I don't usually take them, because then I feel worse. Which has happened this time as well. Urgh. Ruben when someone gets Three Houses.
  15. ...Well. It did not work for me. I do have it at a lower level than this guy, judging by the thing's side, but... I swear, it just went through the shield and hit me. Ah, who cares. It's over now.
  16. This is Wrys. I'm pretty sure Wrys has gotten no statboosters at all at any point of this playthrough. I didn't even given him the growth drop, in fact, I didn't give it to anyone. He is above all of his averages by a good amount except skill and res. He's res screwed, actually. Then there's his 10 point magic lead. Jesus.
  17. "Tell Minerva... to save... Maria... in my place... please..." Uuhhh yeah... About that, Michalis... Anyway, yeah, I've been playing chapter 21. Gone pretty smoothly. Also, something amazing happened. Cecil managed to achieve single digit hitrates. In DSFE. Wow. I know, it's an axe user against a swordmaster on a mountain, but still. This is not something you see every day.
  18. ...... What? You serious? That would work? No way, that is way too small! I tried it, didn't work. Went right through the shield. I tried dodging, I honestly did, but half the time I got hit before I had time to get, and even when I got it to work more often than not the bastard landed on me after the attack. I ended up giving up and trying to find a way to cheese it, because it just wasn't reliable enough to try to do it legit. Heck, even the winning run was a cheese. He was going to do the landmine + super duper zoom wombo combo but I killed him before he could start. I mean, I want to believe you. I'm loving the shit outta this game. I'd love for it to be my fault so I can call myself an idiot and continue to love the game. Just... doesn't seem like it to me, is all I'm saying. They really could've given you just a liiiiil' bit more time to even begin to process what's the pattern looks like. But, well, what do I know, I'm just some scrub. You know? That would've been great actually. Play Berwick Saga now
  19. Thank you. That is not the title screen of B. Saga, therefore I say it's not time. Clearly in the future I must forego sleep entirely so I may be ready to push people to play Berwick whenever the opportunity arises.
  20. The line between proper manga and hentai is a fine one indeed, isn't it.
  21. Fucking. Finally. It's over. Absolutely nothing different happened this time. I did the exact same things, I just happened to get lucky this time. Then I spammed my strongest attack and the boss died a fraction of a second before I took damage. What a fucking shitshow. I am going to assume that everyone in the dev team was high on LSD that night and that no other boss will be like this. I mean, right now the score goes 8 great bosses against 1 horrible boss. There is no reason to believe every boss from here on out will be crap. ...Hoo boy, though. That was not fun.
  22. Gotta say, the magical method to go to bed and in the morning all of a sudden I realize I was wrong and the boss is actually super fair failed miserably. This is still the worst thing ever. ...Well, I lie. I did notice one thing. Around 1000 health, it uses the landmine + bullshit attack combo and ends the fight. No two-ways around it, that just straight up ends the fight 90% of the time. So I have to get him to 1000 health, and then... somehow knock him to 0 in 10 seconds before he can do the combo. Nice.
  23. Oh yeah, this is totally not luck-based, I can totally find a hole there and survive the attack, guys the green line shows me where the attack will go, it couldn't be any easier. Yes, I've got to admit, I am still peeved at Eltosian's post yesterday. See, the problem isn't the attack itself. The problem is that the proper attack pattern stays onscreen for (and I counted it) roughly 0.3 seconds. Yeah. If it stayed just a bit longer, then yeah, it'd be fair, but as it is, I simply don't have time to find a hole in the pattern and phsyically get Miriam to it in time. She's not that fast, you know? So all I can do is spam the lethal boots technique for the invincibility frames. And even then, that doesn't work when Bathin uses the attack right after filling the room with landmines, because then I jump right into a mine. It also doesn't work when Bathin lands on me after the attack. Oh, and sometimes it just fails because it wants to. It's not often, but it happens. This is going to end up taking as long as Andrealphus, and I don't like that, because while Andrealphus required extreme reaction times and some AI fuckery, it was a legit well made boss that was fun to fight. This just isn't, I'm just rolling the dice and hoping for the best.
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