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Status Updates posted by Anacybele

  1. So, how's that arm fix coming along? If you noticed I said I'd accept your help, that is. lol It would really help me cause I was never great at drawing arms at that angle and position anyway. xP

  2. Yeah, I prefer dubbed anime to subbed. I like hearing words I understand more than reading text on a screen. And Zelda is my favorite series after FE and Smash Bros. As for Pokemon, no I don't play competitively. I'm not a huge fan of the series in general, but I like it enough to play.

  3. It's supposed to be, but my dog is fine for some reason.

  4. Well, I recently got chocolate chip cookies, though my dog also got into them, the bad boy.

  5. Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, One Piece, Inuyasha. I only ever watch the first two anymore though. Just never felt like watching any others.

  6. Oh, I see. Yeah, I'm not that into anime, but I do like a few.

  7. Ah, I see. And into what kind of thing, exactly?

  8. Oh, I love Frederick, he's my favorite in the game. <3 You can probably tell by my avy how much I love him and pairing him with my female Avatar. lol

  9. Yep, exactly. And besides IkexElincia? KieranxMarcia, SainxFiora, SethxEirika, RolfxMist, OscarxTanith, HectorxLyn, FrederickxFemale Avatar, ChromxOlivia, GaiusxMaribelle, WilxRebecca, ErkxSerra, GeoffreyxCallil, BoydxMia, RenningxLucia, and probably others I haven't thought of off the top of my head.

  10. I liked the idea of two games for one story because it makes it less likely that the story will be rushed and there's more room for things to happen. And I'm a pairing nut, so that's why I would've preferred more pairing options.

  11. No, Elincia only marries Geoffrey if they have an A support at the end of RD. RD really should've had more pairings, and more options for some characters, like in the GBA games. More people would be happy if Elincia could marry either Ike OR Geoffrey, for example.

  12. No. See parts of one of the movies though. I don't like it.

  13. No Priam is a new character for Awakening. You'll see what I mean. And as for Ike, if he left Tellius to go somewhere, he can go back. Just what I think.

  14. Oh, you don't know who Priam is? Sorry, my bad. But he's a Spotpass character and his paralogue won't be out for awhile.

  15. Yes, it's my favorite pairing in the whole series. And my opinion? While it does make Ike a little different from other lords, I would've really preferred him get married than just go and disappear the way he did. But at least Awakening tells us that actually happened because of Priam. But Ike still could've at least gone home once in awhile to visit his mercenary friends and fa...

  16. Cupcakes, lucky. xP

  17. Besides the oh so awesome Nintendo Direct today, same as always. Boring. lol

  18. Oh, it's not that, I just don't have much to say on the subject. xP

  19. Oh, really? Awesome! I always like meeting more IkexElincia fans! And you've read ALL of the story so far? That's awesome, I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^^

  20. A couple. But I didn't have many to begin with, so yeah.

  21. No. I moved away from all the high schools I went to.

  22. Oh, of course I'll keep applying. And the problem with my stepbrother is that he has a crap boss and I'm not interested in the work he does.

  23. I see. Yeah, I'm looking for work at the moment, and hopefully soon I'll have luck.

  24. I just couldn't do well in my classes. And some of the other things about it were confusing too, like some of the online work.

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