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Status Updates posted by Anacybele

  1. Aw, why'd your dad do that? Kids are supposed to come to other people's houses on Halloween night.

    And I'm 21, lol. I'm definitely a bit old for trick or treating. XD

  2. I dressed up as an enchanted lil' unicorn and went trick or treating. :D Yeah, I'm a bit old for that, but I didn't care lol. I find it to be too much fun, haha. I also helped hand out candy after I was done as well though.

  3. Eh, it's not THAT bad. I was able to deal with it. It wasn't too cold on Halloween night, for example. And this is saying something, since I hate cold and get cold easily.

    And lol it's fine. XD

  4. Nah, it's been kinda cold, actually. Due to all the clouds from the outskirts of Sandy (yeah, her winds reached all the way down here).

    And Dawn of Darkness? That's only 32 chapters lol, but I'm still working on it. Should end at 55 chapters at the most.

  5. Well, I haven't actually been to Charlotte itself, but it does look pretty! Fayetteville is just an awesome city, despite the minor crime problems (the crime here used to be really bad, but things are much better and still improving).

    And I still write a lot, even when in writer's block. Currently trying to finish up a short story.

  6. Indeed! And yup, living here has turned me into a Panthers fan! I think Fayetteville and Charlotte are awesome places. I haven't much been to South Carolina though. Only traveled through it a few times.

  7. It probably has to do with Wisconsin being famous for its cheese. But I still find the hats to be silly. xP

    And yeah, the Terrible Towel rocks. Myron Cope died a few years ago though. It was quite a blow to Pittsburgh. This is why I wave one in his name (when I can).

  8. Ah, I see. What's with the cheese hats anyway? They look utterly ridiculous. I'm glad the Steelers don't have anything dopey like that. I love waving a Terrible Towel, and in Myron Cope's name (he's famous in Pittsburgh and invented the towel)!

  9. Well, I can see why you're a Lions fan then! Detroit, Michigan. We were going to move there awhile back, actually, but my stepdad was sent to Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina instead. He was in the Army. Also, the reason you see so many Packers fans is that Green Bay is in Wisconsin next door. lol

  10. I completely agree, Helios. And thanks, you're my friend too! Also, yeah, the Cowboys are the overrated team, not the Steelers. In fact, officials decided that the Steelers are truly America's team, not the Cowboys. What can we say? Americans all over the country love them Steelers!

  11. Oh, and of course, Troy Polamalu. Five straight pro bowls for that awesome guy!

  12. They have the most Super Bowl wins and AFC championship, they have kickass colors (black and gold, baby!), and many iconic players played for them, like Hines Ward, Terry Bradshaw, Jack Lambert, Lynn Swan, Jerome Bettis, and more recently, Mike Wallace and crew.

  13. Yeah, that's true. It's just that I find Steeler haters to be dickheads and that they think we Steeler fans are the idiots who are prejudiced against other teams. They think our team is overrated because of how big the fanbase is (I won't deny that the Steelers appear to be the most popular team in the league), but really, the team deserves all the fans it got.

  14. Yes, you're a nice guy! And honestly, I would've never guessed you didn't like the Steelers. You seemed interested in them at the least from where I was standing. lol

  15. Heh, I seem to have that effect on people. I've turned others into fans of things I love too, haha. And also, you've made me like the Lions a bit more since you're cool. ^^

  16. True that! Your team won too (though I must admit, I rather like Jacksonville... xP)! It's a great time to PARTAY! :D

    Those Ravens better watch out later! Even with injuries, the Steelers have shown they can pack a mean punch!

  17. ...They won. THE STEELERS WON! THEY BEAT THE GIANTS! The Giants of all teams! WOOOO! Not to mention Eli got sacked too, and it ain't easy to get to him cause of that Giants o-line!

  18. I mean in bounds, sorry. XD

  19. And they did score! Now the defense just needs to do its job. Keep the guys out of bounds though, or else the clock will stop.

  20. They could've tied it, but no, Suisham tried a fake punt and it failed. But it's not ALL bad, there's still the possibility of a safety right now.

  21. Yeah, I just messaged you about the same thing. lol

  22. ...Holy CRAP. THANK GOD FOR WALLACE'S SPEED. None of those dudes could catch him! We're just down by a field goal now!

  23. Yeah, well, now we just lost Rainey. So many injuries on this team this season. But yeah, now the defense is looking half-assed.

  24. Oh, but, definitely don't like that Brown is hurt...

  25. Yeah, but the team was still playing well against the Giants. Taylor picked off Eli! Lewis tipped a couple balls. And Redman is plowing through people. And stuff. Also, the refs called a bogus penalty on Clark too. Blow to the head my ass, he hit the guy's shoulder! Again, the announcers pointed this out too.

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