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Status Updates posted by Anacybele

  1. Hey, Helios, I don't think I'll be watching anymore NFL games for awhile. I don't have confidence in the Steelers right now. Not because they've started sucking or anything. The Titans destroyed our offense. Practically every good starter except Ben, Wallace, and Miller are hurt now, thanks to those bastards. ;_;

    We don't stand a chance of getting into the pl...

  2. Well, you said the Steelers would need to fall apart for the Titans to win. And that's exactly what happened. Only, it wasn't the defense that took the blow. It was the offense. All those injuries knocked out the whole offensive line pretty much. All we had left at the end were Big Ben, Wallace, and Miller. You totally jinxed the team, man. ;_;

  3. Ah, thanks! ^^

    I didn't make the artwork, but I'm guessing you like Ike and Elincia as a couple? They're my number one favorite pairing in FE. <3

  4. *shrugs* Well, I didn't make that fanart, lol. Still, I love it enough to use it as my avy in a bunch of places. :3

  5. Yeah, I do, but when I do, none of my contacts are ever online. xP

  6. Deal. And since this first chapter of my FE7 fic is the first draft, I'll do whatever to improve it.

  7. Yeah, I know, it's really weird. xP

    This is the first time I've ever had a forum-related dream though.

  8. Hey Florina... I had a weird dream about you last night. I dreamed that you started being a real ass towards me, particularly about any critique I've left in your sprite thread. o_O You were like "go away, I hate you, you have no right to critique me when your stuff sucks and you can't take critique yourself!" and such. Not your words exactly, but yeah. lol

  9. I had the wrong email, my bad. And sorry for disappearing, my internet was acting up, so I went to bed. It appears to be fine now, though.

  10. Yeah, if I ever seen you on MSN. I could swear I added you there.

  11. Fine with me, then. But I'm heading to bed here shortly. I apologize.

  12. Hey, someone told me you wanted to chat with me on MSN? I can do that, but not for long, as it's pretty late here.

  13. Great, thanks! :)

  14. Oh, but I should let you know, I plan to revise the flashback in the beginning of DoD.

  15. Sure, go ahead. I have all of my stories posted on fanfiction.net (my username there is EmblemQueen). Although, the prologue for Dawn of Darkness, which is not a traditional FE prologue (to help show how difficult DoD would be if it were a game), is exclusive to Serenes Forest and my DeviantArt (my username there is Great-Aether).

  16. In fact, the only one of my fics that can really be called an actual love story is A Summer Blessing, and even then, it's also partially about family.

  17. I'm also writing an FE7 fic that has almost no romance, though Sain and Fiora are married and have two children.

  18. Nope, not all of them. Dawn of Darkness has some romance (pairings between mostly OCs), but it's mainly action/adventure and all that. Another one of my stories is Ike narrating his past up to the beginning of DoD, and another is Elincia dealing with a crisis in Castle Crimea (though there is a short romantic bit between her and Ike).

  19. Haha, yeah, probably, lol. I love to write fiction in general, so of course I'm going to enjoy writing FE fics. :P:

  20. Ah. I normally don't care for spoilers myself and prefer to be surprised. But I'm glad I learned of Paris, because he makes my fic work even better than before and actually proved one of my past theories correct! (I theorized that IS was going to eventually imply that Ike married an unnamed woman and that they want us to imagine who it is for ourselves and this quite appears to be...

  21. Oh! I'm so sorry, I had no idea. I'm used to talking people not caring for spoilers too. Argh. >_<

  22. I haven't either, cause it isn't out here yet. xP

  23. Well, since Ike has a confirmed direct descendant in the form of Paris, he appears to have settled down somewhere with a girl after all. After all, in order to have direct descendants, you've got to have children. And we also know Ike went to Iris, because Krom says he did when My Unit asks him about Ike in Awakening.

  24. Yeah, Ike just seems too caring of his friends and family to leave them like that. I thought his ending was rather OoC for this reason. He fights for his friends too! And he can't do that if he isn't around to fight for them in the first place.

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