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Status Updates posted by Anacybele

  1. Actually, I checked your profile to see if maybe my last message hadn't gone through cause you were taking longer than usual to reply. lol

    Anyway, I see. Actually, there's two GBA Zelda games. A Link to the Past is one of them, yeah (it was originally on SNES, but got ported). The other is The Minish Cap, my favorite handheld Zelda. <3

  2. lol you posted on your own wall.

    Anyway, you could be right. I never did get to play Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, or Silver, and I hardly touched Crystal.

    So, do you also play Zelda? I love Zelda more than just about any other series barring FE (which is my all time fav). Zelda: Skyward Sword is the most amazing non-FE game ever!

  3. Actually, they almost always were above lv. 50. In fact, the Champion usually had Pokemon in the lv. 60s too. Cynthia's Garchomp was lv. 66 in Diamond and Pearl, though in Platinum, the league was nerfed a little because a lot of players found it too difficult before.

  4. Nah. My team was lv. 57-59 when I went in to the league. I leveled them up more as I went through, with the battling and a few Rare Candies. And the champion's highest leveled Pokemon is lv. 59.

  5. Yeah, you should definitely have Pokemon in the mid level 50s at the least before challenging the league in B2W2.

    And don't worry, I have my strategy guide to help me make a decision. :P

  6. Ohhh. My bad, lol.

    And my team's lv. 59-60. Haven't leveled them up anymore since beating the league. I'm just not sure what to do next. There's so much post-main story stuff!

  7. Your brother makes you pay him to play with you? lol weird.

    And alrighty, sounds good to me!

  8. At least you have people to play it with. My brother prefers to stick his face in his Xbox. He quit playing Nintendo games with me a long time ago.

    But hey, with the internet, we could play over WiFi! And since we have different versions, we could trade each other version exclusives too. I can get online with my 3DS, but you have to have internet too.

  9. Ah, yeah, I know how that feels. Sometimes I put down games due to lack of motivation too.

    Ohhh, I see. Yeah, there are more plot-related things after the league in B2W2, it seems.

  10. Aw, how come you haven't played much? Oh, and yeah, there's always been stuff to do after you beat the league in Pokemon games.

  11. Oh, I definitely do that. I do one chapter at a time.

    So, I saw that you play Pokemon too! So do I. And I saw that you got White 2. I got Black 2 a day after it came out and just beat the league in it today. ^^

  12. Ah, I see. And yeah, true. I can focus on a few fics at once, but not too many. For example, I have an FE fic, a Zelda fic, and a Mario fic (Luigi is the main character though) in progress currently. The latter two are on temporary hiatus though.

  13. Oh, really? I always figured Nancy Drew was more for girls, lol and the Hardy Boys were the counterpart for boys.

    But yeah, I actually started a chapter awhile back, but never got back to it because I wanted to get some fanfics done first. xP

  14. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I dream of writing the next "Nancy Drew" though. Nancy Drew is my favorite mystery series and my favorite book series ever. Of course, I couldn't ever write nearly as big a series as THAT one (there's a looot of Nancy Drew books lol), but still.

  15. Yeah, I love FE so much and enjoy writing that fic so much that I made a wiki and a comic series and a bunch of art.

    And I'd like to write a mystery series, but I just love writing my fanfics so much...lol

  16. Yeah, probably. As for what's on it, not a whole lot compared to other wikis I know of, but I did several character, location, item/weapon, chapter, and other such pages. Also did a few wiki-related pages, like editing rules and such.

    I also had one character page still in progress. -_-

  17. Ah, lol. And yeah, I hope you're right.

  18. Wikkii, like I said.

  19. No, I have no clue at all. I hope Wikkii didn't shut down or anything. I really liked them and my wiki was entirely free. I had worked so hard on it too. It was a wiki for my FE fic, Dawn of Darkness. You know, the one you started reading.

  20. Nah, it isn't a holiday. It's just a day where a looot of shopping is done, yeah.

    I'm really upset right now, btw. Something seems to have happened to the wiki provider I used to start building my wiki. Right now, it's like neither ever existed. I really hope I haven't lost my wiki forever.

  21. Ah, so you do know of Black Friday. Haha, I wasn't sure. But yeah, it sounded pretty hectic to me too. lol

  22. Ah, I see. And true, there are lots of sales during the holiday season, since everyone is scrambling to buy presents for friends and family, yup. XD

    Just beware of a day called Black Friday. It's the Friday right after Thanksgiving. I hear things are REALLY hectic at stores during that day. Large crowds, stuff selling out quickly, stuff like that.

  23. The fact that America is quite largely Christian, of course. Holidays like Christmas and Easter are a really big deal here, you know?

    And true, yeah, there are lots of other things we could talk about.

  24. Yeah, I know Islam is a religion, I just never thought any Americans followed that religion. Well, you learn something new every day!

    Kinda disappointed that I can't really talk to you about the holidays though, since they're around the corner. You wouldn't celebrate them for obvious reasons. xP

  25. Your family are Muslims? I didn't think there were any Muslim Americans. ._.

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