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Status Updates posted by Anacybele

  1. Don't worry, I found it.

  2. Okay, I'll see if I can find it.

  3. 'kay then, no problem. :)

  4. Ah-NASS-ah-bell. Why do you ask?

  5. Yeah, it would have definitely been nice to see them acknowledge each other more.

  6. Yeah, that didn't really make sense to me. But I think there still is something between Ike and Elincia in RD. But that's me. Pay it no mind if you wish. :P

  7. Hey, I noticed you asked me on my profile awhile back if FE: Dawn of Darkness is a fanfiction I'm writing. Yes, yes it is. :)

  8. Also, a marriage arranged for political reasons was quite common in our own medieval ages and is even done in FE (ie, Astrid's engagement to Lekain). I also can easily see Elincia giving up her throne due to not believing herself fit to be queen, but to nobody except Renning. She wouldn't trust anyone else on the throne.

  9. Hey, just between you and me, I've found that an IkexElincia pairing is not quite impossible, even with Elincia being able to marry Geoffrey. Note that the two were not specified to have stayed together or even had any children. Elincia could have just as easily been in love with Ike instead and vice versa and divorced Geoffrey (civilly, of course) and then looked for Ike.

  10. Heh, weird indeed. Better than freaking Ike and Soren though. I've just become such a big fan of Ike and Elincia that I can't stand to see them with anyone else they can possibly be paired up with in their games. Especially Soren and Geoffrey.

  11. Sure, why not? :) If you like him with Elincia too, that's even better!

  12. Yeah, you were a bit, but that's okay lol. Really, I wish I wasn't so sensitive. I wish I could take anything people dished out.

  13. Also, because you were being nicer, you've made me want to continue making mugs after all. I'll fix the Soren and Boyd mugs another time, but still.

  14. Freohr, I apologize, but my sprite topic was locked. I don't really care, though. But to be honest, you're the kind of person I would listen to. You were being much nicer than most of the others there, yet you pointed out the same flaws. It just goes to show, even a sensitive person like me can still listen to people. They just don't get it...

  15. Oh, it's Great-Aether. But I posted an art thread here, just to let you know.

  16. Hey, that's okay. :]

  17. Yeah, I can still play games. I just can't use the internet browser or eshop because I need the system updates. >_>

  18. I'm great! The only thing pissing me off lately is my 3DS refusing to do system updates over the internet.

  19. No, the staff decided I've been banned too many times, which is not true. I've only truly been banned twice before this. Teekay had more than that. Raddy agrees with me on this and so did tnf. They both even fought for me, but I no longer care. I'm done with ZU. I do miss the BA every now and then, but still.

    And I don't think EL got any sort of punishment at all.

  20. If I stuck around, I'd only do so for the BA, to be honest. Also, I can't go back anyway. I'm permabanned. Didn't you know that? o.O

    EL got me permabanned. We got into a fight and I was the only one to get punished...

  21. Yeah, very true. It wasn't your fault though. I forgot about you because I wanted to forget about ZU. xP

  22. Ah, Florina. I honestly forgot about you. Sorry. xP

  23. Thanks, Stocking. :]

  24. Ah, I understand. No worries. :]

  25. Hey Narga, do you remember me? I used to be Eternal Bond and I left SF a long time ago, but I came back today. :]

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