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Status Updates posted by Anacybele

  1. Ah, I see. No problem then, take your time. :]

    What's a backlog though?

  2. Yep, I just now changed it, actually. XD

    Anywho, did you ever notice I put up the 26th chapter of Dawn of Darkness? It's okay if you're busy and all, I'm just curious. xP

  3. is writing Fire Emblem: Dawn of Darkness, as well as related FE short stories!

    1. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Glad to see you back Eternal Bond! Reading in process.

    2. LadyEmblem


      is it a fanfiction? O:

  4. Hey there, you wouldn't happen to be the same Gunlord from fanfiction.net, would you? If so, I know you! Recognize me? ;D

  5. Yeah, though I do like a few canon pairings, such as Seth/Eirika. Still, I usually end up liking ones that aren't.

    Such as Ike/Elincia. ;_;

  6. lol, thanks. XD

  7. Thanks, though you're a day late. :P

  8. Oh okay. I'm currently revising that chapter though, so don't finish just yet. xP

    I've also revised chapters 1-4 and will revise 6-9.

  9. Thanks, I have enjoyed it. :3

    Btw, weren't you reading my FE fanfic?

  10. Yay, French! :3

  11. Haha, it's alright. :P

    And thanks. :3

  12. Yes, I'm quite dedicated to that pairing and have been ever since I saw PoR's ending. x3

    I was quite disappointed when I first found out Geoffrey took Elincia in RD, but I won't give up on Ike/Elincia until something tells me for sure that it's completely impossible. And thanks. :3

  13. Hey, thanks. :3

  14. Thanks a bunch! :3

  15. Heh, yay! Ike is lovable, indeed. <3

    And thanks. :3

  16. Ah. Still, my profile says I'm 19 for some reason. xP

  17. Though my birthday isn't until tomorrow, thanks a bunch. :P

  18. Thank you, Proto! I plan to do more of my original FE characters this way too. :3

  19. Oh, thanks. :3

  20. Sure, why not? :3

    I always enjoy meeting other Ike fans!

  21. Actually, I didn't draw my avatar. xP

    I DID draw a picture of PoR Ike and Elincia kissing though. It's on my DA.

  22. I wouldn't say monk-like, but yes, I completely agree. xP

  23. Haha, no problem. :P

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