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Status Updates posted by Anacybele

  1. ARRRGH. Helios, I'm so pissed off right now at these refs in Steelers vs Giants! I'm telling you cause I know you'd understand. They ruled a play a fumble recovery by the Giants, but Ben's arm was CLEARLY going forward and he had control! The announcers even noticed and said the TD would be taken back! But nooo... STUPID IDIOT REFS.

  2. Eh, I would've preferred NOT to know that. xP

    As for your question, I don't watch many movies or much tv anymore, but I am looking forward to Iron Man 3 and Treasure Buddies. As for games, lots right now besides Awakening. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3D, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Zelda 3DS, Nintendoland on the Wii U (as well as the Wii U itself), and that's pretty much it.

  3. Oh, well, I'm afraid I'm still not interested. xP

  4. It's not a shame to me. I have no interest in playing it. Why should I when I've got Brawl to keep me happy?

  5. Oh, that. I enjoy RPing, but I prefer to only use OCs.

  6. Sorry, what new RP again? xP

    And yeah, it's pretty much all done.

  7. Never played the N64 game. I don't play Melee anymore. It got lost a long time ago anyway.

    And no, I prefer Toon Link over Link, but I did use Link quite a bit in Melee when I played it.

  8. If Ike doesn't make it in, Luigi would likely become my only main. If Toon Link stays, though, I might main him too. I'll keep using Marth, but he won't be a main.

  9. lol, don't worry, we all make mistakes, haha.

  10. Yes, Aether is a savior. And an Ike-saver, since it heals him. :D

    Ragnell just rules though, because of its ranged attack and sheer power!

  11. Cause Ike is a godly character too. It's one reason I love him so much. He's especially awesome with Aether and Ragnell! <3

  12. Oh yeah. Huh...

    Rolf is always the killer for me in terms of bow users in PoR. Especially once he's promoted. I used him to smoosh wyvern riders all the time and stuff.

  13. Yeah, Shinon is a godly character in RD! Not so much in PoR though, unfortunately. My five favorite FE characters, though, are Ike, Kieran, Boyd, Sain, and Ranulf. In that order, pretty much. I hate Soren. xP

  14. I always think that when I lash out, I have a good enough reason to as well. xP

    And that explains it, lol. Didn't know you could set profile comments to approval only.

    Btw, Shinon's one of my favorite characters too! He's not in my top five, but he's in my top ten. :)

  15. Ah, I see. I'm just sensitive, so that's what gets me into trouble sometimes, because it causes me to get offended easily and such.

    I always wondered, though, if there was someone like me out there, but favored Geoffrey/Elincia over Ike/Elincia. Looks like it's true, haha.

    And yeah, your messages are doubling. Mine don't show up at all for awhile. o.O

  16. And yay for love for Ike! Cause he's that lovable. :3

    It's not every day someone says I'm mature though. In fact, a good number of people would tell you that I'm immature. In a sense, I am though. Let's just say I'm into a few childish things...heh. xP

  17. That could be our connection, yeah. I seem to be better at making friends with those who also have social issues. Mine is Asperger's Syndrome. And the guy I currently have a crush on also has it. And he and I have a lot in common too, even down to our FE pairing preferences. lol

  18. You know, that means a lot to me. I usually suck at communicating properly with people and I end up turning them off unintentionally. I have social issues, you might say. But I'm not a bad person at all, and it seems I've actually made a good first impression for once. Thanks. :)

  19. Oh, and SainxFiora isn't the only pairing we share in common. KieranxMarcia ftw.

  20. You want to be friends with me? I'm honestly kind of surprised. But that's because I've never had a Geoffrey/Elincia fan want me to be their friend. xP

    But sure, I don't mind being friends at all. I'm glad at least ONE fan of a pairing I hate isn't biting my head off. lol

  21. Yeah, much better now. But I'm sorry for not being on a lot. Things have gotten busy here. We were working on taking the wallpaper off the kitchen and then painting the wall. The job's done now. There's stiill a few more tasks to do in there though, since a floor is needed and the cabinet doors need put back and stuff.

  22. Yeah, I was down. xP

    But I'm okay now. And yeah, Big Ben probably is the best Steeler QB so far!

  23. Woops, I meant Ben broke the record YESTERDAY. lol my bad.

  24. Damn, those Titans must love hurting people, don't they? Now you see why I've started hating them. And yeah, the Steelers will bounce back someday. Ben broke Terry Bradshaw's passing record today, and two more Super Bowl wins will let Ben break Bradshaw's SB record. And I know Ben can do that!

  25. Sorry... I just haven't felt like signing into MSN, nor have I been in that great of a mood lately.

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