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Status Updates posted by Anacybele

  1. Yes, THANK YOU. In fact, this is the only reasonable reason I can think of for Ike leaving all his beloved friends and family behind forever like that. Sure, he probably wanted to get away from being famous for awhile and to see new places, but why not come back to visit his pals once in awhile?

  2. ...Was that sarcasm? I'm just wondering, because I've run into people who think these theories I've come up with don't make sense. But I've run into even more that think they do.

  3. And then some private meetings and such with Geoffrey led to the rumors that they're sharing a secret romance. But why would they need to keep it secret? Geoffrey's a noble, so nobody would object to him courting Elincia. This is why I think it's false. Ike could've heard, and his heart was broken, and he left, leaving Geoffrey as Elincia's only option for a husband.

  4. I really liked RD's plot (especially in part 3), but the endings and support system did kind of ruin it. And yeah, Ike isn't an army-type guy for sure, lol. He just wants to be a simple mercenary.

    I also theorize, though, that Ike and Elincia might have begun a relationship, but kept it secret from most to avoid some trouble. Ike and nobles don't really get along, afte...

  5. Heh, I just thought Ike and Elincia were so darn cute to each other and I felt that they developed feelings for one another. Some people might say they got over those feelings in RD, but I don't think so. It only seems that way because of RD's crap support system and the fact that Ike and Elincia don't get nearly as many opportunities to interact with one another.

  6. Heh. It's always great to meet more IkexElincia fans. :D

    I may picture their union a little differently, but even so.

  7. is also writing a fic featuring SainxFiora!

    1. You Know Shinon Is God

      You Know Shinon Is God

      Yes - I do like this pair! Look at that, we do share pairings in common~.

    2. You Know Shinon Is God

      You Know Shinon Is God

      Yes - I do like this pair! Look at that, we do share pairings in common~.

  8. Hey, I'm a major Cilan fangirl too! CILAN FTW. <3

  9. Hey, your username is also the name of my favorite Fire Emblem OC that I've created. :o

    It's also my favorite name for a boy. lol

  10. Hey, just out of curiosity, did you ever notice that I posted in your sprite thread?

  11. ...The pairing could've still happened in RD. In fact, I'm surprised it didn't, as were several other people I know. But yes, IkexElincia all the way!

  12. Yes, I just saw it! Thanks a lot, Florina. I mean it. I feel even more better about making a new thread now. :)

  13. I meant give up on trying to be less defensive and better at ignoring rude people and crap, not give up making sprites.

  14. Okay, I have a question and I was advised to ask you. Am I allowed to create another sprite thread? I realize there was trouble in my first one, but I don't believe it was entirely my fault. Yes, I did act out of turn a few times. But I won't do that anymore. I don't want to and I never did want to...

  15. That's exactly why normal mode is harder for me. Because you get less exp points.

    Also, what, you think I'll never get along with people in the creative section? You think I should just give up? That hurts, Florina. It really does.

  16. Ah, I see. FE is already hard for me on easy mode though, lol. I did almost complete Path of Radiance on Normal, but I screwed Ike over on the chapter where he battles the Black Knight because he was underleveled.

    Also, I just finished some new sprites...including a mugshot. You think I should make a new sprite thread? I'm not sure if I or anyone else is ready. xP

  17. Yes, I know there are more chapters and that there are extra characters that can be recruited (Farina and Karla). xP But I am still undecided about whether or not to try it. I'm not a Hector fan though.

  18. Ah, I see. I don't know if I'll try Hector's story though. From what I've read, it's harder.

  19. Yeah. Sain might have gotten stat screwed too. I honestly don't remember him being THIS slow. I know Kent is supposed to be faster, but still. But even so, Sain is my main guy. He always is because he always kicks the most butt for me. I have to admit that I've been wrong about Hector though. He's not weak, he's a tank. Maybe he's only bad early on. Because that...

  20. Well, I may just be getting unlucky a lot. Like Eliwood missing an attack when he had like a 73% chance of landing it and then getting killed (first time I've lost him ina ages though. Eliwood usually just won't die lol)... Other people have missed attacks when they had good chances of landing it too.

  21. Okay, I was just making sure. And gotcha.

    Ugh, I suck at FE7... I lose someone like every chapter and have to start over... Maybe I shouldn't try to beat it after all.

  22. ...I hope when you say junk you don't mean it in a bad way. xP

    But anyway, I understand. I'll try to remember that from now on. I've also been thinking that I should be less sensitive to people like that and learn to take it like a tough girl.

  23. That doesn't mean people should be allowed to insult or troll me. And some members here (not all) have acted that way towards me. It's why I left. When I don't listen to critique (I still don't sometimes, admittedly), it's not because I don't want to. It's because I feel the person is being rude, even if they don't mean to be.

  24. ...Are you insulting me too? I only came to say hi and have a friendly conversation. And for your information, I've changed a lot. Yeah, people gave me a hard time in my sprite thread again, but I at least try to take critique now.

  25. So, hiya, Florina. I take you remember me? Yeah, I came back to this place because I chose to put the past behind me. I improved my spriting, art, and writing by a lot while I was away though.

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