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Caliban of Sycorax

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Status Updates posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Obligatory birthday status thing. What's my age again?

  2. Officially 21~ Street Legal!

  3. //did not know that at all

  4. I don't know

    I didn't realize there were others besides you and me...

  5. Sorry for not picking earlier! I didn't even realize I would be gone so long! I will remember to tell someone my picks next time so drafting can move faster!

  6. It's my 20th birthday~

  7. I'm doing a show and have class. It happened to be my turn when I was not around.

  8. It was me, you, Letan, and Pokii. And then as soon as I left Black Ice, Icicle, and ChroniclerC were all promoted. Then I got my Advisor group and never actually advised anything, hahaha.

  9. How's GTS doing? Been a while since I was there.

  10. Well, in all honesty, I've technically been here for 4 years but I kinda disappeared for a while.

  11. I manually approve all of my comments. So, yes, it went through.

  12. Yessir. My plan is to go in recruitment order, alternating kids and subs when necessary. Like, I'll do Skasaher, then Roddlevan, then Lakche, then Radney, etc.

  13. Happy 21st! Enjoy being able to legally buy alcohol and all that =D

  14. My birthday is the day after yours, the 21st. You share a birthday with Hitler, haha. I share a birthday with Queen Elizabeth II and the city of Rome. :p

  15. Thank you. AK actually helped me with it a long time ago, I just decided to recolor it recently.

  16. Have you seen my latest update for younger Brunya? What do you think?

  17. I believe somewhat of the same thing, but I believe that people are very, very unintelligent as a whole, and there are few who are intelligent. Maybe that stems from the fact I have a higher IQ and am smarter than average, or maybe I've just been around the wrong crowd for most of my life.

  18. Well, I'm not as cynical as I was last year, I'm more positive but I can be very bitter when necessary.

  19. I'm an ambitious theatre kid with a super-cynical view of life, I guess you can say that haha. Thank you! :)

  20. Haha I don't even know what that series is, I just have an obsession with the Shakespearean play and also Roman history.

  21. Well that's good. Thanks for the info!

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