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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Actually, that's pretty sexy. Is it Vaida?
  2. Hell, it would be great to have a lord of an FE game be homosexual. The only character we have that's gay is Heather. Legault's speculated to be bisexual, but that's not confirmed.
  3. Currently working on the personal mug some more. As you can see, the FE7 version is the only one with any changes thus yet. A few pixel swaps in the hair, and a little work on the jacket. Still workin' on the trim. The first of two new mugs, this guy's called Tristan. This is Arcadia. I'm well aware the back of the head is wonky, that will be fixed.
  4. I just looked at the compilation sheet, and all I have to say is PRAISE BUDDHA you're changing those godawful pallettes on some of the mugs. Will they be getting style revamps as well? Or just color revamps?
  5. Your latest one's great! It's definitely good to see you taking that advice. The darker expression and the grittier style really tell a story.
  6. Best: Matthew Honorable Mentions: FE9!Volke, FE10!Sothe, Legault, Dew Worst: Daisy Dishonorable Mention: Cath
  7. Actually, Vylon is a pretty common translation of Byron. I've actually seen the former more than the latter. Seliph reminds me of Seraph, the highest order of angels. Which makes sense given his heritage.
  8. The knight also looks a little like MK404's with different spears.
  9. Neck shading is totally pillowy and off. Less of the fourth shade. Reference existing FE necks.
  10. Definitely an interesting premise, and good-looking writing thus far. Keep it up. let me join you I can write and you guys can hack let's team up and do my hack
  11. Best: Florina/Fiora/Farina, you don't have to train a bad unit for this one! (here's looking at you, Est) Honorable Mentions: Vanessa/Tana/Syrene, Palla/Catria/Est, Marcia/Elincia/Syrene/Tanith Worst: Vampa/Eliu/Fetra, they attack you at 2-range!! And they don't die the first time! Dishonorable Mentions: Boyd/Oscar/Rolf, Bors/Wendy/Barts, Meng/Bleg/Maybell
  12. Fire Emblem taught me that if they have a sad backstory and clothed in red they're either the villain you don't want to kill or will join you later after betraying the others.
  13. I'm well aware the body is boring but I didn't really know what to do for it. Figured I'd throw an entry out there.
  14. I think the face looks older now, also worked on the clothes some. Trim hasn't been touched yet.
  15. Hmm, I'll look at those things later. I agree--the face looks young. Funny because when it was just Eliwood hair it looked fine.
  16. Actually it's true, great sex only comes once in a while. You're better off having decent experiences. Bad experiences are the worst because you just picture someone else and want it to be done.
  17. What's funny is that whole time in that topic you were expecting my reply and eCut closed it before I could. First, I realize the topic may have been out of line for FFtF. I regret posting it. [spoiler=Background on the dead kid]My cousin was pregnant five years ago, and due to complications, her son was born many months premature and was dead within a few hours. She became a wreck afterward, and has been in the gutter for a while. Only last year or so did she really start getting herself back together. Yet, as to my knowledge, she has never sought psychological help, despite the fact that she needs it. The baby's birthday was... a few days ago? Every year she posts photos of her child on facebook and people comment on it and whatnot. I understand that this may be a closure of some kind for her, but picture, in your mind, a half-formed fetus that's been birthed into the world. You've probably encountered the crazy prolifers who put pictures of dead fetuses on Planned Parenthood's website or whatever. Sure, she didn't abort her baby, but it's a similar mindset for me--that's just something I don't want to see. I texted my best friend, and she agrees--my cousin needs psychological help. Now, what you said, however, crossed the line, and I want to react to that now in a calm manner. Unfortunately, what you said deserves no calm reaction from me. Despite my negative comment, she is still family, and I care deeply for my family. The fact that you would even consider suggesting something so rash is disturbing to me. To be honest, the first words that would've come out of my mouth afterward would have been fuck you. That being said, I do admire your openness to admitting your fault. The hardest thing is to admit that you did wrong (myself included--I am the last person to say I did something wrong, and I am a perfectionist--when I do admit it, I immediately criticize myself). However, I hope that you are not trying to excuse your behavior in that situation, because that behavior was, in fact, inexcusable. It reminds me of another situation many years back when I was moderator of another forum and some kid went on a homophobic rant which included threats to members of the gay community; he subsequently apologized and then proceeded to explain that he only posted such things because it was all over the media and he was sick of it. Sure, he apologized. Sure, he tried to explain it. Does it justify him threatening a minority group? Absolutely not. Your actions (now I'm only speaking to the situation I was involved in) have been spoken for and explained; nonetheless I do not believe it was justified. Do I think your insecurities and loneliness justify you saying such off-color things? No, not at all. However, I do wish you the best in seeking to improve yourself; judging from your responses, I do believe you want to make improvements. Just so you know, my mouth is still a little sour from your comment. I don't want to clutter your personal thread with my issues, so if you have anything to say take it to PM, if you don't I won't hold it against you.
  18. It's the "easier" of the two routes, although that's disputable. Eirika's route doesn't have the horrible Phantom Ship chapter, and 14A doesn't have insane and ungodly amounts of status staves. You do get Innes, Tethys, and Gerik much earlier, making them more useful. Eirika!Saleh is one of the best staffbots you get as well.
  19. Agreed. We'll see what I can do about that. For now a new one that's taken some time. Quite ambitious--two different types of Hector, Elbert, Zealot, Glen, Puzon, Dieck, and a generic FE8 Villager were all used for this one, but I kind of enjoy the final product. Colors might get fixed later.
  20. Hmm, I may enter this one. Looks like an interesting set.
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