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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Nah, that's how she stands. Sometimes. The shading on the sword is bugging me, but I'm impressed otherwise. balloon tits
  2. Samuel's eyes are always closed? Is this intentional? Interesting choice if so... Axe Cavs, yay!
  3. That was a spliced bit from Ephraim. I'm going to fool around with that a bit more, as well as the shirt. this is the nicest critique you've given me. I assume her right (our left) cheek, correct? I agree. I want to fix it up.
  4. Not sure if these fixes help any but I think I solved the hair issue, at least: I also added a second shade to the cloak and changed the shading on the armor--does that help the light source/angling issue? Also, I tried to alter the shirt shading, but ended up just changing the colors. I'll look to that later.
  5. Renee should get it for THWOMP-y goodness.
  6. Or, perhaps, people will begin to find better treatments for children with autism.
  7. I say all the power to you, as long as you have a clear image of what you're doing. I mean, I made an 11-part splice before. It wasn't good, but I made it. You should consider altering the Nomad color scheme. The hair shades have a horrid contrast with one another.
  8. I don't like the cloak so that will be next on the changes. Direct Comparison:
  9. Why did you pick so many pieces for the Lancer?
  10. Right now the biggest problems I am seeing are that your necks are too long. This is mostly because of poor proportions on the base sprites. The other problem I see (mostly with the Miledy/Brunya/Cecilia splice) is that there are no fixes where parts are spliced together. Especially when you place pieces together that don't always fit, you have to make them fit by minor customing. This is mostly true with hair pieces. But you're starting off decent. Keep it up.
  11. The ear is too high and too far away from the rest of the head. The head is pointed at the top--smooth it out. There's also lots of straight lines in the hair shape that are unnecessary.
  12. WHY IS HE NOT ON MY CALENDAR. GOD HE IS SEXY. I kinda wish he had some body hair. Even his underarms are smooth. But hey. He's clean enough to lick chocolate syrup off of. Speaking of...
  13. am I the only one who thinks new Zephiel looks GOOD? Seriously his OA makes him look so sexy FE6!Zephiel looks like shit
  14. I feel like that's intentional, however it does look inconsistent with the rest of the hair shading. But looking at the way the hair drapes it possibly works. My one critique is that she's wearing the same clothes as in FE7--I feel like she'd get slightly more ornate robes by EN's time. Also, it would fit her personality to have elaborate robes or something.
  15. BACK OFF AGRO. HE'S MINE FIRST. Nice work. The belt buckle looks a little off-center but that may be intentional.
  16. One of the problems with the body shape (I noticed) is that the face and body angle don't necessarily match. The body looks about 3/4 and the face is not 3/4. I'm most likely going to re-splice the body with a better angle.
  17. Also, I have this: It's definitely a work-in-progress. I want it to look more custom and less Beta!Eirika. Next step will be playing with the FE8 colors, especially the hair, making it more individual, and possibly adding some things here and there to the body. Any critiques before I move onward will help. EDIT: Added some minor alterations, mostly in color. Hair darkened in both versions, FE8 color version clothes changed, earring altered, minor face changes. Direct Comparison:
  18. Are there any places where I can adjust neck shading specifically? And thanks on the tip on the trim! Agro: I'm referencing Lloyd and Linus who only have two jacket shades and use the outline for shaping purposes. Should I use darker/less contrast shades in order to justify the outline color? Or perhaps add a third jacket shade and use that where the outline color would normally be? EDIT: I'm not sure if this helped any, but I added a third jacket shade to take place of the outline color. I haven't done much to hair yet. I also tried to fix the trim--both in shape and shading. I also worked on jacket colors a bit, altering contrast and the whatnot. Direct Comparison:
  19. His FE6 mug is shit. This mug is more true to his OA. The FE6 mug just looks sickly and much older than he actually is. This Zephiel looks the proper age and not horribly ill.
  20. Hey I made something new. Sorta. I took a break from bad customs to bring you bad semi-customs. This is a revamp of my personal mug which has taken a long time to do. The last incarnation of this was... in August. Of last year. I forget where half of the parts came from. Body is a combination of Lloyd/Linus, I believe. I referenced them for shading. Obviously. I probably tried too hard in some places, especially his right (our left) side. Eventually I want to fix that damned nose and that butt-ugly trim; also eventually having not spliced hair.
  21. Berserker!Ross is terrifying. If you're going to use Ross, go Pirate->Berserker. Add in his full crit supports and watch him pulverize everything. Amelia and Ewan are there to keep the bench warm.
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