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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. It's not that either, it's also the fact that she looks younger here than she did in FE7. Raven looks sexy as always though. This map looks like it's gonna be fun.
  2. I like this idea. There needs to be a modern-ish RP on here anyway.
  3. In Rhode Island, the state next to mine, the only legal guns are revolvers and pistols, and you need to have a police-issued permit and there's a waiting period.
  4. Congrats. Now we just have to wait until another kid who has had incompetent mental health treatment has a bad day, takes the gun, and we have another massacre on our hands. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/16/i-am-adam-lanzas-mother-mental-illness-conversation_n_2311009.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular Since no one's posted this yet, this is an article about the sad state of mental health in this country. It's not just about gun control; it's about mental health as well.
  5. But it's so easy to get incest pairings...
  6. Most: Jill Honorable Mentions: Fin, Alvis, Sigurd, Trabant, Jaffar Least: Leonardo
  7. Hector did say that Uther took on a fatherly role to Hector after their parents died, so it's possible Uther was that much older than him. Do we know Orun's age?
  8. Do I look like I'm making laws about it? Seriously I said my opinion. I don't want to be all "IN THE WAKE OF THIS TRAGEDY BLAH BLAH BLAH". It's a known fact that gun control and mental health treatments both need to be improved. It's tragic that an event like this had to happen for more people than the ones who already believed it to see, but it's been around. Don't assume that people never thought about these two things before yesterday.
  9. Supposedly the shooter had mental health issues. This leads to a whole dilemma of "how did someone who was not of sound mind get a gun?" I don't want to use this tragedy as a jumpstart for "MORE MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENTS" or "BETTER GUN CONTROL" but these things need to happen. Nonetheless it's horrible that this had to happen to anyone. It's doubly horrible it happened to children.
  10. It's not a hatred, but the Oedipal Complex happens in early development where the male child sees his father as competition for the affection of his mother.
  11. You just choose more interesting angles to work with.
  12. Lex!Lakche and a Neirbrother... oh wait incest. Incest is so important in FE4 I don't think most people give two shits.
  13. inb4 trent says hell no I'm willing to bet they wouldn't accept that because of the fact that it would clearly stand out (in a bad way) from the other portraits.
  14. Let's see... I was about 11 when FE7 came out, and I was piss-poor. Like, I didn't realize the whole "don't let units die" thing. So my final chapter was Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, Athos, and Renault. I mean, the lords were really good. But still.
  15. The fur is a little too neat, unless that's the illusion you were aiming for. I feel like the clothes on Shion are a little off, as well. Something's bugging me. But I'm enjoying it. I love your color choices.
  16. The breasts can be moved up a few pixels. The hair shading is looking great.
  17. Yeah her body is so badly proportioned. Widen those shoulders. I picture her about the size of Fiora/Syrene. The eyes are pretty derpy, as Niharu said. The nose looks off-angle with the rest of the head, too.
  18. Best: FE4 Honorable Mention: FE10 Worst: FE8 Dishonorable Mention: FE6
  19. just make pirates able to use swords instead
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