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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Yeah but we're not gonna get married until he graduates, and he's a year younger than I am.
  2. I got into it when I was eleven... I don't even remember the last time I liked something that long.
  3. I started eight years ago, when I was twelve. Worst. Mistake. Ever. I'm Portuguese so hair grows in dark and thick every time. Gotta shave almost every day. I have a beard that I occasionally trim, but I shave my upper lip and neck frequently.
  4. It's crazy to believe I joined here when I was 15. I'm 20 now, going on 21.
  5. but at the least he should praise the fact that the proportions on the breasts are fairly decent, unlike others I have seen
  6. A lot of your shading is currently either pillowy or banded--reference other sprites for how to do hair and clothing shading. trent give him a break his tits are at least proportional to the body size.
  7. Remember the Personal Mug? This is it. I FINALLY did the hair the way I wanted it, and also I fixed the body (those shoulders seemed way too high). The color pallette is still up for grabs so that will come shortly. Hence why the FE8 version has the colors from before.
  8. gyazo-ing this because it's obviously not done but yay hair
  9. My current run is Marth, MU, the foursome who recruits the princesses in Final (no more dead Sirius!), Caeda, Luke, Catria, Mallesia, and Ogma. So eleven.
  10. Referencing existing sprites will help you. =) Also just note that her darkest hair shade is darker than the outline ever slightly, so you should lighten that a touch.
  11. The shirt isn't really shaded by lightsource. There's a ton of the first shade and there's no definition of arms, breasts, shoulders, etc.
  12. The shirt shading on the first is still bugging me, but the colors are much better. Third guy's cute. ;) Fourth one's looking good so far, although the neck is a little thick. Shave off a pixel on the far side and it should look better.
  13. Took in Kate's neck and fixed Buck's jawline. I'm going to get drunk now
  14. I'll work on the other one later, but here's a fix on Buck:
  15. No one considers Beowulf underused because he's one of the best fathers, especially for Delmud and Nanna. Gives Pursuit and Charge and Delmud can use any sword because of Minor Hezul.
  16. Color update on Anya as well as some hair shading here and there. Currently working on a Tier 1 battlesprite. WIP. More weapon icons.
  17. I LOVE your Captain America sketch! You're improving very much. Keep it up =)
  18. I've been discussing this a lot lately, because it seems to come up. The word "queer" was, at one point, seen as a slur against members of the LGBT community. Yet, lately, it's been seen as a more all-encompassing term to include people who are Gay, Lesbian, Trans*, Bisexual, Asexual, Allies, etc. The full abbreviation of LGBTQ seems to change constantly, however, instead of saying "LGBTQQIA community/issues/etc" people just say "queer". Not to mention there are people who identify as Genderqueer. Personally I use the word queer as an all-encompassing term. If someone asked if I identified as queer I would say yes. When I discuss issues I refer to them as queer issues. I was just curious about people's assumptions about the word queer and whether or not you believe it's not the "proper" word to use.
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