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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I don't see Scientologists protesting funerals of children because the WBC things God punished them because of the faggots in America and the military or some shit. Have you read or seen The Laramie Project? Just listen to some of the things they said about Matthew Shepard.
  2. I identify most with the Democratic party. Although economics aren't my strong suit and I tend to avoid those topics. In terms of social justice issues I identify with the Democratic side.
  3. The shoulders look better, but that blue is really bright. I liked the red before. Or at least tone down the saturation of the blue.
  4. Thanks everyone. There's nothing set in stone because we both need to finish school but it will happen and that's what matters most to me =)
  5. And none of you are even theatre majors. this means I'm never getting into chat am I
  6. I just asked my boyfriend to marry me... And he said yes. =)
  7. I thought Ike returned Ragnell and Aldonite to Begnion after the defeat of Ashera.
  8. Adding to that, Minerva has the option of flight, which means she can reach places faster than most. The only way Rody's flying is if we promote him and reclass to Dracoknight.
  9. I have swordmaster boners but even I pick Harken. FE7 Swordmasters blow
  10. It's still pretty wide, although I'll wait to see the finished product to see if it improves. The color pallette is fine in my opinion.
  11. Why are we using Rody to kill the Lady Sword!Thief? Personally I use Draco!Arran, but that's just me. Arran gets him by Turn 2, 3 at the absolute latest, the same turn we recruit Warren and deal with the only real issue in that chapter for them, the bow users. It's a minor point but we can't assume Rody's the only one who will kill the Lady Sword!Thief. It doesn't, in my opinion, completely detract from the rest of the contributions he makes.
  12. Most of my icons use the dark brown, black, and dark purple colors for the outline, although some use lighter colors here and there. I try to balance it out, but I can always look at some outlines and see what I can do. Thanks for the Rapier comment! Although it's mostly an edit of the GBAFE one, hahaha. I think it looks tons better than the original, haha. It was meant to be a ribbon of sorts (as you can tell, I like ribbons). If it doesn't work I can remove it; it was just an experiment, I guess.
  13. Number One is the best in terms of quality, it also has quite a creative use of pieces.
  14. I've been a busy bee today. Been working on weapon icons again. I'm going to say this once and only once: Most of the Axes are reshades of existing axes from various FE's. I suck at custom axes. The Magic Swords are also reshades of existing weapons. Anyway, here's a lowdown of the weapons: Edit: And for funsies here's an updated Anya: Hair edits, eye edits, minor color edits.
  15. Added a breastplate and a choker to her. I'm willing to fix the choker because it's kind of amateurish. Also altered hair in a few places, and added a tiara. Lots of color changes as well. Hair darkened in both versions, cloak made red in FE7 version, armor in FE8 version made less... bad. The space under her shoulderpad looks like it could use something but I don't know what. Help anyone?
  16. Carlyle was never that hard to me. Most well-trained units could take him out with ease. Saleh and Seth could possibly take him out without much risk. Slap Saleh at 2-range and Seth at 1-range.
  17. Isn't there only one part to FE6's final (kill Idoun, done)? Fastest: FE12 Chapter 6x Honorable Mentions: FE12 Chapter 16x, FE10 Chapter 2-E, FE10 Chapter 4-E-4, FE10 Chapter 4-E-2, FE9 Chapter 22, FE7 Chapter 21E/22H Slowest: FE4 Chapter 2 Honorable Mentions: FE12 Chapter 3, FE10 Chapter 4-4, FE9 Chapter 17, FE7 Chapter 26xE/28xH
  18. I have a genius-level IQ and smoke weed. My boyfriend has an even higher IQ and he smokes more than I. Anyway, I never saw the criminalization of Cannabis products necessary. Tobacco cigarettes, which have been legal... forever... are far more deadly than cannabis. Not to mention it's decriminalized in many states anyway. Most cases are misdemeanors and a fine of sorts.
  19. I personally wouldn't reclass Minerva outside of Draco because of the fact that she flies (huge bonus especially in lategame when there's mountains forever--she and other flyers can guard necessary villages from Thieves until Marth arrives). Also she doesn't have access to another class that takes advantage of her awesome Axe rank, sure she could go Pally and still use Dragonpikes and other decent Lances but I feel like Draco's her best class. She does need Speedwings later on to keep doubling/not be doubled but who else will need them? Fair enough. It was a stray thought.
  20. Much better on the trim. The eyes and nose look off-angle, that may be part of why it still looks off there.
  21. Wow, impressive! I like how you've combined Roy, Eliwood, and Ephraim (there's probably someone else I'm missing) into one coherent sheet. Keep it up!
  22. brb rehaul I'm aware the hair needs work and she needs to look less like Miledy...
  23. Here's just two thoughts I have, I'm not going to be incredibly picky or argue the shit out of them because my FE12 experience is highly limited. Nonetheless: 1) Minerva below Rody why...? She's in a superior class, can use every axe instantly, and uses Dragonpikes very well for the next few chapters. She's possibly your only Dracoknight that's viable long-term, unless someone higher than her's getting reclassed. (Dracoknight!Arran served me well in my playthroughs, surprisingly). Her recruitment is kind of irritating, but she certainly makes up for it not too long afterwards. 2) Dolph could possibly stand to be moved out of Free Silvers. He doesn't do much outside of his join chapter, but he could possibly snag a few kills here and there that can help key party members move ahead. I'm not sure if that's been discussed before, but if we're not assuming a warpskip, we'll need him to take out some units in the starting area and beyond.
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