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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. And herein lies the debate over what is true masculinity and what is not. I'm quite upset over the fact that the more "girly" or less muscular male characters are considered the least masculine. Well, yay for people's opinions, I guess. I'm not participating in this round for that reason.
  2. Neck shading is really flat/nonexistent. There's also an unshaded hair strand on her right side.
  3. Yeah let's not bring the little shit back thanks
  4. Eyes are kind of wonky. They could stand to have some more definition, and maybe use darker colors for the pupils.
  5. Relax, I'm going to fix stuff. I'm already working on it.
  6. Uh... Shin, eCut, Sholes (only because we are from the same state, nothing more), and all the gayboys.
  7. trent. you have been saying this to me for years now. you realize that there is NO WAY for me to get better if I don't at least try. stop saying it already. you're wasting your breath.
  8. Something new for your tastebuds. Fullcustom minus some hair splicing from Sonia and Limstella, considering they have the ONLY hair that matches. Based off this photo of Katharine Hepburn. I'm going to try to make the body not so boring or so bad later, and possibly darken the hair. EDIT: Better hair color yay
  9. I don't know if that's entirely true; isn't it explicitly stated that Sigurd, Noish, Alec, and Arden are the only people left to defend Chalphy from Verdane because everyone else is fighting Isaac?
  10. 1) Marth. The posterboy for the series, he's the first lord, he's appeared in four games and was impersonated in a fifth. He's incredibly important. 2) Narga. The head honcho god of seven games? Yeah. Also the most broken item in Fire Emblem existence. 3) Ike. He's the lord of the most (?) popular games of the Western FE series. 4) Sigurd. He's the greatest FE lord in the series, and he's the lord of the most (?) popular game of the whole series. Arguably. 5) Anna. Hell, she appears in every one.
  11. Best: FE4 Hell. Creepy as shit. Honorable Mentions: Narga, Lopto, Torhammer, Apocalypse, Luna, FE7!Excalibur, Rexflame, Cymbeline, Rexcalibur, FE4!Resire, FE4!Thoron Worst: FE9!Nosferatu. It's so boring compared to the others. Dishonorable Mentions: GBA!Fire, FE9!Light Magic, GBA!Lightning
  12. Second one has no neck shading, third one has the back half of her skull removed. Just because there's a lot of hair there doesn't mean part of it isn't a part of the head shape.
  13. The only one that you mentioned, I say Tumblr. I don't go on the others. Overall I think I'm on Facebook or Tumblr the most.
  14. Vaida is great. Also, I guess I'll list the sexy FE men in my books. -Camus. -Sigurd. -Lex. -Sety. -Skasaher. -Brighton. -Fred. -Carrion. -Gale. -Percival. -Zeiss. -Noah. -Pent. -Lloyd. -Linus. -Harken. -Glen. -Ephraim. -Seth. -Gatrie. -Geoffrey. -Tibarn. -Ludveck. And for the ladies that I find gorgeous: -Ishtar. -Selphina. -Brunya. -Ursula. -Titania. -Jill. -Sigrun. -Ena.
  15. It'll be easier to tell when she's fully shaded.
  16. Which is why I said that you'd pick Soren over Bastian if you were using Rexcalibur.
  17. I think the problem is that Male!Florina is quite thin, even for a feminine male. But that's my opinion. The face actually is pretty masculine.
  18. Body on the most recent one looks like it's going to be small. Even at the angle she's facing, the body could stand to be a little wider.
  19. He uses Rexcalibur at base but if you're even considering the use of Rexcalibur why not give it to the much better Soren? Who, by the way, is locked to Ike's route.
  20. Why isn't Jill on the list? She's one of the best members of the Part I team.
  21. I used my mod powers a lot when I was a moderator. Although I left the forum ages ago I still get fucking messages about this and that. Despite NOT having mod powers.
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