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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. FE4: Chapter 2, merely for the length and having to double back to Mackily. Also Clement's Sleep Staff. FE6: Chapter 21. When not warpskipping it's really hard to do this chapter because of all the Wyvern Lord reinforcements to trigger. Honorable mention to C7, C14, and all the gaidens from 14x on. FE7: Chapter 26/28. Hi luck-based missions. Honorable mention to C27/29. FE8: Chapter 14 Ephraim. Status Staves suck. FE9: Chapter 8. No Shinon or Gatrie? Have to tank three sides? Shit. FE10: 3-12. I usually have a horribly underleveled Dawn Brigade team.Honorable mention to 1-3 (anyone see a pattern here?).
  2. Also because a few units who aren't available for Final 1 are available in Final 3 and vice-versa. almost had a massive panic attack when Howard wasn't selectable for Final 1
  3. I'm not. Maybe it's because whenever I hear the word I hear it referred to someone who is gay or it's being used in the negative, referring to being gay (aka "Don't be a fag").
  4. I don't deny it, but a majority of their hate is directed towards the gay community. Their whole reasoning behind protesting soldiers' funerals are because fags are allowed in America so soldiers die because God hates fags. Seriously. I cannot make this shit up. When your website is called godhatesfags.com I'm pretty sure your hatred is directed at one group.
  5. Best: FE7 Worst: FE4 Best mothers always go first. gg to whoever gets Ayra/Fury/Ethlin.
  6. Maybe I'm biased because I've been called a faggot before, and it's been used in the negative. Or because people like the Westboro Baptist Church keep spouting things like "God Hates Fags" and "Fags Eat Shit" and keep referring to gay men as faggots.
  7. Yet historically it refers to homosexuals, thus, by nature, referring to someone as an annoyance or fool = referring to them as gay = gay is bad.
  8. How so? The only use of the word faggot I know of is referring to a homosexual person.
  9. I believe you. It doesn't make it right. Pretty sure gay people don't use the word faggot more than stupid straight people, though.
  10. He'll probably be an NPC that gets autokilled by Tybalt I mean that's what happens in the actual play
  11. He does tell the story of Queen Mab Actually pretty fitting Also yay another Shakespeare reference
  12. Mercutio's... odd. If he's gonna actually fight, he should be a Hero? For a class that doesn't exist yet.
  13. Welp, I finally finished the hack. Congrats, Blazer. Although you should reconsider the C25 and onward difficulty. Having to Savestate every turn in order to guarantee not starting from the beginning is annoying. Mostly in C25 and C26. 27 was easy once I triggered the reinforcements, and Final 1 and Final 2 took little effort. Final 3 took ages, but hey. Final boss. Anyway, units: [spoiler=Yay Units!] ANAKIN: Turned out good in the end. Got the C27 Boots to give him better movement and he used them well. KELIK: His PRF is insanely broken. I didn't even use Imperius, but it's nice to have, I guess. INANNA: Once she got Leviathan, she became unstoppable. She killed Holton, Galagar, Louis, and Siegfried. Inanna is LEGENDARY. KARINA: With Leviathan she probably would've been spectacular, but she fell behind later on. She was one of the few to not get ORKOed by Siegfried, so I do give her credit for that. Heroslayers are her friend. EMMA: I used the last two Energy Rings to cap her Magic, which helped with healing in the endgame. She still fought well throughout. Namely in C27, where if Kelik, Howard, or Gary didn't kill it, Emma did. ASCH: Great unit throughout the game. Asch helped a lot in the early stages of C26. He worked well with the Brave Axe. TAMIKO: She healed stuff. RISK: He didn't do anything later on except help kill a few enemies. He seemed to never proc crits, even with the Wo Dao. ITSUKE: He was an INCREDIBLE backup healer. He used Meteor well. Didn't end up using the S-Rank Animas, but oh well. GARY: GARY! Lategame AMAZING unit. He was one of the few who fought Siegfried, and he was spectacular with everything. He was one of the two units who fought Galagar. He also tanked Holton forever. LYAM: Didn't do much near endgame besides snag some kills. ALICE: Great backup flier. She helped in killing Holton, and her flight was eternally useful. HOWARD: Why is he not useable in Final 1? He got Oblivion, and proceeded to wreck the rest of the game with it. He killed a majority of C27 for me. SHON: His speed friggin' sucked. Could only do x2 with Silvans, making it a royal pain for most enemies. He did ORKO a lot of magic units, thankfully.
  14. Cunt is a slang for a vagina but also used negatively against women. You don't go around calling a woman a vagina.
  15. But a faggot isn't a cigarette. The site checks for the use of the word faggot. Cool. Yeah. You also have never been called a faggot, I presume. Okay, I get that not everyone understands why words are taken so seriously. Let me put it into context. What if I were to substitute faggot and dyke with nigger and chink? Cunt and retard? I'd be treated much more negatively than if I were to say faggot.
  16. This much is true. And in LTC, that's fine. In Max Efficiency, good luck. Those early chapters are awful without Boyd.
  17. I'll be registering to vote, and come November, I will vote for President Obama. I'm from Massachusetts, where Romney was governor. Under him, universal healthcare and legal same-sex marriage were both passed. Yet, here he is, trying to change all of that. He and Paul Ryan are so anti-human rights it's sickening.
  18. NoHomophobes.com is a website where they count the number of times someone uses the word "faggot", "dyke", or the phrases "no homo" or "so gay" in a Tweet. The site has been up since June 15, and the numbers are ALARMING at how many people use these hateful words without thinking. These words are hateful against people of the LGBTQ community, and they have hateful meanings behind them. The word "faggot", for one--people always joke about how the word "fag" is merely a "pile of sticks". Which is true. However, the "pile of sticks" refers to the kindling used when the church burned people alive--homosexuals included. Please, spread the word around about this. People need to know how many times hateful words are thrown around in common language. These words have an impact on us. I don't know a gay man who hasn't been called a faggot, or a lesbian who hasn't been called a dyke. These words are not everyday words. They are discriminatory and hateful.
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