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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Is it that hard to whip up a quick example of what you know? It doesn't have to be polished and perfect, it just has to be acceptable. Seriously, take FE7, take an existing map, take existing characters, existing everything, make a trial map of sorts.
  2. I really wish Anakin didn't auto-promote so early. I actually used him consistently in both combat and Motivating, and he was only level14. I like to promote units at Level 20. >: Either make him promote later or give him the Heaven Seal to keep until he promotes. My Shon was Level 20 for Chrissakes. Also, my Shon is ridiculously good. I don't know why.
  3. Yeah, looks better. I figured the other half was covered by hair, but I still felt it was too thin. Looking good, now.
  4. RavenPriscilla's kids would be so broken Like seriously. If they had any holy blood... and dat inheritance. I like the map. Gonna be interesting. I assume the units don't start in the mountains like that...
  5. Looks like I wasn't the only one to include real weapons into an FE Hack. Shoot, now I look less original. no one else steal european weapons kthx Loving the femzerker. She looks like a female bodybuilder~ not tits and an axe
  6. Her poor neck looks like it's going to snap off because it's so thin ._.
  7. Referencing characters with arms exposed is a good way to get muscle practice. It's odd to describe, but referencing existing mugs is actually good for this kind of thing.
  8. Rexaura can be stolen in that manner. You have to Silence the Bishop, make him use his Elixir, then swipe it.
  9. Wow, I remember watching your videos on Youtube, like, ages ago. Welcome, welcome.
  10. Why not just reference the FE9/10 icon of Amiti?
  11. They need critique, though. How do you expect to improve otherwise?
  12. I don't fucking know but there are times they might not bosskill.
  13. I've called Florina FloFlo for years, hahaha.
  14. that's why I said that if they weren't bosskilling, they would carry the bosskiller
  15. recruiting Jill in C12 isn't hard, though. Marcia probably can't solo the ravens before Jill arrives, and Jill also can tank them with the Laguzguard (they do 3x2 on her except for Seeker who does 5x2, IIRC).
  16. they also never appear as NPC's during actual combat also nino above Ostian Knights because she can at least take out the monks
  17. One carries Ike, the other carries the bosskiller. Unless the other IS the bosskiller.
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