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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Ike was saved by continuity errors. Okay, some real critique. Ranulf's arm is horrid. Like, it needs to be shaded so much better. It's massively pillowed, and there's no first shade at all.
  2. how the fuck am i 74 i was the 18th person to join this place how the fuck am i only 74
  3. this show is awesome shutup Okay, I want to discuss this shit even though it was almost 2 weeks ago and I didn't know this topic was here until now
  4. not my fault it's an ugly and obnoxious color.
  5. Scarlett Johanssen is an award winner. See: Tony Awards.
  6. kinda glad i'm not part of this because i fucking hate the color orange inb4banhammer
  7. He's a boss for Ike's team ._. specifically when ike and ranulf need to go save skrimir's stupid ass
  8. That's also because your lord, who is necessary for completing THE ONLY CHAPTER GOAL IN THE ENTIRE GAME, is mounted. Or promotes to mounted.
  9. ...that is kinda game breaking, huh. Well, I provided the alternate of demoting Zihark. To make up for it, give him a better sword.
  10. -Nerf the Black Knight's speed so getting a perfect ending doesn't require rigging Ike's speed. -Alternatively, buff Ike's speed by like 1 or 2 points so he can reach the magic number easier. -Make Levail recruitable, because he's awesome. -Make Ena able to use White Breath, or swap her STR and MAG growths/bases. Useable combat yay -Make Ena and Kurth not suck. Level them to at least 25, with S or SS Strike, and fix their bases accordingly. -Find a way to make Untransformed Laguz not get killed so easily, especially in later chapters. -Have Jill start as a Level 1 Dragonmaster, with bases raised accordingly. Zihark and Tauroneo are promoted, why not her? -Alternatively, demote Zihark to a Level 14 Myrmridon with A Swords. -A better reward for recruiting Oliver. Either give him better equipment, fantastic skills, or make him more useable.
  11. This is gonna be a long list. Lords: Sigurd, Hector Swordfighter/Myrmridon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Ayra, Lakche, Rutger Swordfighter/Mercenary/Forrest/Hero: Skasaher, Harken Axefighter/Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Boyd Bowfighter/Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Louise, Shinon Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Levail (lolalliedunits) Brigand/Pirate/Berserker: Dart Armor/Knight/General/Marshall: Oswin, Gatrie Thief/Assassin/Rogue/Whisper: Matthew, Jaffar Horses: Lex, Fin, Ethlin, Percival, Sain, Seth, Franz, Titania, Kieran, Geoffrey Pegasus/Falcon/Seraph Knight: Florina, Vanessa Dragon/Wyvern Tree: Miledy, Cormag, Jill Mage/Bard/Mage Fighter/Mage Knight/Sage/Archsage: Levin, Sety, Lugh, Brunya, Nino, Lute, Soren, Calill Priest/Cleric/Bishop/High Priest/Saint: Natasha Troubadour/Valkyrie: Priscilla, Ursula Shaman/Druid: Ray, Niime Beast Laguz: Muarim Bird Laguz: Tibarn Dragon Laguz: LOL Refresher Units: Sylvia
  12. Best: Grandbell Honorable Mentions: Thracia, Bern Worst: Grado Dishonorable Mentions: Daein, Begnion, Laus
  13. Black Widow to Top Tier because she's Russian. And an award winner.
  14. Why should Leaf and Ike have two swords? Give Leaf the Blagi Sword and Ike Ragnell, make Light Sword available for everyone, drop Regal Sword, and possibly have Eirika and Elincia share a weapon.
  15. good cape shading what He actually looks 17 now as well.
  16. go away FE4 has enough incest for the whole series.
  17. Why is Boyd not in Top anymore? Sure, he's not on a horse, but statistically he's the best footie, and his near-perfect availability is also something to be considered. Also, I'd like to vouch Kieran > Oscar for the fact that Kieran can double in his join chapter with the Short Axe and wipe out a decent amount of the units in C11, and he's the better unit overall besides Oscar's availability lead.
  18. [spoiler=regarding the Kishuna thing]Kishuna is the first morph Nergal created with emotions, not the first morph. It's been mentioned that there were more prototypes before Kishuna, and it's also possible Renault's friend was one of them. Just my two cents.
  19. But plot and content can coincide. What's the point of having a flashy hack if there's no substance?
  20. Wolt is fifteen years old. Either choose an older subject or make the proper edits to age him two years.
  21. Jan was also a founding member of the Black Fang. Fair enough about Nino and Jaffar.
  22. Nino, Jaffar, and Jan. It's your hack; I was just pointing out the fact that it's odd for someone with no affiliation whatsoever suddenly want to form the Black Fang.
  23. Not to mention the Black Fang was decimated in FE7... and some random noble we've never heard of with no connection to them is suddenly reviving them?
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