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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. You benched the best foot unit in the game? lol gg
  2. ARCH DO IT III.i is the BEST scene in all of Romeo and Juliet. You NEED to include as many references as possible! :P
  3. SIGURD <3 Also, Hector and Celice. In that order.
  4. It's probably an older patch; I recruited him and the description worked just fine.
  5. This is a pretty weak round. Reindeer gets my vote, of course.
  6. Creative liberty: Have a character named Benvolio who relates the story of Tybalt's death
  7. Elementary: Cried on the second day because I knew no one and all the kids were mean because I was smarter than all of them. I'm a catholic school brat so I was in the same school until high school. High School: Nervous, but I got over it within a week. College: FUCK YEAH I DON'T HAVE TO WEAR UNIFORMS ANYMORE
  8. If this doesn't win a million Tonys I will be furious.
  9. His name's still Tybalt, right? I need my Shakespeare references, damn it!
  10. Nikita is sexy. russian accent please I also enjoy that generic pirate man as well.
  11. Well, first off, get rid of the more Hammerne, Uber Spear, and S-Level Weapon massive uses. Hammerne is broken as is. 3 is perfect. The Uber Spear isn't obtained except through glitches, so it should stay at 15. Or even go down to 10. The S-Level weapons having infinite uses is pretty irrelevant because of the fact that they're used for one chapter. Nonetheless, giving them infinite uses still breaks them. I won't say much on the base stats/growths until you post the changes.
  12. The Wil/Ewan/Colm one will be tough. The angles of the three of them are different enough where making it look good requires a lot of skill.
  13. Warpskips are usually done in the endgame chapters where maps are bigger. C21 of FE6 is a good example. And yes, Hammerne is usually used on Warp. You get ~14 warps to use, so that's 7 chapters of warpskipping.
  14. It's useful in annoying chapters (like the FE6 Gaidens), or if you're doing an LTC run. It's usually banned in drafts.
  15. Bette Davis is amazing. I LOVE her in All About Eve.
  16. It's all right, Shon still wrecks face. Once I play again I'll take more careful attention. Also, a suggestion:
  17. post the damned averages so i know how screwed I performed all of the requirements; I didn't get the dialogue at the beginning of C22 either.
  18. I'm currently on C24, and I figured I'd do a team assessment. These are the units I currently have deployed. [spoiler=because apparently posting character stats is a spoiler] ANAKIN: Anakin promoted at L14, so I feel like he's a little behind. Nonetheless his utility as the refresher has been awesome. He got an early Energy Ring and the most recent Angelic Robe to keep up. SIEGFRIED: Well, it's known that he's awesome beyond belief. He and Shon are incredibly fast for some reason. Like, ridiculous speed stats. Nonetheless Nothung has helped in the magic-heavy chapters. He OHKOes a majority of mages. SHON: I want to see his averages, because I think my Shon is way above it. He's incredibly fast, incredibly useful, and gained a lot of levels in Siegfried's mode. He promoted with the C20 Heaven Seal. He carried the Emblem Lance for the longest time because he ORKOed a majority of enemies. He also doubles forever. KELIK: Kelik just promoted in 23x, and he's not as useful as Shon, Sieg, or Anakin. Then again, he lacks the utility they bring. I probably should've conserved the Flamberge. He falls short of a lot of ORKOs, unfortunately. INANNA: The second best flyer in the game, Inanna is awesome. She got an Angelic Robe for her HP, and possibly a defense booster. She's incredible. She promoted in C20 with the second Elysian Whip (I sold the Sieg Mode one because she was nowhere near ready) and has been wrecking face. Not as good as Karina, but a great second Flyer. She also dodgetanks like crazy. KARINA: One of the Top Five best units in the game. Karina dominates earlygame with the Axereaver, her speed is amazing, and she uses like every weapon extremely well. She got an Energy Ring to help her ORKO more enemies. She got the Boots early on to fly around and kill everything. She was the second unit to promote in my team. EMMA: Holy shit. Emma is also in the Top Five best units in the game, for sure. She's tanky and dodges everything, and with the boosted staff EXP promoting her isn't a pain. She can insta-promote (I didn't) or take more levels and destroy shit. I prefer Emma over Tamiko, especially with her horse utility and better Magic. HOWARD: Howard is my favorite character, and also in my opinion Top Five. He joins late, but his contributions to the team have been exponential. He's had every bosskill since he joined, and has been one of my main fighters. TEAM HOWARD. RISK: Risk is a new addition, but he's been useful thus far. His bases are bitchin'. LYAM: The best bow user in the game, for sure. He's mounted and has 1-2 Range. He has some accuracy problems sometimes, which most of my units have, unfortunately. Nonetheless, Lyam is a great unit. ASCH: Asch trivializes earlygame because of his incredible stats, access to the best axes early on (he reached S Axes within a few chapters), and he has spectacular growths. A little on the slower side, and he doesn't double as often, but his usefulness is still obvious. TAMIKO: Tamiko was the first unit of mine to promote; she reached L19 in Sieg Mode. She's nowhere near as good as Emma, but she holds her own. She's the primary healer because Emma also sees a lot of combat. For healing, she rocks. MARK: Mark promoted in 23x, and got a Speedwing. His speed is very good for an axe user, and I mostly gave him the wings to guarantee his doubling. ITSUKE: I prefer Itsuke over Cia because of his better base Skill and the fact that he doubles forever. He fell behind later on, and only promoted in 23x, but he's a good extra Anima user. ALICE: Obviously new to the team, but I like Alice so far. She's not as good as Inanna or Karina, but she's the third best flyer in the game.
  19. Apologies if this has not been asked before, but why didn't I unlock the better Silvans? I completed all three aspects of the sidequest.
  20. I think he means Black and White movies. My favorite is Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. An immaculate performance from Taylor and Burton from start to finish.
  21. A lot of us have school that takes priority. Making a decent hack these days takes a lot of time, unfortunately.
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