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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Caliban had hoped someone would hear his call, and then he heard the response he'd hoped for. "Hold on there! I'm coming towards you! Do you need any help and is anyone with you! I'm alone but I'm not injured!" The voice was male--it sounded older, for sure. Nonetheless, it was another survivor. He wasn't injured, which helped Caliban out. He needed someone to help him, as long as they were human and friendly. "It's just me here! I'm not seriously injured..." Caliban called out to the voice. He hoped that whoever it was knew more than he did.
  2. Caliban's slumber was interrupted by the loud crashing that suddenly surrounded him. He had no time to register what was happening--he knew it was bad. Exiting his residence, he noticed people running in every direction. His instinct told him to run to the right, and so he did. He pushed people out of his way that were running in the opposite direction, trying to figure out the source of the chaos that was unfolding around him. Lights flickered, alarms sounded, people screamed. It was getting to be too much for Caliban--his head hurt, his body ached, he could barely see. His pain was interrupted by a sense of falling. He knew what was happening. We're going down. Caliban didn't know if he was going to die or not--it was too tough to tell, honestly. He just decided to brace himself and hope for the best. He ran back to his residence and hid under his bed. He had hoped that it would be enough for him to survive. Is this it?! Am I to die here? The Impact occurred, with things falling every which way. Caliban tried to cover himself, but the noise was getting to be too much. His head felt like it was going to split in two, and he secretly wished he could die right then and there in order to alleviate the pain. Eventually, the noise stopped, and movement seemed to cease. I'm alive?! Caliban was slightly trapped under his bed--he started moving whatever he could, barely being able to squeeze out from his hiding place and stumble around his quarters. He felt blood streaming down his face--he had cut himself on his head. He took a cloth he found nearby, shook it off, and placed it on his cut. What next...? Is there anyone else? Caliban's mind raced as he opened the door tentatively, wondering what was out there. He saw bodies--some moving, some not. He thanked the powers-that-be that he wasn't as injured as those around him. He needed to move, though--he couldn't stop here. He hoped others would come and assist the injured, but now it was time to find survivors who were not injured. If there were any. After clearing more debris, he climbed upward. He figured there was a way to get out. He made his way to a hole in the fortress, which he climbed out of. I guess this is outside... He slid down the edge of the fortress, which seemed like ages. He hoped he wouldn't fall off or get killed. He ended up falling off, after hitting a bump in what seemed to be the former top of the building. He flew off the building and landed face-first on the ground. Thankfully for Caliban, it was grassy. He cursed himself for that idiocy, and slowly stood up. He was in pain, but he knew he had to keep on going. He looked at what had unfolded around him. It seemed some people had been thrown from the fortress, and there were pieces of metal everywhere. Not everyone seemed to make it. Is this the end of the world...? He maneuvered his way around, trying to find people who were still alive. "Hey!! Is anyone out there! Anyone alive?! I'm here!!" His shouting echoed into the eerie world around him. He only hoped someone would respond.
  3. Agreed-it's quite the comprehensive list, but it usually creates some unbreakable strategies.
  4. Don't reference Sigune. FE6 hair is a terrible reference point to use.
  5. Paris is Burning is, for those who don't know, a documentary about the ballroom scene in Harlem in the late 1980's/early 1990's. It chronicles the gay underground of New York, mostly the African and Hispanic American group. It's an amazing film about gay culture in New York, as well as the origins of the terms Reading, Shade, and, of course, Voguing. It features legends who are no longer with us, like Pepper LaBeija, Octavia St. Laurent, and Dorian Corey, among many others. It's an amazing film, and I figured I'd post a discussion topic about it.
  6. Best: FE10 Honorable Mention: FE9 Worst: FE5 Nominate: Best/Worst Hair Redux
  7. Pretty filler, but pretty badass filler at that. Good if Titania/Kieran/Makalov failed miserably for some reason. 4.75/10 which includes a +1 bias.
  8. atleast let it go until day 18 so I can get rated
  9. He's good if you want to grind. Unfortunately, that's highly inefficient on an ideal playthrough which is what we assume for the RTU.
  10. Statistically he's pretty good. He has an exclusive class. That class, however, uses Knives. While Volke makes Peskhatz and Baselard look like children's toys, it doesn't help that he isn't really a good Endgame slot when we already have to take Sothe (aka give him all the crappy knives so he doesn't suck totally). He's probably not doing anything when he joins anyway because Tibarn/Haar/Jill are just going to fly up and ORKO Izuka in a few turns. 0.25/10
  11. Some of my most recent pairings worked out pretty well: LexAyra MidirAideen FinLachesis HolynBriggid LevinFury ArdanTiltyu
  12. So much beauty 10000000/10 In all actuality he sucks--not gonna be doubling, ever. His use is staff utility and being a backup-backup-backup magic user. He uses status and healing staves well. +1 Boas because he's Oliver, and you can't clock him for that shit. 2.25/10
  13. Name: Caliban Isaac Quinn Age: 20 Gender: Male Physical Description: Caliban stands at 5'10" tall with broad shoulders and large arms. Not bodybuilder large, but he definitely has an imposing figure. He has bronze skin that is from a combination of sun and cosmetics. His hair is in a black mohawk; he wears it that way with a combination of eyeliner to give an impression of a dark, mysterious character. This in combination with his piercing grey eyes make people tend to fear him. Both arms and hands are heavily tattooed with different religious, mythological, and symbolic pieces; the ink continues into an impressive back piece of the Fall of Lucifer as detained in Milton's Paradise Lost. His pectorals are tattooed with Greek and Egyptian deities, and a large portion of his left arm is dedicated to the Lord Buddha himself. His legs are filled with memorial pieces dedicated to friends and family who have died before him. His clothing is simple, usually sleeveless, and allows him to move as well as he can. Backstory: Caliban lived vicariously through his friends, living on the sky fortress until the Impact. He was somewhat rebellious, enjoying to go against the grain of what "normal" was. Upon the Impact, Caliban lost most of his close friends and family, thus being forced to live on his own. His isolated nature stayed stagnant, yet he knew he needed others for survival. In groups, he would stay quiet, only speaking when necessary. He only worked with others for survival, not for pleasure. He knew too well the destructive nature of his mind after he lost control, and he knew that he needed to stay away from harming others in that way again. Personality: Isolated, keeps to himself. Agitated easily, so he tries to avoid confrontational situations. When he is confronted, his power loses control. Genetic Mutation: Caliban's mind became stronger after the Impact. He was able to memorize things more easily, and he could retain more information. His power has barely surfaced, but his mind has allowed him to move objects up to ten times his body weight. He can barely move small objects at the moment. When he loses control, all of the objects around him begin to fly through the air haphazardly, causing a danger to everyone around him. Due to the strength of his mind, he is also more protected against psychic invasion/attack.
  14. Eliwood with +5.45 STR and +6.35 RES. ...he's supposed to suck...
  15. Best: Sety Honorable Mentions: Levin!Arthur, Pent Worst: Ewan Dishonorable Mentions: Ilyana, Micaiah, Sophi, Lilina
  16. Lacks 2-range and availability but is ridiculously broken for when he's around. He could solo his maps if he really wanted. +1 bias because Tibarn and I'd so hit that 8.75/10
  17. time for my life to not exist until Thursday summerstock gogogogogo For those of you who don't know: changeover is the period when you switch from one show to another: set, lights, sound, all within a few days. We close Nunsense at 10 PM tonight and at 8 PM on Thursday Unnecessary Farce opens.
  18. Skrimir's probably the only one. In hindsight I'm gonna lower the rating, because it was a bit high.
  19. Skrimir's pretty awesome. He's got good stats, Resolve, and Provoke, so he can take lots of hits. Slap Stones and Grass on him and he'll tank for days. Untransformed Resolve!Skrimir is also hilarious to watch. I guess his main problem is needing to chug Grass all the time until Gems appear, but he's the one person who can afford that, because he's actually worth it. And this is getting near the Endgame. You need your best to start arriving. -1 Bias because I dislike his character immensly, though. 5.75/10
  20. So am I. Things have changed for the better, but it's not where we want it to be. I'm so glad that more people are getting educated, though--more people are becoming familiar with gay culture and the fact that homosexuality is not a choice, mental disorder, or disease. It's natural.
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