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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Lucretia & Adano Post-Timeskip~ Father and daughter were at the boatyard, with the rest of their group. They were ready to sail. Lucretia looked out to sea. It was cold, black, and menacing. She had never sailed before. She grew up in the frigid Miyako winter. There were no seas where she lived. The lakes were frozen almost perennially. She had never sailed. She wondered if she could even stand the seas. Nonetheless, she stood firm, not letting anyone see her fear. "No matter what, I will stay--for Aurelio," she kept repeating this phrase to herself as they made last-minute preparations to sail, "he needs me now more than ever." Adano, on the other hand, had sailed a few times before. He wasn't as adept at it as his contacts, but he felt comfortable enough to stand the boat. "Yo, everyone. I appreciate everyone coming this far. From now on, it's gonna be dangerous, I can't promise that we can avoid fighting Carrion... and if we do, I can't say that our chances are great. If there's anyone who wants to head off from here, it's cool by me." Lucretia kissed Aurelio on the lips and held herself close to him; "I will not leave you, Aurelio... Not now, not ever. We'll find Lunaria, and rescue her. I won't hesitate to strike anyone down, if it means the safety of her or you." Adano also gave his opinion, "The three of us have traveled together since the guild fight, Aurelio--I'm not about to leave you just yet."
  2. Weaker characters have very tough times clearing the Arena. People like Sigurd, Fury, and Levin have little to no trouble with it. You might want to consider shuffling Rings around if need be. That may be the key to winning a battle. Especially the Pursuit/Shield rings.
  3. it's already sexy enough, lumi Hmm, I could use this contest as an excuse to finish my personal mug, but I'll probably be so busy from my internship, plus as we've seen from last year I suck at customs, and I don't know how to top my Jersey Shore mess from last year except making something good. I'll be watching closely, however.
  4. The second one has much smoother colors. Go with that one~
  5. Not using the FE4 Arena is asking for trouble later on. It's not cheap to use the arena; in FE4 Drafts it's encouraged, if anything.
  6. Clearly he's a Senshi from Sailor Moon in disguise. After all, they call him Mars in the dubbed Anime.
  7. Just take Sigurd, Levin!Arthur, Aless, MasterKnight!Leaf, KnightLord!Celice, FE10!Haar, Seth, Titania, FE9!Jill, FE9!Marcia, FE7!Marcus, Safy, FE11!Lana, Leg/KnightRing!Layleen, and we're all good to go.
  8. Best use of the Laguz Stones, unfortunately he won't outspeed enemies for long, and others need Speedwings more than him. 5.5/10
  9. At least Parity doesn't suck balls in this game. Oh, Lucia. Uh, not that available. But hey, she does more in 2-2 than most people do in multiple chapters of availability. That's credit enough. She's pretty terribad once she returns. And then she looks even worse compared to other sword users. She can take out a few enemies in 4-2, maybe a few Cats in 4-5, but so can almost everyone else. But she's not promoting, that's for sure. So that sucks on her end. 2/10
  10. So much sexy hair being entered this round, craziness~
  11. I think there's one tile where a footie/horsie could reach it. Not 100% sure on that, though.
  12. The chest hair looks a little rough to me. Looks more like bad scarring. The cloak also seems to have multiple directions and angles without being consistent.
  13. She has amazing utility and does for the GM's what Sothe does for the Shitstorm. Unlike Sothe, though, she can promote at any time. She's got decent stats, any issues can be fixed with BEXP. Not to mention I don't think a few resources would be wasted going to her. Also, [positive] bias because she likes tits. 7/10 EDIT: Not to mention she gets all those chests in 4-4. And she has enough dodge to survive the few enemies in the rooms. If not, well, bring a broken unit with her. End of story.
  14. Been there done that. I've been called sexy by men older than my father, some of whom have even wanted me to have sex with them. Me: *block*
  15. it's called making a hack I wouldn't mind doing this; I mean, back when I still went to GTS+ we had a create a Move/Pokemon thread that was pretty popular.
  16. Did Perseus and Bellophoron do nothing?! I've never understood why, probably to balance the male-only classes is my guess.
  17. It's entering that counts, anyway~ You don't improve if you don't enter, even if you lose horribly.
  18. That much is true. I definitely love the colors. In fact, I don't think the eyes would pop as much if you used another blue.
  19. Well if you did, that's what she'd look like.
  20. Decently leveled Jamka can do it with a Killer Bow. Most decent-leveled 2 rangers with Critical and Pursuit/Continue could also do it. Or Sigurd.
  21. I'm really liking the new gauntlet. I personally think the navy colored shirt would pop more than the black-ish color, just to add a little more color to her facesprite.
  22. Julius and Gabriel (Long Forgotten, I know) The pair woke up, allowing the daylight to hit them as they got out of their large bed. Gabriel decided to splurge on the two and rent one of the best rooms in the place--usually reserved for the nobility. They stood up and dressed, both of them in their most formal attire. "Are you ready?" Julius asked Gabriel as he tied his ascot and put on his cufflinks. "I don't know," Gabriel replied, "I guess we'll have to see." He put water on his hair and neatened it up. "There's no turning back--we have the will with us." Holding hands, the pair left the inn, leaving a hefty tip for the innkeeper. Cameron (Also forgotten) Cameron was up before dawn, preparing a large breakfast for his new master. Despite being unsure of what he usually ate, Cameron figured he could make what the chefs in the large Sarson manor would make. He wanted to prove his loyalty, and this was it. By the time he finished making the breakfast, his master was awake and seated in the large dining area. Cameron brought the meal over with an extremely large smile on his face. It was almost unnatural, but his master could not help but be enticed by the delicious aroma. "Cameron--this is incredible!" He said in between bites. "I wasn't sure what you liked, but I've seen what the chefs in your father's estate would make, and I tried to replicate that as best I could." Cameron replied, grinning at the compliment. "I'm amazed! Did you cook in my father's service?" "Not always--the chefs did the main cooking, although I would assist when someone was ill or when there was a large meal to be served." "I think I could see you doing this long-term; what would you say if I wanted you to be head chef?" "I'd be honored, sir!" Cameron's thrill at this new position made him forget for a moment being scorned by Gabriel.
  23. How about instead of bitching and moaning, why don't we let the creator decide and get over it and have a life? *waits for angry mob*
  24. I've heard only good things about that; but how high leveled does Dew have to be? I almost never have a decently leveled Dew in my party.
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