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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Not really asking for advice because I've dealt with these assholes before. Although they're giving me hell right now. Anyway, I figured I'd make this topic so people could share strategies for dealing with them. Draft/Ranked/Casual, any strategies apply. Probably the one strategy I always use is to have Sigurd with the Thunder Sword sit on a Forest and tank the Javelins. I usually slap the Magic Ring on him as well so he can do more damage. A high-leveled Ethlin with the Light Sword works equally well, especially if she's got the Pursuit Ring. Things I'm looking to try are Hand Axe!Lex and maybe Levin on a Forest. Also, kind of wondering people's strategies for getting Eltshan out of the way fastest with talking to him with Lachesis. It's tough because if she's unpromoted (I feel like this happens more often than not) she has less move, and the Cross Knights are almost always staying in some formation that blocks Eltshan. Any ideas for making this easier? Because I always have the most restarts at this part of the game. ._.
  2. Most: Krom Honorable Mentions: Sigurd, Celice, Leaf, Roy Least: everyone else Uh, I'll pick Serra. Dishonorable Mentions: Everyone who's not a lord or an important character.
  3. I just mentioned that Nullify removes Haar's only weakness. Until he gets better dodge and higher HP/RES, Thunder Sages in early Part III are a problem for Haar.
  4. Vamp's is the only one with decent hair shading And then there's the rest of the facesprite. GUESS WHO I VOTED FOR GUYS
  5. Best unit in the game. 10/10 his only flaw is fixed with the 2-E Nullify scroll he basically has sole claim to, and he's probably the one who's getting it in the first place.
  6. Flies and always refreshes two units. Namely Haar and Elincia. 9/10
  7. I assume "Light Armor" means Soldiers/Halberdiers and Socialknights/Paladins? Am I missing any?
  8. Keeps Micky Sue alive in 1-9. Needed in 1-E to ensure the "best" ending (aka Lehran). Steals kills and exp, possibly some good items in 1-9. Low movement. Kills everything. Tanks in 3-6. Meh. 3.5/10 because 1-9 contributions are great, the rest not so much
  9. Nayr, stop trying to justify the trolls. They're still trolls.
  10. SSS, Hero Sword, Magic Sword, Knight Ring, Leg Ring, Elite Rings, usually some other rings in Storage.
  12. Enemies don't attack when there's no chance of hitting the unit, or (this one I'm fuzzy on) if the defense is too high. 11-turning the Prologue requires Sigurd to proc STR twice before capturing Jungby, so that you can 5-turn it. Then the other six are for Evans. There's a way to move Midir to not be attacked at all, ask one of the better drafters how to. I've never been able to keep Jungby, lol. Warp people (Sigurd, Cuan, Fin, etc) to Heirhein. People who don't draft Lachesis usually kill her and recapture Nodion because it's closer to Mackily.
  13. What's wrong with just posting the .ips/.ups file? I mean, that's what's done here anyway. If people are willing to play the hack, they know how to get the ROM.
  14. Nayr, it's common sense that if you're going to do a hack, you announce it. Even if it's an idea. He hasn't even done that much. Literally, his one thing is "I like FE8 and I want to make a hack of it called 'FE8 Advanced' and I need sprites" He hasn't even seemed to try spriting on his own, let alone show his work. It's one thing to not be able to sprite well, it's another to not even try it. Why has he not posted hack progress? Why has he not even made a topic? He made this topic and only this topic. There's no hack announcement. There's no questions about hacking. Face it, it's a useless cause, unless this guy does, in fact, make something.
  15. I love the color quality improvement. In FE9 they're all very stark and tend to clash with one another. In FE10 those same colors actually blend well. Not to mention the skintones in FE10 look realistic. It's like the FE10 ones were painted. I agree that the expressions could've been livelier in a lot of the characters, but I just love the realism that they went for.
  16. Because it's pointless to make Iron AND Steel have the same weapon ranks. Makes Iron obsolete for most characters because they'd instead go for the higher MT. Steel is the next level up from Iron; it's only natural that it is D rank.
  17. Woah ok, lots of things to look at here So I'll move Ambush above Charge, since that seems the agreed idea. Other things I'm seeming to look at are Wrath up, Prayer down, Continue down, and Astra up? Help me if I'm missing anything.
  18. Hanniballs. Yeah he's that bad. 1/10
  19. An actual balance hack that seems balanced? I'm shocked. My comments on individual things are in bold.
  20. Best: FE4!Ambush+Wrath Honorable Mention: FE9!Resolve+Wrath Worst: FE9!Parity+Anything
  21. I agree, especially since Arthur/Tinny also have Wrath. They'd Ambush/wrathkill everything in my opinion. Where should Critical, Astra, Wrath, and Continue move? Life's going to the bottom.
  22. Skills are looked at by a few criteria: Effectiveness: How effective the skill is at accomplishing its goal. To this end includes activation rate and frequency, among others. Overall Usefulness: How will these skills help your individual units in each chapter? In the long run? Contributions to Completion: How the skills help complete chapters efficiently (this does not mean lowest possible turncount; it instead refers to an average completion time for a chapter) Availability: This is not looked at as much, but it is looked at when looking at units with each skill and who has them. This is only used when debating nitty-gritty. My Name is Pursuit and I'm Hilariously Broken Tier Pursuit Dance High Tier Elite Prayer Charisma Bargain Mid Tier Continue Wrath Critical Astra Steal Low Tier Charge Ambush Luna Sol Awareness Big Shield LOL Tier Life [spoiler=changelog]Jan 7, 2013: 1) Tier List reformatted. Major changes include Awareness and Steal dropping heavily, Dance moving into Pursuit Tier, and Bargain and Astra moving up. 2) Luna moved below Ambush and Charge. Jan 9, 2013: 1) Charge moved above Ambush 2) Bargain moved to High 3) Continue and Critical moved to Mid, Wrath placed in between Continue and Critical 4) Sol moved above Awareness
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