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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. You've already got three of the best mounties in the game, and another one joins in two chapters. Then we have Kieran. He's Oscar with more Strength, and axes at base. He can easily become Titania Lite after promotion, and he uses that nice Short Axe you just acquired at base. I don't consider him as good as Jill, Marcia, and Titania, but he's definitely up there. Basically, if Boyd had a horse, he'd be Kieran. 9.25/10
  2. He falls behind quickly and halfshift sucks. But his Part I is on par with Sothe's, but Volug is more salvageable in Parts III and IV. Plus, best affinity in game. Just support him with Nolan and watch as he laughs at enemies forever. 8.75/10
  3. Hate to be a stickler but Integ, can you please change my name in the FE8 promo to the proper name please? Thanks
  4. You don't really need to worry about money in this game. It's 50 gold per chest, which you should have, and Volke can at least hold his own in combat. But he has lolfe9knives, so yeah. 5.5/10
  5. She's a pain in the ass to even bother training, she has no salvageable utility, she has low ass move, and she's swordlocked until promotion, when she gets a whopping E LANCES. Because, you know, we love our Bronze Weapons. Useless bitch. Fiona at least has Savior and a horse. 0/10
  6. At least she hits RES which sucks like in every FE game .25/10
  7. CHAPTER 5: 12/52 Turns Yay Killing Edge Garcia killed like everything Got every village that wasn't the torch CHAPTER 5x: 14/66 Turns I have a full party for this one yay Why do they have random magic enemies Learn to dodge guys
  8. And we begin PROLOGUE: 2/2 Turns Eirika critkilled every enemy I did not burn RN's at all I love her already CHAPTER 1: 6/8 Turns Fuck I hate Eirika solos Seth go burn RN's Yay the enemies don't target Seth CHAPTER 2: 8/16 Turns Yay 2 more people and one's a healer Fuck the pure water village CHAPTER 3: 12/28 Turns Yay Neimi Lots of Slim Swords and Hand Axes for the win Fuck you Colm I don't care about you go do whatever you want Eirika doubles Thieves on HM now Garcia doubled a Brigand too wtf is this shit CHAPTER 4: 12/40 Turns Oh shit I should've gotten that Pure Water Also fuck going to the villages When Garcia has 80 hit and WTD you're doing it wrong Garcia and Eirika rock Stats are cool:
  9. So I was gonna do this yesterday and then I closed Firefox and raged too much at it to retype. Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications) - Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. - Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc. - Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most. - Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please! - Make votes easily visible, please and thank you! - Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST. -Second Generation Note: Assume that Substitutes are done on a Subs-only run. Any "not ________" will not be accepted. Units and Ranking (Least to Greatest): First Generation Diadora: 1.19 Ardan: 1.39 Tiltyu: 2.00 Briggid: 3.71 Claude: 4.42 Azel: 4.63 Jamka: 5.25 Midir: 5.47 Dew: 5.68 Holyn: 5.90 Lachesis: 6.13 Noish: 6.15 Alec: 6.17 Beowulf: 6.40 Aideen: 6.57 Ayra: 6.79 Levin: 7.87 Fin (First Generation): 7.88 Fury: 8.25 Cuan: 8.41 Lex: 8.83 Ethlin: 9.15 Sylvia: 9.50 Sigurd: 9.96 Second Generation Roddlevan: 3.33 Radney: 3.44 Johalva: 3.93 Amid: 4.85 Dimna: 4.89 Mana: 4.98 Tristan: 5.00 Johan: 5.08 Skasaher: 6.00 Lakche: 6.35 Femina: 6.50 Lester: 6.59 Julia: 7.12 Lana: 8.24 Delmud: 8.45 Oifaye: 8.58 Arthur: 8.67 Fee: 8.86 Celice: 9.54 DAY 44: SHANAN __ Shanan's that really awesome unit you get and he wrecks face all game. He has Meteor Sword, Pursuit, Continue, and Balmung. With Balmung (which takes zero effort to get, because legit you have Patty/Daisy talk to him, and she's right there damn it) he faces <10 hitrate from the Dark Mages, and he usually ORKOs them. This epicness continues throughout the game, because he has one of the best skill combinations in the game, and, on top of that, a sword that increases his dodge and also his Continue and Meteor Sword activation by, well, a lot. Despite being a foot unit, he's the cream of the crop. Only Levin!Sety can argue to be better than Shanan when it comes to being a footie (dancers don't count). He dodges everything and kills everything. Also, Odo line makes him awesome. +.5 yay 7.75/10 including bias
  10. I'm doing a show and have class. It happened to be my turn when I was not around.

  11. Speed still increases Dodge, which, you know, is kind of important. Johan gets a 5.08 and we're finally fuckin' done with Chapter 6. Jesus.
  12. http://gyazo.com/afb66fb89eca2aca3e4c926af7887f69 Light Blue: I think the old hair's still popping up a little bit, that, or you accidentally used the Outline here. You can maybe blend the two together, or get rid of the outer hair in general. Green: Needs more shading where the headband meets the skin. I also caught an extra skin tone popping up near the eyebrow. Gold: Awkward square-thing of hair there. I know that's from splicing but you can afford to clean that up. Purple: You don't need that much outline in the hair. Outline the head and then fill the rest with the darkest hair shade. Overall it looks better, although the angle is bugging me a little. There's some body shading that could be improved but I'll leave it to someone else to critique that.
  13. There's no hair flow, whatsoever. The part that is very obvious in the hair's reference doesn't exist in the sprite. Not to mention the top of the head is ridiculously jagged and not smooth at all.
  14. I'm sitting in theatre history class reading this and in hysterics Stop
  15. I missed Miledy. Fuck. PERCY. He's got broken HM bonuses, uses Killer Axes at base, and is on a horse. And Gorgeous~ 10/10
  16. Despite spectacular attack ability and Smite, Mordecai falls behind quickly. He can't double later on, a lot later than Lethe, and lacks Muarim's sheer statistical superiority. That doesn't mean he's not valuable. He OHKOes a decent amount of enemies in early and midgame, and will set up kills for lots of other units. Once he transforms he can tank, and he deserves most of the Laguz Stones for a while. 4.5/10
  17. It really doesn't. He has smaller eyes than that, and the hair you chose is too bright. It's a much more subdued blonde.
  18. Nolan doesn't suck in lategame. Anyway, Aran. He's got good Defense and Strength. But that abysmal Speed... And he's not the first candidate for BEXP, especially in HM when BEXP is short supply. He can be good with BEXP because he'll cap STR and DEF fairly easily, so that will fix his SPD problems. Otherwise we're relying on procing Speed growths for him to not get obliterated in 3-6. And then it goes massively downhill from there. -1 because blandness. 1.5/10
  19. Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications) - Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. - Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc. - Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most. - Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please! - Make votes easily visible, please and thank you! - Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST. -Second Generation Note: Assume that Substitutes are done on a Subs-only run. Any "not ________" will not be accepted. Units and Ranking (Least to Greatest): First Generation Diadora: 1.19 Ardan: 1.39 Tiltyu: 2.00 Briggid: 3.71 Claude: 4.42 Azel: 4.63 Jamka: 5.25 Midir: 5.47 Dew: 5.68 Holyn: 5.90 Lachesis: 6.13 Noish: 6.15 Alec: 6.17 Beowulf: 6.40 Aideen: 6.57 Ayra: 6.79 Levin: 7.87 Fin (First Generation): 7.88 Fury: 8.25 Cuan: 8.41 Lex: 8.83 Ethlin: 9.15 Sylvia: 9.50 Sigurd: 9.96 Second Generation Roddlevan: 3.33 Radney: 3.44 Johalva: 3.93 Amid: 4.85 Dimna: 4.89 Mana: 4.98 Tristan: 5.00 Skasaher: 6.00 Lakche: 6.35 Femina: 6.50 Lester: 6.59 Julia: 7.12 Lana: 8.24 Delmud: 8.45 Oifaye: 8.58 Arthur: 8.67 Fee: 8.86 Celice: 9.54 DAY 43: JOHAN __ He's the hotter and better personality of the Neir duo. +1 bias! He's on a horse, making him much more viable already. Because this is FE4, where horses are extremely important. Johan has the lesser Ambush, which sucks, because he should have something better like Continue or Charge. He is the only axe user so the Hero Axe and most of the decent axes belong to him anyway, since your only other axe user is Promoted Leaf. He has decent bases with spectacular growths. 50% Speed growth and 40% Strength growth rock. His measly 20% Skill growth will hurt him in lategame, but he starts with 10 Skill, 3 ahead of Johalva at base. At the least, he'll be hitting for a while. Of course, if you want to nab Resire for Julia, which you do, he costs some turns and doesn't make them up that easily. At the least, he's more worth it than Johalva. 7/10, this includes the bias point from earlier.
  20. Yeah should've done this already. A 3.93 for Johalva.
  21. Mine sucks but hey. I tried. Someone can fix the shading later. Shoulderpad and bindi for the win.
  22. Oh, it's snake style. derp Ok, Sage!Moulder and Warrior!Garcia.
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