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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I'd have to say Wing Spear, Grafcalibur, FE10!Amiti, and the Regenleif.
  2. I'd be a Mage/Magefighter or Swordfighter/Swordmaster with good all-around stats, minus my luck which would have 1 base and 5% growth. Strength/Magic, Defense, and Resistance would be my best stats and Skill and Speed would be pretty good. I'd be a great user of Magic Swords.
  3. because generic brigands have shit defenses.
  4. Hawk is a Sage. Sages are good in this game. He doesn't have Sety's broken inheritance, but when you're Sety, even having no inheritance isn't a bad thing. 8/10
  5. Fun fact: It's legal to marry your first cousin in North Carolina. ...really?
  6. I'd fly all over the place on my wyvern, and then go beat up Haar for sleeping in again. 'cause I'd be Jill.
  7. My Fair Lady is actually good, you know
  8. Just noticed that Asaello is still doing better than Tiltyu, Ardan, and Diadora. Somehow.
  9. Tiamat (Titania's Japanese Name~)
  10. Neptune ~<3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHRtfHJ7q6w&feature=related And now for some Stacey Q.
  11. I mean, it's in their constitution. This may have to take some work. It probably would have to go to the Supreme Court, if anything.
  12. At least your topic has more substance. I'm hoping it gets taken to the Supreme Court. Discrimination is illegal in the United States; there's no fucking way North Carolina can get away with banning same-sex marriage. It's flat out discrimination. No way around it. Also, funny quote on Twitter relating to the subject:
  13. Prop 8's been overturned for a little while now; gay marriage is legal in California again.
  14. I love how we both posted about this news just in different formats. Anyway, I doubt that they'd get away with this. Prop 8 was unconstitutional, I'm sure Amendment 1 will be unconstitutional.
  15. Never did this before but now I have.
  16. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/08/amendment-one-north-carolina_n_1501308.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009 fuck you too, north carolina. fuck you, too.
  17. It's a very nice burgundy. I mean, you could make black look good if you picked the right shades, but I don't know how it would look with the scarf too. Maybe a black scarf on another character~
  18. Looking at it again, I noticed the colors weren't as close as I thought they were. Oh, well. I still enjoy the new cloak~
  19. I actually raised the head because I felt like it was going to be too low on the body. I'll fix the hips and hair shading later. I wasn't really looking to make the outfit terribly elaborate, but I'll look into ways to make it less boring.
  20. Ooh, I like that first one. The shading's much cleaner, and the shape is really well-done. The colors are all really similar, though--are you going to change the cloak? It looks too close to the skin for my own personal comfort.
  21. I took out the shading and I'll re-work those later, but I wanted to see if the proportions were getting better. I didn't do much for the female, I was more concerned with the male. I raised his head and widened both arms/shoulders, and the near leg. I also made the tomes a more consistent size.
  22. Thanks for the advice, Yeti. I'll take these into account. trent, take notes. this is how you critique. if you're not gonna offer anything useful then don't offer it at all, because you're merely wasting people's time. Yeti, do you still have the edits you made? I'd like to use it as a reference point, if possible.
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