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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Best: "This is a message from Lord Nergal. 'I await you on the Dread Isle'." Honorable Mentions: "Edward blocks Axes with his face", "Don't use Jeigan", "Doga will choke this point", Marthipan, "Gerik doesn't have the con to wield Axes" Worst: Gheb Dishonorable Mentions: 3-13 Archer, "IKE! STAY BACK!", Batta the Beast, Glass, Canas was killed by continuity errors, "ARE MARTH AND ROY IN THIS GAME?!"
  2. Male or female for the arms? I think I can expand the females in arm and leg width by far. I'll definitely take out the darkest shade in them as well.
  3. Immediate transforming is cool, but I already have Tanith, Marcia, and Jill to do his job. Really a waste of deployment. The only reason he's even recruited because fuck if I say no to Reyson. 4/10
  4. Oh hey swordfighters. I combined Mercenaries and Myrmridons in FE4 style. If these were in a game the Hero promoters would be more balanced and the Swordmasters would have more Skill/Speed, obviously. I tried to make Eastern and Western variations, hence why the Generics have multiple styles. Originally I was just going to do Myrms because I never understood why they were all left handed and so slouchy. Proper swordsmen would have a better stance.
  5. She's Sylvia with no Blaggi (but like she even needs it) and Charisma. So she's awesome. 9.5/10
  6. Dancer with Inheritance on top of it. If only there were multiple Leg Rings. 10/10
  7. Lucretia "Heh, I love you too." "I've waited to hear those words out of your mouth," Lucretia giggled and kissed Aurelio again. "Can you believe we've known each other for this long? And to think, our encounter was almost... chance." She smiled, remembering chasing Carrion to the mountains in the hopes of learning about the nightmares and flashbacks. Was Carrion able to understand? I wonder... She pondered this question as she dressed. "It's coming close to departure time, Aurelio. Should we... get going?" Adano The dream was stronger than before. He awoke to his pillow and sheets stained with sweat. Shivering, he looked outside. "The sky is... red. Sailor's Warning." He muttered to himself as he got out of bed and dressed. Looking to his armor pads, he decided against using them any more. They would only slow him down, and he was already slow as was from his injury. "This armor has been nothing but a hindrance to me. I have no more need for these. I may die soon--I want to die as I was. A swordsman." He finished dressing and took the armor downstairs to the manager. "I want you to have these. Consider it a... tip. I have no need for these." For the first time in a long time, Adano stood up straight. He looked at his clothes--he'd kept them hidden for years, ashamed of his loss of ability. Since meeting his daughter again for the first time, he wanted to show her what he truly was. I am a swordsman. I live and die by the sword.
  8. I'm not sure if you've finished the neck or not, but I feel it's too flat. He should have something in his neck, kind of like... muscle? Even if he's not muscular, some more definition in the neck would be nice.
  9. If you could recruit Eltshan, you'd have Aless. He's pretty awesome. The Mistocritblick is awesome and has an auto 20 crit. Plus, he promotes to Paladin, which isn't as broken as its GBA counterparts, but hey. It's FE4. Everything is broken. Especially Aless. He, with Celice, Leaf, and Levin!Arthur, make the Endgame a walk in the park. 9.5/10
  10. FE4 dancer with wings. Of course that means Arrows will rape his face. He laughs at Magic though. 9/10 because there are a decent amount of arrows in this game, and also he sucks cock untransformed.
  11. 8.75/10 Tanith is awesome. She has Oscar and Reyson supports to kick major behind, and she has the godly Reinforce. She can also use Magic weapons from the beginning and has semi-decent Magic to do so. Her dodging is pretty awesome too. She can be frail, and C25 is very unfriendly to her. no way in fuck should she beat jill
  12. There's an amazing Support Square of Eirika, Seth, Franz, and Forde. Eirika, Forde, and Franz all get max attack from it, and all of them get great boosts to their critical and avoid. If you wanted to try it, I'd go for this arrangement: Eirika: Seth A / Forde B Seth: Eirika A / Franz B Franz: Forde A / Seth B Forde: Franz A / Eirika B This gives Eirika slightly better Avoid and Defense, both of which she'd want over a small Critical boost when she can already take Shamshir and Killing Edge easily. She gets ~17 crit (20 if Forde A/Seth B) from this support anyway, which is 52 with Shamshir before adding in her Skill (which is almost always high) and a +5 for S Swords when she gets there. 20/20 Eirika on average with these supports gets 19 from Skill and S Swords. Add that to the 52 with Shamshir and she gets 71 base Critical with Shamshir. 66 with Killing Edge. With a 0 crit sword she still has 36 natural critical, which is more than enough considering loluck on generics. Other great earlygame supports are NeimiColm, obviously. Pair Neimi with Artur or Gilliam for a much-needed defense boost. Colm needs an attack boosting partner like Moulder. Vanessa wants Moulder and Lute for max Attack, Defense, and Avoid. Three things she really, really, wants. Lute wants Artur for defense. I'd do: Vanessa: Moulder A / Lute B Moulder: Vanessa A Lute: Artur A / Vanessa B And maybe tacking on Neimi and Colm to that group would work well. Ross and Garcia want A supports with each other. Double Fire is amazing in this game. Natasha and Joshua complement each other well, the support is fast and gives good bonuses. What sucks is Josh doesn't get full crit, but since he's almost always a Swordmaster he doesn't need it as much as others. He can take most midgame partners. I recommend Gerik or L'Arachel for defensive purposes.
  13. I wish but I need to do semi-well on this only because my exam average is in the low 80's and I still have the final to deal with.
  14. Congrats Sharon. #TeamNeedles I'm very happy with life right now
  15. I thought the topic said Syriana the George Clooney movie and I was going to go off about how George didn't deserve the oscar over Jake Gyllenhaal. oops
  16. It seems like every time I was not in class the professor talked about these research proposals that were 12% of our grade. And yet, I knew nothing about it. So I have to basically come up with one. Fun. wish me luck please
  17. Guys you're really inspiring me to do a Nuzlocke stop it
  18. They're both extremely sexy. I love their hair especially. threesome please
  19. too lazy to type so this goes for me too yay. But +1 because I love Leaf dearly. And he's Ethlin's kid. So 10/10
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