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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I know you. You were a one-time RP Mod at GTS+. Welcome.
  2. Please tell me there is no dialogue between those two lines. Precious.
  3. Generic Palette does suck, and trust me, it won't look any better. Here. widened shoulders and right arm.
  4. Excuse me for trying to make things a little more practical. I already said I would widen the body, so take a fucking chill pill. Now, why not tell me what in particular is so bad? Instead of running your mouth, tell me what I need to fix and I'll do everything in my power to fix it.
  5. Then I'll shorten then and open the coat, see if that works. lolimpracticalcapeshoodsandawkwardclothing I will, but it's kinda tough to reference a sprite that's half hidden behind a friggin' cape. I'll do my best, though. Love you too, Trent.
  6. Would opening the coat fix that issue? I'm kind of drawing inspiration from the Jacket!Myrms except not really because I'm making it my own. I'm gonna fix that right arm because I hate it. How many pixels would work to widen/lengthen the body? Thanks
  7. I love having only two finals And now for the Anima Mages. I like Lilina's the most. I think they're a little plain. Any advice?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx5H-49dgvo
  9. So since I'm gay do I pick a guy or a girl Can I have Sigurd, Leaf, Alm, Hector, Ephraim and Krom together? While Marth and Celice masturbate in the corner and Eliwuss and Roy just cry? If I had to pick my top three would be Sigurd, Hector, and Krom.
  10. I ended up going through and changing them all. There's a few palette changes here and there as well, mostly to get rid of ugly colors. FEMALES: Shaded the belt and leggings. MALES: Widened arms, reshaded jacket entirely, changed sword arm stance.
  11. I like this answer so much that I'm using it for my own.
  12. Before I go through fixing all of them, I fixed up one of the females. The leggings' shading isn't what I wanted it to be, so please ignore it. I also need to shade the belt still. But I tried to move the arms around. The right arm is now resting slightly lower, and the left arm is resting on the hip. Also, the arms and legs have been widened. I also reshaded the jacket with less third shade, along with a few other fixes.
  13. Char's because DAYUM that man is sexy. But I love AK's, Yoshi's, and Kon's too.
  14. He One-Rounds everything, sure. He's got great stats, sure. Especially if Holyn's his dad. But what else does Faval have? Nothing, really. He's pretty useless outside of that. Bowlock means no Enemy Phase outside of being attacked at range, and since he destroys everything in his path it's unlikely he'll be attacked. Gestation and recruitment take a lot of turns that he can't make up, unlike, say, Sety, who definitely makes up turns. Faval is great on casual and ranked, but in a draft he's not worth it. The only redeeming quality besides having Ichival immediately is that his sub is undeniably much worse. 2.75/10
  15. It doesn't matter that it's closer to the light source, it's still kind of blobby. More definition never hurts.
  16. 74 Speed and flies in Goldie's Averages Unleashed 10/10 Vika kinda sucks. She doubles but not a lot of power. When she comes back in Part IV she's ridiculous fodder of everything in existence. 1/10
  17. She rocks. Siege tomes immediately, can get to Rexbolt faster than Ilyana, has Nihil, and is one of the best footies, behind Boyd, Ike, and possibly Gatrie. Downside? Knives. lol. 8.75/10, includes a +1 bias because <3 Calill.
  18. Most of it, in all honesty. http://gyazo.com/acb1c00c163040990917790b48a54c0f This area has the worst problems.
  19. The trim is very lumpy and inconsistent. You should reshade it entirely. Trim isn't hard to do, and I think you have enough skill to do trim.
  20. why didn't you put lyn saying "what" that's all she does.
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