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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I won't be auditioning for a few more months, but I just wanted to get some new audition pieces.
  2. Snipes the fuck out of everything, no reliable EP (lolcrossbows), but he's pretty cool. 7.75/10
  3. What's funny is that we were just talking about this monologue~ Another monologue I picked is Hamlet's Speak the Speech one. I've done it for a class, and Hamlet's one of my dream roles. For reference:
  4. Marry Canas. Mack Etzel,. Kick Oliver. (I do love him though!) Hmm. Legault, Gerik, Brendan. Yay scars~
  5. So, I'm looking at re-evaluating my repertoire of audition pieces, and I'm looking for some advice, I guess. I want to try and have more serious pieces that I can work on as well as some better comedic pieces. Right now I have a great monologue from Angels in America: I also have a piece from The Normal Heart that I had used before: I'm open to suggestions. I guess if anyone wants to share their audition pieces they're more welcome to, as well. Nothing wrong with actors helping each other out~
  6. Wrong. My Fair Lady with Audrey Hepburn is nothing compared to My Fair Lady with Julie Andrews. Audrey just looked pretty and didn't even do her own singing. Julie did, and did it extremely well. If she didn't get rejected by Jack Warner she would've been Eliza, like she should have. The good that came out of her rejection was that she did Mary Poppins instead. The rest is history.
  7. Boyd's pretty good in this game. Not the best, but good. He does a lot of great things in the GM earlygame, which helps them tremendously. He's got a lot of Speed and Defense problems, and it'll be rare if he doubles frequently. The worst part is he won't be getting the Speedwings until after Haar and Ike get them. That's a while from then, and I don't even know if there's that many in the game. 7/10
  8. Rolf isn't as terrible in this game as he was in FE9, but that's not saying much when you use lolbows. Good for chip damage and good when raised, but raising him is the problem. 2.5/10
  9. ...again, really? This has been discussed numerous times before. It's not custom. All the parts are there. Custom shading is allowed. Voting Amelia.
  10. Marry Noah, Make out with Lance, Kick Alan. Jaffar, Lloyd, Linus.
  11. He's got the best Magic in the game, IIRC being the only magic user who can reach 40 Magic (which he caps most of the time even before transfer data). He has sole access to Rexcalibur until lolbastian shows up. Otherwise, he's just average, although he can pick up Discipline and a Heal staff and reach A Staves quickly enough to use the good ones. 5.75/10
  12. -Wow, I just realized I never contributed to the original meaning of the thread. LET'S DO THAT NOW~ So, I'll do Best, Units I always use, and Worst. Cool? Cool. FE7's Best: -Marcus -Sain -Hector -Pent -Priscilla -Raven -Harken -Lucius -Oswin My FE7 Favorites: -Nino -Priscilla FE7's Worst: -Wil -Rebecca -Wallace -Karla FE8's Best: -Seth -Ephraim -Duessel -Cormag -Franz -Vanessa My FE8 Favorites: -Vanessa -Lute -Natasha FE8's Worst: -Amelia -Ewan -Marisa
  13. SNES era always wins in my book. FE4 alone is better than the GBA era. Then we add FE3 and FE5... yeah. FE7's my second-favorite game, but the GBA series overall isn't that good in my opinion.
  14. Honestly, your sprites aren't bad. The colors are the most glaring problem. and the fact that they're zoomed in. Please, keep it at normal zoom.
  15. Haar on a horse, which means she's awesome. Starts incredibly high-leveled, promotes early, has the game's best weapon and uses it well, and she's Titania. Enough said. 10/10
  16. True, but he doesn't have a good grasp on color contrast, as you can tell from how it looks flat. Once he's more advanced and better at spotting color contrasts, sure, he can take them from the portraits. It's kind of like a custom pallette itself. But right now, he needs to use GBA colors with basic edits.
  17. First: http://photobucket.com/ Sign up and make an account; upload pictures there. It's easier and you can keep them archived better. Second: The leg outline should be a consistent color. Since she has some clothing on her leg, use the black. I only use the brown outline for when there is bare skin. The left (Her POV) hand is incomplete-looking; finish it with some outline near the top. Right now it looks like it's fading away. Her shoes look like they should have heels. That's just me, but right now her feet look awkward the way they're standing. You can also afford to use the darkest hair color for the hair's outline. Since her hair's light, it doesn't need the black outline.
  18. I definitely like the darker hair color. The head decorations are flawless. She looks like a goddess.
  19. Don't take your pallette directly from the picture. Use existing colors or make your own.
  20. The skin tones also need to have more contrast between them. Right now they're too close together, making it look flat. Using the default GBA ones isn't bad.
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