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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Best: FE4 Honorable Mentions: FE5, FE9, FE6, FE8 Worst: FE10
  2. Let's see... ElinciaGeoffrey IkeSoren JillMist JillHaar NepheneeHeather NaesalaLeanne TibarnReyson
  3. men, remember that you will never get a blowjob from your girlfriends that matches the amazingness of another guy. we know what we like. it's actually a good comment on communication in a sexual relationships or me saying i give good head
  4. FE4 Gen 1: Sigurd, Lex, Ethlin, Fury FE4 Gen 2: Levin!Sety, Lex!Swordtwins, Altenna FE6: Rutger, Clarine, Niime FE7: Hector, Raven, Lucius, Nino FE8: Vanessa, Lute, Cormag FE9: Jill, Boyd FE10: Jill, Haar, Tibarn, Gatrie
  5. The arm is straight as a board. Unless he's standing perfectly at attention, it should be angled or have some curvature to it.
  6. And save as a .png so that way the .bmp doesn't get royally fucked up and converted to .jpg.
  7. How easy is it to cap that many stats? Or were you just lucky? I don't like the fact that allies are going to cap every stat unless the enemies are slated to do the same. Also, all 30's for King?
  8. I haven't seen the other wyverns do what Toothache has described--only Gale and his troops are the ones who approach and don't attack.
  9. I was playing Chapter 21 (Normal Mode) and Team Gale arrived, as usual, and performed their typical hug-your-units strategy. Yet when I killed off his other units, he began attacking, and killed Dieck ._. So I guess his AI is to surround your units, but attack if all of his units are killed? Anyone have any thoughts/ideas?
  10. Marry and Fuck Boyd, kick the other two. Marth, Sigurd, Hector.
  11. I put comments in bold for the first one. As for the second: The left (our right) eye looks fine, but the right eye looks wonky to me. Did you use two different eyes? Try fixing the eyebrow on the right eye. It's perfectly straight, which eyebrows don't do. As for other problems with this sprite: The neck is very thin and long--she can't support her poor head like that. Try lowering the head a pixel, and widen the neck by a few. The back of the neck should be one to two pixels in from the ear (which doesn't exist on this face, by the way). Don't use the outline color for jaw shading. Use the fifth skin tone. You have way too many colors. There's about three different people's skin tones, and I noticed three outline colors.
  12. Best: FE4 Worst: FE6 Oh, a boss that's ORKOed by all of the Sacred Weapons? Okay!
  13. Abush/Wrath is deadly in FE4, problem is if Ardan is the father the kids don't get shit besides that. Lex gives Neir and Elite on top of Ambush.
  14. Best: Sigurd Honorable Mentions: Shiraham (Dead at beginning of FE10), Misasha, Elimine Worst: Desmond
  15. Best: Ishtar Honorable Mention: Jill, Titania Worst: Gheb
  16. Best: Grafcalibur Honorable Mentions: FE5!Holsety, Tyrfing, Wolf Beil, Mani Katti, Thani Worst: Sol Katti Dishonorable Mentions: FE7!Durandal, FE9!Rofl's Bow, Florete
  17. The only reason anyone would purposely do Jerme's map is because it's easier to recruit Harken. And recruiting him on Kenneth's map is actually pretty easy.
  18. If Sain and Fiora are tied, I'd put Sain above her because he can at least tank damage. While Fiora dodges more, Sain tanks physical hits and can use Steel Lances better.
  19. Haha very true. I just remember the FE7 drafts I've done included LHM. Anyway, it may be possible to move Sain over Fiora. Statistically he's the better of the Cavalier duo, especially with a few Speed Procs, which he can get. He's second in line for a Knight Crest, maybe even first depending on Oswin's status. He becomes a second Marcus after promotion and is probably the best mounted unit besides Florina. He also has four and a half more chapters than Fiora (16, 17, 17x, 18, the first part of 19). 16 he has a slow start because damn forests, but 17-18 he has clear and full movement, and he can probably take a sword and eliminate the pirates on the right side of the map.
  20. Are we also assuming Lyn Mode being used? Because if yes, Sain and Kent should rise, especially Sain. Even though Fiora ferries and flies, Sain/Kent can take Wallace's Knight Crest and join early and promoted.
  21. He's nothing short of a liability. He can replace Ena if she dies or sucks (which she does, but Gareth sucks more), but you're better off keeping Ena alive. He can't tank Magic for shit even with his high HP. His only usefulness is adding another Blood Tide, which can help clear some Auras in 4-E-5, but that's all he can do. 0.25/10
  22. [block of dialogue from alan] Caliban pondered the question, and realized that he needed this man to help him survive. He wasn't as young as Caliban was, but he obviously had something in him. Caliban nodded and said, "Sure. We can travel together. Maybe we can find others. Looks like everyone here's dead... Shame." bang! The gunshot sound made Caliban jump. "Looks like we've got a lead on survivors!" He said, as he ran towards the sound. "Coming, Alan?"
  23. "Hello there, I'm Alan Gallagher. It's good to see someone else pulled through this mess. It looks like the entire fortress came crashing down, a lot of people have been killed. How are you fairing? I guess I got lucky, I've got nothing more than a sore back." Caliban was weary of the stranger at first--he looked older, and definitely was shocked at Caliban's appearance. After all, he was heavily tattooed and mohawked. Nonetheless, Caliban reciprocated the man's handshake. It seemed they would be helping each other survive, and so he figured it would work best if he stayed around. "Caliban Quinn," he replied, "It's a pleasure. Unfortunately our circumstances seem to be working against us." He looked the man over--he definitely was older, but he seemed to be faring well. Caliban gave the man credit. He was sure the old man was one of the few survivors his age, if any. "I've just got a cut on my head but that's being handled," he pointed to the cloth which had a blood spot on it, "otherwise I'm also a little sore but nothing that can't be walked off."
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