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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. For those of you unaware, the Stonewall Riots became the first major event in the gay rights movement. On June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York, and people began to fight back. It sparked the gay rights movement, which is still powerful today. But because of Stonewall, we have gay pride, we have the slow process of legalizing same-sex marriage, and we have the ability to be gay and proud. Further reading on Stonewall The climb is still uphill, but because of Stonewall, it's becoming better. To the pioneers, the first fighters, I thank you for fighting--it's because of you that I can be gay and proud.
  2. So bad when she joins, but she hits so hard when she gets a few MAG levels, which happens frequently. Plus, +.5 bias for her personal tome being a Shakespeare reference. 2.5/10
  3. Hmm. A fact I forgot. In that case, Sigrun uses it better. She'll probably get hurt worse than Tanith anyway. Tanith isn't the worst candidate for it, that's for sure.
  4. IIRC Tanith uses it better and probably wants it more because she's going to see more combat.
  5. Needs BEXP to be useful. She can take a crown and be a little more useful, and she shines in the desert. The problem is, she joins with Tanith, who is much better than she is. She's not bad, but she's not good. 4.75/10
  6. Ulki's avoid is awesome. He flies too. Inferior offense to Janaff but his offense is far from terrible. Decent durability too. 8.5/10
  7. I think my first forum was when I was around 11, and my first FE forum was when I was... 12. I joined here (the second time, after the first forum disappeared) when I was 15. Wow.
  8. He doesn't like his facebook photos but that's one of my favorites of him.
  9. mods still have power in fftf yanno shut up before you shoot yourself in the foot #formermodproblems
  10. You know why Sylvia is the second highest rated unit in Gen 1 of the FE4 RTU? She dances Sigurd to kill more things and seize faster. Reyson does the same for Ike/Haar/Titania/Other Awesome Units.
  11. except hardcore casual Aeine, do you think everyone's overrated? Anyway, Janaff. He's great in this game. He flies, he's got amazing bases, and he dominates Parts III and IV. Essentially he's Tibarn lite. I regret not using him as much. He needs Grass for a while because lolhalfshift. Can use Laguz Gems/Stones well. 8.75/10
  12. Yeah but Reyson's a utility unit rather than a combat unit. Thus, he's going to automatically be doing more than Edward. Not to mention he uses the Cards very well. I never understood why Rafiel was used over Reyson. Statistically he's worse, he doesn't have canto, and doesn't have the movement of Reyson and even Leanne. Reyson can easily take the Laguz Gem from 4-3 or even Giffca's and put it to great use.
  13. Reyson doesn't need BEXP/Resources lategame. You don't have to pour a single ounce of BEXP into him. Edward needs those to stay good in lategame.
  14. Edward isn't a refresher unit with Canto. Reyson's the best heron in the game. Enough said. 9.75/10
  15. Anyone who gives Lyre above a 1 (with bias) is an idiot. Seriously. She can't do anything. Even when you're using her. 0/10
  16. This question is basically what will set you apart from the other candidates. Don't say you're better than the others; that's been said around the world. Instead, focus on what sets you apart. Never mention anyone else who's applying for the job.
  17. It's funny, I've been told by people that I would be best as Prior. Honestly, my two favorites from Angels in America are Prior and Joe. I wouldn't mind being Roy, though. He's so different from other characters I've played that it would be a great challenge. I love Jacques Brel, but I haven't been trained to sing and I don't want to do a singing audition until I get trained.
  18. I voted Feaw the first time, I'm voting him again~
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