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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. It's also interesting that Phoenicis is located in a different spot than the final product had it in. I wonder why it changed, or why it was put there in the first place.
  2. The problem with statboosting Ike is that the two he needs (Speedwings and Talismans) tend to be better suited to other units.
  3. Getting Altenna isn't too hard--just have Leaf and a few others stay near the main castle and take on her group, as long as there's someone who can take a hit (She got a Silver Lance and Javelin from Cuan as well as the Gae Bolg and used the Javelin instead) from the Javelin they'll be fine. Then have Leaf talk to her. When she reappears she usually flies in Celice's direction automatically.
  4. Fuck Ike. Overrated as shit, Gary Stu, annoying as fuck. I can't stand him. Nonetheless he's one of the best units in the game. The best footie, by far. I think he took 'roids after POR. But a swordlocked footie in Lanceland with only a Wind Edge until 3-11 sucks dicks. And not in the good sense. Also hogs Speedwings in a "perfect" clear (aka recruiting Lehran) and has lolres. -1 bias because Fuck Ike. 7/10
  5. Then why throw around the more offensive and clearly incorrect term?
  6. The Lovers and The Other One The air was tense in the manor as Gabriel and Julius sat across the table from Gabriel's brother, who had a scornful look in his eyes. "These are Father's terms?" He asked, reading the will and sipping from his wine. He had a cold and callous tone; it was clear that he was not pleased. "I'm afraid so, Brother." Gabriel stared deeply across the table, not shifting his eyes. Julius stayed silent, merely looking on at the scene about to unfold. Gabriel had advised Julius to not bring his weapon with him. Julius knew otherwise. He sat there, one hand on the hilt of the blade, thumb ready to hit the whip. "This is... unbelievable." Unable to move or think, he merely slid the will across the table. "I thought the fortune... was mine..." "Not this time..." Gabriel replied, smirking. "Sorry, Brother." Cameron, listening from the wings, entered and cleared the dirty dishes, glaring at Gabriel. "I've won." Julius whispered to Cameron, breaking his facial expression for one of victory and gloating. "He's mine, the fortune is mine." "It isn't over yet." Cameron replied, audibly. Julius smiled, evilly, and ran his free hand on Gabriel's leg. "Don't--" He tried to reach for Gabriel, but failed as Julius ran his hand up and down Gabriel's side, lovingly. He kissed Gabriel on the cheek and neck, letting Cameron bask in the horror of it all. "I love you." He whispered gently into Gabriel's ear, which then turned into a kiss between the pair. Gabriel's brother had already stormed out of the room. It was now just Julius, Gabriel, and Cameron. "Stop--! Stop!!" Cameron threw the dishes on the ground, allowing them to shatter. Julius and Gabriel stood immediately, in a defensive stance. "Don't even--" Gabriel threw his fist into Cameron's face, breaking his nose. "Leave us alone, Cameron--you lost. I won." "Fuck you..." Cameron said while spitting out blood. A crash had interrupted the three--they ran outside and found Gabriel's brother dead on the street. "He jumped out of the window..." Julius said in a low voice. Gabriel stood, in shock. "Fuck," was all he could utter, "I didn't... I didn't mean for this..."
  7. Calill rocks. She's one of the best magic users in the game, reliably uses Rexflame without worrying about being weighed down, can double in Endgame, and has fun throwing Sieges everywhere. Durability's not that great and availability stinks, but she joins at the right time where she can take BEXP without competition. 7/10
  8. Best: Pursuit Honorable Mentions: FE4!Shooting Star Sword (Astra), Elite, Critical, Bargain, Nihil Worst: FE9!Parity Dishonorable Mentions: Mercy, Shriek, Quickclaw, Howl, Halfshif, Sureshot
  9. She can use the Killer Bow in the 2-3 shop for some use, but she's best left away from the main group. Give her Paragon away; she won't need it on the bench. 1.5/10
  10. Also remember that FE6/7 styled colors are less saturation/contrast than FE8 styled colors. That makes a difference. Here's an FE7-colored Tana I whipped up in a few minutes, all custom minus outline/skin.
  11. I know they won't do LexAyra because Shin doesn't like it. $20 says it's a pairing that doesn't even give the Swordtwins something useful.
  12. He's not terrible, swordlock until promotion hurts him especially when there's a million other people he's competing with resources for. His stats are pretty decent all-around, and he does get the coveted Axe when he promotes. 4.5/10
  13. I actually thought Roy was Eliwood just because they're technically both the son of the Marquess of Pherae in their respective games.
  14. This was definitely one of the best rounds in a while. The only other round I can think of is the lolis round (Lute, Myrrh, Fa I think).
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfM_wS7qYfY
  16. Lethe: Useless cat gauge, useless unless she has Olivi Grass (which Mordecai wants so much more to keep killing), bad attack, bad defenses. Just bad. 2/10 Geoffrey: Brave Lance and Paragon make Geoffrey more useful than people give him credit for--he can promote in his join chapter with BEXP. He's probably getting most of the kills anyway. His availability's terribad, though. 2-3, 3-9, and 4-5. He'll probably return in 4-5 a third tier unit, though--better than a few others in that sense. +1 because <3 6/10 Kieran: Titania lite. Has a Silver Axe from the get-go, has a decent base level, doing most of the kills in his early chapters alongside Geoffrey. When he joins Team Ike, he's not that spectacular because of Titania being the SAME CLASS and probably promoted. But he is far from terrible. Great stats and bases, and everyone wants another Titania on their team. 6/10
  17. I'm not a psychologist but he may be dealing with some form of separation anxiety. Or a version of the Oedipus Complex. Both are normal around that age. Here's a good question: what's his relationship with your father?
  18. I would be so okay with this. I'd say Nino and FE9!Tormod. Mage Ests for the win.
  19. Going with Amelia's on this one, I just love the headdress and how beautifully clean it is. Props to Free, Ecut, Lumi, and Vamp as well for this round. Hell, this was a great round. One of the best we've had in a while.
  20. I'd say Lute's or Amelia's. Definitely sad, makes them both have a sense of humanity which you miss unless you read their support conversations. Since I'm here I'll also throw in my FE7 choices: Nino's (although she doesn't die, just her "Am I going to die?" makes you definitely feel for her, especially after reading into her backstory), Limstella's, Jaffar's, and CoD!Lloyd/Linus.
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