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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Best: Ishtar - I should say RD!Jill but Ishtar came first. Arguably the most beautiful FE woman. Honorable Mentions: RD!Jill, Brunya, Ursula, Ayra, Diadora Worst: Vaida - I'm sorry but nothing makes Vaida attractive. Dishonorable Mentions: Sonia, Hilda, Lamia
  2. Is Myrrh going to be used? Because she also technically flies. It's going to be interesting to see what you'll be doing without high-use units like Seth, Franz, and Vanessa. I wonder who'll be getting what.
  3. Storywise Sophia's supposed to be pretty powerful yet she blows, same with most units plotwise though. See: Sigrun
  4. Voting feaw, props to Strawman and Ecut as well.
  5. Hey guys, I apologize for lack of postage, my other RP knows this already, but I've moved back to college and I'm very busy this week as an Orientation Leader, so I'm barely able to be on. I should have some free time but I also live on North Campus so I need to plan my time there wisely. Monday I start class so I should get a tiny bit more time.
  6. Nice Strawman, nice. I go to a big party school just not a top ten school. According to Forbes my school is ranked 88th out of 650 though. :D
  7. I live in Vermont, we were at an orientation meeting and we felt it, we thought we were still drunk from the night before.
  8. Alrighty I need to ask what college you're going to because too many things are adding up here. :P But to stay on topic, long car rides are great for hacking, because you've got nothing else to do and if you're going to the college that it seems you're going to you'll REALLY have time and it kills time. Just charge your laptop beforehand!
  9. Julius The path seemed to wind and wind onward, but Julius continued on it. He began to see more and more manors and mansions appear, that meant he was approaching Albion. He was excited to return home, yet he was nervous as well. It had been almost six months since he left; did anyone know the truth about his uncle's death? That he was really the killer? Don't think these things, Julius. As he approached a manor he knew too well, a good friend of his uncle's, he wondered if he should stop by. It wouldn't hurt him to try, after all, he needed noble backing to get his position back. He approached the manor's front gates, turning to the guard and speaking in the most deadpan voice. "I need to speak with Lord Sarson. Tell him Lord Kilmore is back." The guard stood at attention almost immediately, and without words, rushed inside to retrieve his master. Julius smirked. Perfect.
  10. I've already got a party to go to tonight. Gonna be a fuckin' awesome year.
  11. Please tell me you don't have orientation beginning Thursday, please
  12. Actually I believe Cam's away for the weekend, at least it seemed like he was on Skype. I'm sure he'll accept the entries just because I was technically the only one on time and I want to win legitimately
  13. To be honest my Adam's Apple isn't very visible on myself... I think I swallowed it. >.< But that won't stop GBAFE!Me from having it!
  14. Reminds me of the Wyrmslayer, Dragonspear, Dragon Axe, et cetera because of the color scheme. It's really cool though.
  15. Spam this face: Also, be as offensive as possible. Racial, homophobic, mysogynist, anti-Semitic slurs are a must.
  16. Not gonna happen. They can't make another Elibe game. Everything was settled in FE6.
  17. Hugh - Another possible Forblaze wielder, and also has a rhyming name, and is also a cousin of Lugh. Lots of relations there~
  18. Most: Sephiran Least: Soren Honorable Mentions: Ashnard, Izuka, Desmond, Ashera
  19. Minimal custom shading on this one, mostly in the hair where I spliced it on. Lance's head, Erk's eyes, Karel's nose, Alan and Ephraim for hair, Carlyle and Oleg/Sealen for the body.
  20. The shading where the hair meets the head looks awkward; the hair has no outline and there could afford to be a few spots of the fourth skin shade. I agree with Aviv that the neck is a bit too long and skinny, cut off a few pixels and it'll be fine.
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