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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. I dunno, actually. Lumi's an Issaciansome other continent's SM nation's princess, though, so I don't think she'd be related to Jinsei.

  2. When you get your FE4 rom, change that and the FE4 patch to the same name, and your emulator should accept it.


    *brings you a Nel plushie*

  4. Yeah.

    It's the version I use.

  5. http://www.serenesforest.net/general/patch.html

    Here are all the patches available. When you get to endgame, though, make a save (state) before you seize Barhara, then take off the patch or the game will freeze.

  6. Pretty much.

    And they are right about it. It is amusing.

  7. My parents are okay to talk to.

    And I can't use any other computer in my house for homework, anyway. I have too many files saved and the others would just frustrate me because they're too slow.

  8. LOL yeah.

    Guys in my school love singing girl songs for some reasons. XD

    I'll probably check out more of those vids, then.

  9. Well, depends on the song for me. I can sing okay, though singing songs sang by a man originally can sound...weird.

    Video is awesome.

  10. I've negotiated with them. :3

  11. Putting lyrics into things are fun.

    ...If only I could write.

    Singing along, though, is really fun. 8D

  12. I felt like it today.

    Will change back to regular tomorrow.

  13. We just did the standard "Pop goes the Weasel" edition. Simple, but effective.

  14. -Goes to watch-

    That's pretty awesome. :D

    I lol'd at bits and pieces of it.

  15. Not yet, anyway. I hope to get there.

    ... I do enjoy math, though, so let's just stay on the topic. Unless you want to change it.

  16. Not the fancy ones. We had a vector on a 3D coordinate. That's it.

  17. It did.

    We just started, but it's stuff involving three or more variables (x,y,z) and more dimensions.

  18. Yep. Calc III IIRC.

    They decided to give us I and II in one year. I'm not complaining.

  19. Oof. That's not good.

    I'm starting to get my assignments already. The overload hasn't kicked in yet, but I've gotten stuff from both Multivariable and Stats, and some English and Latin. >___<

  20. Yeah... pretty much.

  21. Currently Laptop-less. Hope to get it back soon.

  22. Yeah same. I feel like that all the assignments are going to pile on now. >__<

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