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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. I LOL'd.

    What grade did you get on it? (better be high or your teacher has no sense of humor)

  2. I probably have, but I can't remember them off the top of my head. :<

  3. Urgh.

    Thanks for the heads up. :)

  4. I'll probably make a bunch of sandwiches, then. Those don't require the use of the stove.

    That's good to hear.

  5. Cruchy things are tasty. :)

    I really need to learn how to cook if I want to survive off of something other than ramen at college, haha.

  6. Sounds delicious. <3

    Unfortunately, I really suck at cooking beyond heating up water for ramen, and microwaving things.

    Hope it comes out good when it's done!

  7. It's really the same.

    They just get stuffed with more work, which makes their academics better due to more practice.

    Asian parents also force you to study all day long.

    ...not that I do, haha.

  8. Turns out you're the original claimer of Skasaher. I apologize since I didn't do a thorough enough job searching the variations of his name.

    With that being said, do you mind sharing him?

  9. I got photoshop on my side. 8D


  10. I may sometimes.

    Seth will have to invade Akaneia multiple times. I'm planning on splicing him a DS-style mug as well.

  11. And much less homework, too.

    I heard way too much from my Chinese cousins. >___<

  12. >___< That sucks.

    Hopefully at least the people will be nice, though.

  13. Heh, you are right.

    Hope boarding school isn't going to be too bad.

  14. I'm pretty glad I live in the US, though.

    So much more freedom.

  15. I happen to be Chinese.

    So I hate the government for ruining the country.

  16. Much, much worse.

    I don't feel like going into detail because it makes me want to go kill something.

  17. That might explain it, then.

    Well, one is about how the Chinese government, instead of doing useful things, spends all their time persecuting people they think are threats and stuff. The other is in the Other things section of my profile, but it's REALLY long.

  18. I dunno, don't they follow the same curriculum though?

    I had fun writing one bashing the Chinese government, but that's about it. I guess my giant explanation of why I love Seth might count, as well.

  19. 8% in my area.

    Essays are okay when I care about the subject, but most of the time... I don't.

  20. I'm just an overachiever.

    But it bit me in the ass. The AP bonuses weren't enough to cover for the fail.

    I'm okay with reading books, but I hate the essays.

  21. I'm the reverse. I did great in Calc and pretty good in Physics, but I completely bombed English.

    So I'm going to take 12 Regular English and not torture myself with AP English anymore.

  22. Well, college.

    I'd expect that will happen come end of the school year... >___<

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