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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. Ah. We got today and tomorrow off, so yay us.

    I really should, but I'm a horrible, lazy procrastinator, and it's hard to get rid of said habit.

  2. Well, depending on how it's drawn. I'd also probably bring colored pencils for shading if I have that in multivariable next or something.

    School's okay. Work hasn't kicked in yet, though.

  3. I've seen those functions before. Not in class, but on the internet. Those look so awesome. <3

  4. Probably.

    Which is a shame, because I love math too.

  5. If I don't go to art school, I most likely will.

    Thanks. :3

  6. Calculus was actually pretty easy. IDK, I just do the assigned work and was fine.

  7. It might me because I'm Asian... JKJK.

    But yeah. I've had no trouble in math whatsoever, while English has always been a problem class.


  8. Yeah. I wasn't born in America, so I had to learn it. But I wasn't good at language arts, ever. Math is my thing.

    I hardly ever post in that since I got lazy. I only heal Rutger about once or twice a day, these days. Just waiting for round two so I can concentrate on Seth. But I'll see what I can do about Ephraim.

  9. Haha thanks.

    I'm very awkward towards people IRL. That or super aggressive. It may be because I actually have to talk to them, though.

    I'm serious. English is the only class where I just fail at in general. And I've gotten 70s on poems I've attempted at.

  10. Ah. I don't go into drama for that reason.

    I fail at social interactions.

    I fail at making anything involving words flow.

  11. It is nice. My art teacher is really amazing.

    I wish I could write anything remotely poetic. Whenever we have to do poetry for English I always fail at it.

  12. Art camp, working on a painting.

  13. Yes.

    And I was, well, not home for the majority of the summer. I've been doing this the whole time I was home, though I was going on SF most of the time. *shot*

  14. That one. It's massively long.

  15. I haven't yet, but when I finish my homework, I'll probably check them out.

  16. Ah. I see.

    Getting in a lot of hits is good.

    Cecil still looks the best from what I've seen so far.

  17. Hm... I wonder how Sephiroth is when he's player-controlled.

  18. I would most definitely use Cecil. Cecil FTW.

    I saw Golbez, Cloud of Darkness, and Sephiroth.

    I think I'll use Sephiroth since I have weakness to long-silver hair on guys, and Cloud because oversized weapons FTW. And Golbez for being badass.

  19. Ah. I see.

    It may work, then.

    We'll just have to put all those awesome skills from FE4/FE5/Tellius to work.

  20. I know.

    I watched a few more after that. It was... amazing.

    Now I REALLY REALLY want to play it.

  21. That was... epic.

    Cecil is awesome.

    I dunno how they'd pull if off with Fire Emblem, though, since it relies on strategy and RNG rather than hitting things.

  22. Vaguely. I've wiki'd about it.

    I want to play it, but I don't own a PSP. ;____;

  23. I would like that too.

    If only IS will make that...

    I hope they do.

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