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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. I think we call those the Bo Staff in Karate.

    Oh god, forms. They're the reasons why I took so long going from blue belt to green belt. I knew all my techniques... just, not this one form. ;____; FFFFF.

    I always wanted to learn archery, and I have fun shooting things with my friend's set, but... I have god-awful accuracy.

    I'll stick to swords.

  2. Yep. 8D

    You probably still remember some of the stuff, though, right?

  3. They're made by the same people who made Final Fantasy, right?

  4. Judo is fun. 8D

    Although getting thrown kinda hurts. Even though it's on mats.

  5. That's good, then.

  6. Karate. Straight from the Japan Karate. There's also Judo on fridays, and Kendo is offered as well. But seeing that it was moved to saturdays which coincides with my art lessons, I couldn't go to Kendo anymore. ;_;

  7. Green belt as of now. My parents made me take a break for the summer (since I spent all summer in art camp anyway), but I will be starting again in October. I'd just have to contact my sensei about it.

  8. That's weird. I use DeSmuMe and it works okay, besides being very slow at times and may freeze up at the start. It's certainly not SNES9x, but its useable. It might just be your computer, though.

  9. D; That sucks. And my top screen's only 3/4hinged for the longest time.... you know, a part of the hinge broke off.

    Thank god for emulators.

  10. It's probably going to be worse when school actually starts up. ;___;

  11. It kinda died.

    My DS is dying too, the top screen anyway. The coloration went completely nuts. ;^;

    I need a new one... but I have no money.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Thor Odinson

      Thor Odinson

      I put it off for most of the summer and it's biting me in the ass. >_____<

    3. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      Ouch. Wait, you haven't started school yet?

    4. Thor Odinson
  13. *birthday column. loltypo.

  14. I missed your birthday by 10 days, what is this.

    Blame my bad habit of not checking the birth column.

    Have a very belated happy birthday!

  15. I don't own any gaming systems besides the DS, so it's very hard for me to play anything beyond RPGs. I have played Soul Calibur III once at a friend's place and enjoyed it, if it counts.

  16. And I think that there's a lot of competition in Starcraft...like, full torunaments.

    I've only really played FE, FF, and Pokemon.

  17. They're scary.

    Friggin' Starcraft. >___<

  18. I wouldn't say that, just that China has a decent-sized, dedicated fanbase.

  19. Pretty much, yeah.

    They also have some very good guides and crazy people who do crazy PTs.

  20. China FE is a Chinese-language FE forums, and they have a lot of information earlier than us since Japanese is closer to Chinese than English.

  21. Sorry about that. My mouse panicked and double clicked. >___<

  22. Oh god, those. I'm going to have to consult guides in China FE for those....

  23. FE8 is the only game I do that, since Seth and Eirika won't need everything anyway (besides that Angelic Robe in C8. I deploy Colm for that one) And FEDS/3DS, because Marth is a free Chest opener.

    But healers, they're pretty necessary. I can't imagine not having one in any game besides FE8.

  24. I guess it's just different playstyles.

    I've never had issues happen with my lack of variety, though.

  25. Happy Birthday~

    -Brings you a neatly wrapped Hero Sword from Lakche-

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