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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. -is showered in confetti-


  2. I uploaded my collection just in case anyone else wants them. http://tinypic.com/a/27ayo/4

    I dunno the source of most of them, though. Just through random Google/Photobucket searches.

    I should do a Imageshack/Tinypic search next.

  3. Yeah. My OTP, in fact.

    I'd suggest a Photobucket search, actually, since I found some good ones there. DeviantArt doesn't have much, though.

    Here's some from Japanese sites as well. http://aga.qusqus.com/agahari/ag/FE/FE158.htm


  4. So I've heard. Whenever Miccy got a SPD up my friend and I would cheer. Since she's forced and all.

    Anyway, I've got to go to bed now, but I'll talk to you later. G'night!

  5. You know something is wrong when the tier 3 sage class has 31 as a SPD cap in RD and the tier 2 Sage has 30 as a SPD cap in FE4.

  6. That sucks. They're supposed to be magic-bombing everything while doubling.

    Though, Sages actually don't have that different of the SPD cap from generals in the GBA series either. Generals have 24, Sages have 25.

    It's FE4 where Sages get a 30 SPD cap and Generals got something really crappy.

  7. Marcia makes me laugh with her food-expletives.

    Eirika is my favorite FE girl after Lakche and tied with Ayra. :3

    She becomes tanky in both physical and magic after promotion which is awesome.

  8. I had a ridiculously SPD-blessed Ilyana on my (unfinished) RD file, according to my friend who owns the game. :3

  9. I understand where you're coming from.

    I do enjoy training units as well, as long as they're worth training. Or if I like them. Or if they're a Swordie.

    Like Marisa. Comes so late, but I train her anyway on a full-party run.

  10. I just played FF4 and was in love with Cecil Harvey and Pallies in general, when my friend introduced me to FE through FE8, I see this attractive guy with the class "Paladin". Instant-love.

    It also has to do with how broken he is. If he was the main lord he'd solo the game with ease. I also have a thing for ridiculously loyal characters, so that's another plus.

  11. I'd be happy to help.

  12. Of course.

    I'm not particularly efficient at FE4 (seeing that I take a million turns on a map just to pair people up and let Ayra get a bunch of kills on her sword), so I hope you don't mind.

  13. That was annoying.

    Especially considering that holy weapons took so much to fix.

    It's one of the reasons why Lakche is my main damage dealer and not broken Holsety user or Shanan.

  14. It is very different from the other FEs.

    I think that big maps serves either as the like/dislike factor for some.

  15. It's also why FE4 is so unbalanced.

    But hey, I like overkill.

  16. The only person who could survive one hit from that is CH10 Yurius, because Loputosu halves damage.

    But I used Hero Sword so it didn't matter. :>

    Makes Nihil such a wonderful skill to have.

  17. I like Ayra and Ethlin as well. Ayra was so badass.

    FE4 Crits doubles damage before factoring in defense, so with 42 ATK and Luna, getting critted=dead. XD

  18. That would be the first Lakche I had, actually. 8D

    I also had one where she oneshotted him since she activated Luna and Critical on the first hit, but I've never posted it.

  19. I've seen most of the Lakche vids on Youtube.

    But thanks anyway. :3

  20. It's one of my favorite videos.

    Shows why she's my favorite female in FE ever.

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