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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. Holy crap. six dots now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      750, 1000, 1250, and so on to 2500. It doesn't go on past then.

    3. Darros


      So you can only get 8 dots in total?

    4. AstraLunaSol
  2. Except in FEDS where I sometimes change half my party to DKs because I need the movement above terrain.

  3. Yeah. I usually use two in my party. In FE6, I used Miledy and Zeiss, and FE7 I had Florina and Farina. FE8 I use Tana and Cormag.

    Triangle attack is very nice on bosses, but against normal enemies it's overkill anyway.

  4. Ah. I usually prefer high movement units, which is why I like having my units all on horses.

    The only footunits I really like are Myrms, Mercs, and magic units. And Hector.

  5. FE also has a much smaller female cast, and its makers are probably guys. 8D

    Dorothy's a nice girl, though. However, I just don't use her since she doesn't have a horse, since I prefer my bow users to be mounted as well. The only games I use Snipers in are FE4 and the two DS games.

  6. I usually do them for pairings I like, but the Rutger-Clarine-Dieck triangle just happened to have one of the most killer support combinations in FE6. It's a nice coincidence.

    I can't think of any male I'd use that wasn't good-looking, though, besides Duessel because he's awesome, and Athos because he's Dumbledore.

  7. Clarine is a spoiled brat, but she is practically untouchable in a support triangle with Dieck and Rutger, so I send them out to solo maps. It's fun seeing them face 0 hit rates.

    I'm far more picky with how guys look than girls, though, since there's no attraction factor, girls just needs to kick ass while guys have to look hot while kicking ass for me. XD

  8. Athos can ORKO Fire Dragon if he proc's Luna Critical. 8D

    Forgive me if I sound a bit shallow, but when it comes to male characters, I also do have a looks factor in there. Though, it's mostly the good-looking people that have good growths. Or so says ChinaFE.

  9. More of their unmounted, users (besides Haxtor and Heroes) than the weapon itself, actually.

    I like every branch of magic, so I do have a user for every one of them. If only Pent, Lucius, and Canas can have a support triangle... ;~;

  10. Well no, since I still have archers---well, mounted ones. I like Nomads. But my main weapons consists of those three. Javelins are the most prevalent, since I had Seth practically solo a game with them.

    I'm actually worse. I keep Seth's starting Silver Lance around and not letting it break.

  11. I actually hardly use the holy weapons. I have a user reserved for all of them (Heroes get the axes), but most of them come out in pristine condition. I save them for lategame bosses and the such, but that's it. I usually just get through the game with Iron Swords, Javelins, and Killing Edges.

  12. Ah.

    Well, when mercs promote, they get axes. Watching Dieck, with B Clarine B Rutger, complete annillate a team of DKs with only a couple of hand-axes is very satisfying.

    Before that, though, I stick to swordies.

    Although in DS, my whole team at times consists of nothing but castors, Pallies, and Marth. I'm not that varied. :P

  13. Nope. It's my Issacian Swordmaster counterpart. *shot for being a fangirl*

    I can't seem to train axemen, for some reasons, unless they're godly like Barst, or godly AND attractive like Hector.

    Most axers I've tried to train either can't hit or can't double.

  14. I generally don't use axers. If I do, they're promoted Heroes. If Minerva's on the team, then she's the main axer.

    I have a thing against most footaxe units. Barst was great in SD so he's an exception, but in Shin Monshou he isn't as much. Mounted Axe units are fine, though.

  15. For FE12, Sirius, Catria, Navarre, Ogma, and Abel has to be in my team. Plus two magic units---I use Merric and Mallesia--and Marth and MU, that's nine already. Feena's also deployed, so that leaves me with only one slot to switch around people, and that slot either goes to Malice or Minerva.

    There are so many characters I want to use...

  16. I know what you mean. I am annoyed that I had to drop characters off the team when I want to keep using them, because there are certain characters that have permanent positions that join late in the game *cough Abel cough*.


  17. Well, all the Thracian mugs are either young or unattractive.

    At least Seth's face is mostly made of Fin.

  18. FE8's the only one I do it with because Seth is ridiculous.

    But I use a full team on all other games.

  19. Nah, I started on Easy. Then moved to Normal, then to Hard. Hard's my other save file. The 100+ hours is my NM file, and I wrote over easy.

    But I play exclusively FE8 Hard mode these days. With just Seth and Eirika, and Colm before chest keys are buyable.

  20. Now that I think about it, it was either Link or Marth. It was a couple years ago, though.

    Yeah. She only had one save on it, I think, and I already started HM.

  21. Yeah.

    She forced me to borrow it. But then I decided to spend 100+ hours on an aforementioned file, so I bought her another one and gave it back.

  22. Nope. I've only played Brawl once at a friend's house, and sucked at it majorly. My best friend kinda shoved the FE8 cartridge to me, though, and I got addicted.

  23. No problem.

    I'll be healing Marth in my next heal, then.

  24. I can try, but Hurt is 2 points and heal is 1. And I have my heal duties to Shanan as well. I'll heal marth every other turn, though.

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