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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. I've been reading too much analysis for FE4 on ChinaFE, but...

    Sigurd may be an excellent military commander, but he sucks at politics. It is one of the reasons why it caused his downfall. I can't exactly translate it, and I wish you can read Chinese so I can link you the article, but...

    FE4 focuses more on storyline than characterization, that much I'll say.

  2. I know how fandoms go.

    There's the annoying fans, and then there are the cool ones.

    Don't let the annoying ones get to you. They just want to feel better than everyone else.

  3. To be fair, Sigurd can probably solo Generation one by himself. He is an excellent unit.

    But you're right, some Judgral fans really are annoying like that. I haven't encountered any like that on SF, though. Not yet anyway.

  4. You could just put it in spoiler tags in your profile.

    Like what I do with everything.

  5. I don't know Richard Simmons, but I do know the One Winged Angel theme.

    I just don't get it, that's all.

    By the way, what is your reason for the Sigurd hate?

  6. What video is it of?

  7. Yep.

    That and all the cool bosskills get video'd.

  8. That would be a solorun instead.

    With FE4 favoritism runs, everyone can kill things, but the person getting the favoritism get kill priority and all important bosskills.

    Including Endgame Yurius, who is the only problematic one unless your HP+Res<70. Then Alvis can oneshot you ;^;

  9. Well, it's basically me overusing one character and make them do awesome things. Like that Lakche run I did earlier, I intend a similar run with her brother and cousin.

  10. I see.

    I should probably give it a try after I'm done with all my FE4 favoritism runs.

  11. Seth is downright awesome and makes FE8 his b-. And gets an ending with his princess. Double win. You should use him sometimes, he won't disappoint.

    Warp is awesome.

    Well, talk to you later!

  12. How'd you get the patience to train Corple? I hand him Rana's Warp but then he gets to use it, like, twice. >___<

    Lakche actually has a small chance of ORKOing him, though, with Balmung+STR ring. That's the best part. Yay for being able to attack four times a turn even facing Nihil.

  13. And then he can run around and kill things better.

    Marcus isn't bad... he's no Seth, that's a given, but he's certainly not bad.

    On the other hand, I doubt even favoritism could make Arran good in the long run.

    Yep. Though, making a choice for college is hard... it seems the good colleges for one isn't good for the other.

  14. Alvis is. He might not be that hard since he doesn't Meteorbomb your other people, but he sits on a throne with +30 Avo, and 4 Leadership stars.

    Balmung!Lakche with supports have 100% hit on him and faces 6% hit rates, though. It was hilarious how fast he got owned by her once I switched weapons.

  15. Azel's pretty awesome when leveled, though.

    For me, the problem is his 5 move.

    Ayra on the other hand levels like a maniac because I have inherent SM favoritism. Holyn follows shortly behind.

    I calculate stuff to make sure that Ska/Shanan definitely can kill this boss. Lakche breezed through them all already.

    That or I go into art. I think I'm a bit better at art th...

  16. Well, Alvis is 40 DEF/ 40 Res/has great shield and Nihil. And 80 HP. Lakche could've owned him faster if he didn't dodge an awful lot with 66% hit rates and activated great shield a bajillion times in a row, though.

  17. Usually, I do too.

    I just really felt like doing a favoritism run where Lakche gets to kill all the important bosses. Skasaher is getting his soon, and Shanan's is still in calcuation stage.

    ...I really like math, don't I.

  18. I mean, endgame Yurius had a base 37 Hit against her. 0 after supports. It's awesome.

    It also lets her survive one shot of Falaflame. I've used her to kill Alvis with a Silver Blade once. It took a while, though.

  19. I've used Lex a few times and liked it, but I still like Holyn better. Plus, 70 HP is a bit better in endgame mageland since their Res are all the same.

    The Balmung Glitch is a glitch where you get Shanan KO'd, then do something complicated, and Balmung will appear in the shops, but only Lakche or Ska can buy it. Therefore giving Lakche Balmung powers and invincibility.

  20. Lakche because she's the most badass female ever. And her personality reminds me of myself. And I used the Balmung Glitch to have her kill endgame Yurius because I can.

    Actually, my love of Odo blood stemmed off of both her and Shanan.

    Holyn's actually my preferred father for her, since I love it when Lunacrit happens, and Lakche uses Balmung better than Shanan can.

  21. Ah. I see.

    Thanks for the tip!

    Yeah.... I hate the cutoff too. >:{

  22. O.o *headaches*

    I suck at memorization. Badly. Unless it involves numbers.

    Hmm, maybe I should find some classes or something. I just don't get the chance to practice...ever. :<

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