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Everything posted by DarkDestr0yer61

  1. Like assume that you can't afford to buy a good port of a game. I think personally I would rather not play the game at all than to purposely play a bad port
  2. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly It wasn't even good back then. I had no standards when I was 8
  3. I hope we can come to an agreement! I'd like Hector because either way you look at it, you get a free Hector as a unit or you get a free DC fodder!
  4. I think Blazingknight has learned quite a bit over the years. Good for him. In general, these are what I use to determine on what is and is not a good unit. Class Bases (ESPECIALLY Weapon Rank) Avaliability The game in question I think some games are quite harder to determine because of multiple factors. For example: in Conquest, Charlotte isn't that great of a combat unit, but as a berserker she gives insane pair up bonuses; in Radiant Dawn, Fiona is in one of the best classes yet her bases are abysmal; in Binding Blade, Bors has great availability but his class holds him back. I don't think things are super black and white, but I do think if a character has multiple things going on for them, then they tend to better more often than not. Sometimes something as small as a personal weapon make or break a unit.
  5. Are things like the removal of a breast slider really enough to have a major impact on whether or not you purchase a game? I don't think it's the end of the world if I can't have huge anime tits.... besides I'm sure that there are games that are more geared towards that kind of thing anyway.... Oh boy
  6. I know we've had our fair share of controversial topics on SF, but I decided that we should go ahead and have the most controversial one right now.
  7. We actually learn how some of these names are pronounced. I never realized I have been pronouncing Lyon and Myrrh wrong. Warriors does this to a lesser extent, but I think the only name people were confused about was Caeda (I hear people call her Kay-duh).... also the clarification of Tharja's name when she finally gets in
  8. I can think of two off of the top of my head, and they are both from Dragonball Z games. My second-favorite is from Tenkaichi 3 in which Frieza goes to attack the Earth only to be confronted by Spike the Devilman from Dragonball. And my favorite its from Budokai 1 in which Cell attempts to absorb 18 but Krillin jumps in his way making Cell a lot weaker. This results in Cell having a fight against Yamcha and barely beats him. Only for him to get Kikoho-ed into dust by Tenshinhan.
  9. I can't find the script on SF, but I am fairly certain she makes a statement about wanting to keep casualities to a minimum in the first place since she doesn't understand why they are fighting.... then she learns that they shouldn't be fighting in the first place but Pelleas was tricked. Then she almost slaughters an entire army after finding out this information. And her plan would have worked too if she was willing to sacrifice Sothe
  10. I'm not really annoyed with the decision for a 2nd Eirika.... but this probably means Ephraim will eventually get Garm... and this means it won't go to Knoll and Duessel... 2 characters who are actually from Grado (and two characters I actually like) Glad to see L'arachel and I'm glad that I've been pronouncing her name right..... unfortunately she's not replacing Reinhardt on my team :/ Speaking of names and how they are pronounced, turns out I've been pronouncing Myrrh wrong.... also, glad to see an addition to my dragon emblem... wish she had Ward Dragons though...
  11. I can give several reasons. 1. You want to know someone's genuine thoughts on the game or see someone's reaction to a certain part of the game. 2. Games that you can't afford, but you are experiencing it via let's play 3. The YouTube/Twitch personalities themselves. (I enjoy the commentary of the Super Best Friends). 4. Stuff like Speedruns or Level 1 plahthroughs or LTC because you want to see the game played by someone who has very high skill. 5. Probably the most important one, background noise. I mentioned this on a different thread, but I have a hard time playing a game without having some kind of YouTube video or Twitch stream as background noise. And no listening to video game music doesn't work as background noise for me because if I wanted to listen to video game music, I just listen to the music of the game I'm already playing
  12. Hey, it's easier to give advice than to follow advice. I feel bad about things that I shouldn't feel bad for all the time. I apologize over everything.... Speaking of which, I mean to reply to this a few days ago but I got sidetracked. Sorry! Also LOL to everything Dragoncat said
  13. The only way Lex can pass down swords is he kills an enemy who drops a sword.... not likely to happen. Also characters can't buy weapons they can't use..... honestly, just give Ayra a spare sword and have Larcei sell it so Ulster can buy it
  14. Can we as a Fire Emblem community come to an agreement for once and meme a joke character into existence? I'm all aboard for dumping my votes into Brigand Boss or Amy
  15. Now I'm just imagining a game like Sonic Forces, but the clothes are Tetsuya Nomura designs. On a serious note..... I'm curious to see what comes of this. I think it's an interesting combination to say the least
  16. A few things, I don't think stats or personalities matter when it comes to that archetype and the fact you say Luke qualifies more bothers me since his hair is green. Also... wouldn't Cain and Abel be the Cain and Abel of FE 3?
  17. Two things. Thing number 1 is that I probably don't need to say this, but don't ever date anyone like that. If you say no, then the answer is no. Thing number 2 is that you don't owe him an explanation, and if he keeps bothering you about it, then tell him to fuck off.
  18. Sorry I haven't been posting. I have been slowly working on it though... Chapter 11B 9/103 I bring Fir so I can recruit Bartre. Allen rescues Fir and he and Marcus charge up while Klein rescues Roy and he, Rutger, and Dorothy charge downward. Lugh was hanging out near the village dealing with the Pirates that attack. Merlinus got the Red Gem. Klein and Rutger did rescue chain shenanigans in order to get Roy near the boss on turn 8 and Lugh buys some Thunders at the shop. Turn 9, Rutger ORKO the boss with the Armorslayer, Fir recruits Bartre, Allen gets hungry and eats a Dracoshield, and Dorothy promotes into a Sniper at level 10 and Roy seizes. I also get an Energy Ring since all of the villagers lived Chapter 12: 8/111 I placed Lugh at the bottom of the list so he can draw the sleep user. Which btw, I am not even convinced this does anything?? Lugh never got targeted by the sleep staff and Rutger did and he was nowhere near the bottom. I split my army with Roy, Marcus, Dorothy, Bartre, Lugh, and Merlinus on the left side, and Allen, Klein, Chad, and Elphin on the right side. Bartre and Dorothy were put to good use. I gave Bartre an iron bow and he went to town on the shamans in the middle. I had Marcus rescue Roy and Rutger charge from behind. I ended up using Bartre to grab Roy from Marcus while Marcus runs near the group with the Warrior in order to draw them closer (and I had to take Roy from Marcus or Marcus would be doubled). Marcus drags the Warrior close and the next turn Rutger crits the Warrior with his Killing Edge. Bartre gives Roy back to Marcus and Marcus drops Roy off near the door. Meanwhile, Chad is opening the doors to the chest rooms and Allen and Klein are escorting Chad and Elphin. Chad loots the Brave Bow and gets danced and opens the top door and Allen grabs him while Klein grabs Elphin and flees from the fighter and armor knight. They get close to the wall by the throne room and Allen starts breaking it down. Klein is a bit behind him but he drops Elphin. The next turn Klein uses the Brave Bow again and gets danced to Brave Bow the wall again and breaks it so that Allen can run in there and kill the priest with the Sleep staff. It’s turn 6 and both groups are caught up with each other. Turn 7 Chad opens the door from above and Roy and Rutger run into the throne room. Turn 8 Rutger uses the Durandal to OHKO the boss and Roy seizes. I made a grave error by not buying door keys with Lugh last chapter…. I would have used Merlinus or Lugh to open up the door and get the Aircalibur tome and I would have making opening the door to the throne room a bit easier for myself. Chapter 12x: 6/117 First chapter that I can’t carry everyone. Lugh and Klein sat out. Not much to say, Rutger, Allen, Marcus carrying Roy ran through the middle. Bartre ran up and grinded a bit of his axe rank. Elphin, Dorothy, and Chad stayed towards the bottom just killing whoever is down there. Chad actually got a few levels here. The Brigands barely had a hit rate on him and thankfully I finally got Chad to D Swords. On turn 4, I had Allen pick up Rutger. On turn 5, Roy and Rutger got dropped near the throne. Allen got hit by the Druid’s Nosferatu on the previous turn so he had to rely on a dodge. I didn’t realize this, but the guys in the throne room don’t move. On turn 6, Rutger got a double crit and ORKO-ed the boss (if he didn’t land the 2nd crit, Allen could have finished it), and Roy seized. Chapter 13: 10/127 I feel like this is where the game gets a bit challenging. Bartre charges up and gets the Body Ring from the village. Everyone else charged to the right. Crossing the bridge was a bit annoying. Around the middle of the bridge, I had to deal with the Paladin. Klein and Dorothy jumped on the ballista and hit the 1st waves of Wyverns. Milady recruits herself. Marcus and Allen grabbed Roy and Klein and ran towards the boss. Rutger, Chad, and Lugh slowly follow from behind. I had to take an extra turn to safely deal with Hero and the Paladin charging down as well as the 2nd wave of Wyverns. Turn 9, Allen and Marcus drop Klein and Roy near the boss and Chad gets the Al’s Sword. Turn 10, Klein uses his Brave Bow to double the boss and kills him. Allen initiates C with Roy and Marcus initiates B with Roy and Roy seizes. Chapter 14: 17/144 No fliers is brutal. Yeah, I think I am going to lose, but I am still having fun and I think I am doing okay-ish for my first LTC/Draft Run. Not gonna lie, not getting the Guiding Ring in chapter 8 was a horrible mistake that I knew would kick me in the ass like crazy. Okay. So I placed Dorothy at the bottom of the list to draw the sleep user. I deployed Shanna to fly around and get items. Turn 1 Shanna got the Silence staff, Rutger got the Talisman, Lugh got the Boots. Assume Cecilia is heading towards the throne and using a Torch staff every turn (the goal is to get her to B rank ASAP). Dorothy, Cecilia, and Lugh carrying Sophia head up. Klein, Bartre, Roy, Elphin, and Chad head down. Marcus and Allen kind of remain in the middle. Rutger goes left. Turn 2, Cecilia gets put to sleep. Rutger faces several wyverns with his Durandal (probably could have used the wyrmslayer, but I have a legendary weapon so I plan on using some of it). Turn 3, Dorothy gets put to sleep, Shanna gets the Speedwings….. Few turns pass and Lugh ends up fighting a few wyverns and manages decently, Rutger gets the Silver Card… Turn 8(?) Maggie and Rose spawn. Completely forgot where Maggie spawned so I had to rely on Marcus dodging a Halberd a few times or he would get OHKO-ed. Rutger went against Rose’s squad but he had nothing to worry about. Dorothy woke up and moved toward the middle. I had to rely on her critting Maggie with the Killer Bow and Marcus finishing him off with a steel sword (which was about to break). Chad hung back to fight some brigands. Everyone else was working there way to the boss slowly. Lugh fights a Steel Sword Hero and gets the Silver Blade. Shanna moves into a position to loot the Warp Staff without getting in the manaketes range……. I get closer to the boss and I have Sophia loot the Guiding Ring and Lugh went next to her and used the Guiding Ring to promote…. At Level 20. Unfortunately, this is probably the scariest turn I had. Sophia is in the way of a Killing Edge Hero, so I had Klein rescue Sophia and I listened to Fredericks advice. Thankfully neither attack critted me. So I had Bartre chip him with his Iron Bow, Klein (while still carrying Sophia) attack him with Brave Bow, and Roy finish him with his the Light Brand. Lugh stands at 2 range in front of the boss and takes a 2 turns to kill him. On turn 15, the Boss kills himself on enemy phase. Turn 16, Roy is a couple tiles short of reaching the throne, so Lugh went into the Vendor and bought 3 Aircaliburs, 2 restores, a tourch, and 3 Pure waters. Turn 17, Lugh visits the armor and buys 3 Steel Swords, 1 Steel Lance, 1 Steel Axe, and 2 Steel Bows. Cecilia easts the Angelic Robe and Roy seizes. Chapter 14x: 7/151 I left Dorothy behind this chapter. Turn 1, Allen rescued Rutger and moved down. Allen got danced moved down and dropped Rutger so he can deal with the axe users on enemy phase. Cecilia moves down and eats Boots. Marcus rescues Roy and moves down. Chad gets into the range of the Berserker, he would get OHKO-ed, but with the combination of the Berserker’s low hitrate and Devil Axe, I am not too worried. Bartre gets barely in the bosses Bolting Range, and Lugh heals any of his damage with a heal staff. Turn 2, Rutger moves forward a little and gets into a bunch of the infantry ranges. Allen, Cecilia, and Marcus move down. Klein doubles the Berserker and Chad finishes him. Turn 3, Cecilia barriers up Rutger and I throw Rutger into the range of the Nosferatu Druid. I position Allen in a spot to help move Rutger and I keep Marcus out of enemy range (mainly cause I want Allen and Rutger to ORKO the enemies). The axeweaver wyvern attacks Chad but he dodges. Turn 4, I have Rutger crit the Druid, and I have Allen clear a path for Marcus to travel. I have Cecilia mend Rutger. Klein shoots down the wyvern. Turn 5, I move Rutger up and eat a Speedwings. I have Allen kill the Druid with the Physic. Cecilia barriers up Marcus (He would have got ORKO-ed otherwise) and Marcus gets into the Bolting Sages range so he can drop Roy in the throne room next turn. On enemy phase, both the sage and the boss go for Allen and both of them miss. Turn 6, Rutger kills the Bolting Sage. Marcus drops Roy in the throne room 3 spaces from the boss, and I position Allen and Marcus in a position where it would provide Roy support bonuses. Enemy phase, Roy dodges the boss’s Bolting that would have OHKO-ed (Roy would have also gotten doubled, but Bolting was at its last use) him otherwise. Turn 7, Rutger attacks with the Killing Edge and lands a crit on the boss, Cecilia eats a Talisman, and Roy seizes.
  19. Ah that sucks. I actually find stuff like that hilarious. And I found the Ardainian Soldiers fun to figh for that reason. What's funny was I was planning on making a thread yesterday about a subject similar to this. It was going to be about weird/funny voice acting in video games. Atleast Xenoblade 1 still has gems like "YOU'LL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE"
  20. Wait. So the patch made it so they don't shout when they fight?
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