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Posts posted by Namarid

  1. If we were to use our own pre-made teams, the DLC wouldn't even be a challenge as players could role through the chapters with no opposition as even the base classes of the playable children would be far superior than the opposing enemies as your units would have skills that would make everything one-sided in your favor. Imagine Royal Royale where the alternate timeline versions of the units you use only have the skills that their main timeline selves have equipped? See how easy you made everything now? IS actually was pretty smart to prevent players from repeatedly getting free skills by using their own (the players) pre-made 'overpowered and broken' units in some of the DLC chapters.

    Not to mention that using pre built teams wouldn't make sense for this dlcs story.

  2. I honestly thought that was the whole theme and premise of Fates and the choices: make your decision and face the consequences therein.

    Then, you can get rewarded with nothing but the most maximum of angst and despair no matter what you do but especially if you choose the neutral path.

    I would say that the neutral path should be the one where you have to fight both and kill both your families and at the end the game is like "don't be a fucking pussy, go back there and make a choice".

    You guys are just making me sad,making me wonder what could of been.

    Maybe I'm some sadistic asshole, but I wouldn't of minded if the endgame was the slaughtering of either family. Killing Leo would of definitely produced some tears.

  3. Felicia. I find her to be an incredibly endearing character. All she wants is to be useful to others,something that I can relate to, and despite her mistakes she always gets back up on her feet and tries again, a very admirable trait. One thing that I found surprising and extremely likeable about her,ultimately making her waifu status, was how she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and tell people that they've gone too far with the insults, even if they're royals. Examples include the supports with takumi and saizo. I also found her to be quite funny. Her voice is great also.

    Now I dont have any gameplay experience due to not owning the game, but I know for a fact that Felicia will be on all my teams and that this adorable maid will be be royalty.

  4. Here's the thing: Even if they didn't have Dual Audio, the script has certain lines fixed for certain story events mapped to the JP version's files. If they had to make it from scratch like the JP version, they wouldn't have been able to release it in the US the time the did.

    So what I am saying is that, because the decision to play up the "Hoshido" and "Nohr" country mentions, those voice clips don't match up. They would not play in those story voiced events if they had put it as a critical quote.

    "For the Glory of Nohr" would play on every single dialogue in which "Prepare yourself" played.

    Trying to find every single instance of that sound clip and editing it to the right one... yeah you try that.

    It was the same with Sumias "For Ylisse" in the conversation with Muriel in the DLC. It was more appropriate in Japanese when she does say "Prepare Yourself".

    Ah I see, if that's the case then I'm a lot more forgiving about the whole thing.

  5. Revelations wasn't that bad since it revealed why the events of Birthright and Conquest took place and it had a somewhat different story just like how Birthright and Conquest had different stories. If at all, if a future FE game had a split story path, instead of featuring characters that you already met and can meet on the other path, introduce new characters that only show up on that particular path so you don't get poor comparisons between the same characters when you look at how they act on both routes.

    The story of rev isn't my main gripe with it, I should've made that clearer, but what I don't like is how from a gameplay perspective it's the best. You get the full cast, omega yato, both item shops and armouries, heck even Lilith is better in rev. Its the best for post game shenanigans since you get the best of both worlds and more.

    I would've preferred it if rev had its own cast and perks,so that birthright and conquest didn't feel inferior in terms of content.

  6. I personally don't mind multiple releases as long as the versions are different enough to be considered different experiences. It just gives me more content to play through.

    I like how the difficulty was different between birthright and conquest because it appeals to the new and old players.

    The only problem is managing a good story for both versions if they decide to do a branching paths storyline. I'm just praying that, if they do this again that they don't have a golden path, supreme version.

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