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Posts posted by Namarid

  1. +mag/-str is more of a postgame thing tomes are accurate enough that you can freely go - skill to not rape your def and str when you eventually reclass back to noble and -luck is the standard "least flawed" flaw.

    As far as talents go, diviner is pretty top tier in conquest and underwhelming everywhere else.

    Thanks for the advice. I'm surprised and glad at how much you promote the use of magic builds and Odin considering that most things I hear about them are negative.

  2. It's not that difficult to explain. People identify with him. Many of us here have experienced, or know someone who has experienced, feelings of insecurity and anxiety. When Takumi was all "I am a bother to everyone etc." with Subaki, he was basically saying what a lot of us are saying to themselves on a regular basis. He feels very human and relateable. What I find especially great about him, is that his insecurity is always treated as flaw. It makes him have difficulty getting along with others, it causes him to snap at them and further isolate himself. It causes him to become paranoid and even hurtful at times. Nevertheless he still has positive and caring sides to him, they are just often undermined by his issues.

    In modern media, characters whith insecurity are rarely alowed to express the negative aspects of it. Most of the time they are there to be hugged and felt sorry for. Takumi certainly can make you feel sorry for him, but he can also be offputting and difficult to deal with. I think that is a lot more relateable than someone who is always perfect and kind. He is also one of the very few characters not mindlessly worshipping the avatar, and acts according to his own reasonings.

    You can find his actual supports on the FE wiki. I can personally recommend Takumi/Oboro, Takumi/Hana, Hinoka/Takumi, Takumi/Kiragi, Takumi/Azura and


    After spending the time to read his supports,which were mostly good barring that orochi support,I can definitely see what you mean. It was weird and refreshing to see some similarities between me and him.

    I think what made him more interesting to me was how what he acts in battle contradicts his insecure nature. "I'm stronger than I look", " Not my fault you're weak" and "I'm the strong one in my family". This facade aspect of his character is what I found to relate to me the most.

    Thanks for the takumi breakdown.

  3. Forrest as my favourite. Despite being the obvious trap character, the fact that he doesn't allow peoples opinions on his hobbies and the way he dresses to affect him. This is a very admirable trait to have and is one that can be applied to real life.

    Soleil as my least favourite. I just find her to be a joke with all seriousness. She's supposed to be bi, but she can only get in a relationship with one guy and only cause he looks like a girl. Not because of his personality or that they had good chemistry, but because he's a cross dresser. I despise her.

  4. I think she meant that no matter how well-written a story is, there will always be people complaing about the story because it didn't go the way the wanted it to go.

    This is, sadly, a very common behavior this days...

    Oh,OK thanks for answering. Yes that is depressing and frankly quite annoying. Even if that's the case I don't think scaling back the story is the right move.

    Unlike Pokémon, I see the story in a fire emblem game to be a big part of the game. It gives meaning to the battles that happen. If they devolve that into skirmishes with no meaning then I feel that I would get bored with the game very fast.

  5. Actually, no.What I'd do is keep the story as minimal as Pokemon, since the vocal fandom's pretty ungrateful when it comes to story reception. If they don't like the story, but like the gameplay, then why waste money on the story? 'sides, even the best-written story has people who bitch about it.

    I'm a little confused by what you mean by ungrateful here.

  6. Revelations has so many plotholes in it due to that one path containing the reasons for why Birthright and Conquest take place and the reasons for why said reasons happened. Revelations also while harder than Birthright, is not as hard as Conquest. Conquest has a better gameplay (less exp. and gold building methods) and Birthright lacks the amount of plotholes (plotholes can ruin the fun of the story at times) that Revelations has. Also, playing Revelations before playing both Conquest and Birthright ruins both of those paths (Conquest and Birthright) since you learn the reasons before playing the routes.

    Thanks for your input,but that's not exactly what I meant. I should of been more specific. I already know about fates story, I'm more interested if whether rev is worth getting from a gameplay standpoint.
  7. I could see Laurent being one of Leo's retainers for obvious intellectual/magic reasons.

    This. I imagine they would of had some interesting conversations. Kjelle with Camilla, I could see kjelle admiring Camilla for her strength. Cynthia with Xander, respects him as much as she respects Chrom.

    In terms of trio dynamic. Laurent would be seen as the leader and would think of ways to fulfill their mission. Cynthia would go to him for emotional support over disliking the fact that she has to do bad things for the greater goods,questioning if she can consider herself a hero and what her parents might think of her. Kjelle and Cynthia would have arguments about nohr's idea of conquering other countries to support themselves, with kjelle being in favour of it while Cynthia is against it. Laurent has doubts about his leadership abilities and kjelle assures him he's doing a good job.

    In short. Laurent becomes more confident in his abilities, Cynthia matures and realises that being a hero doesn't mean every action you make is a good one and kjelle is more empathetic of those weaker than her and doesn't look down on them.

    I'n addition they would actually fulfill their mission cause they have a sense of duty unlike the other three who sat on their asses.(Seriously I like the awakening trio a lot but their lack contribution to the story is depressing).

    EDIT: Just an extra bit for this trio. In terms of classes. Laurent would become a sorcerer, mastering magic. Kjelle would be a great knight gaining the ability to ride a horse from anankos. Cynthia becomes the obvious hero. Also swapped Cynthia to Xander's retainer instead of Elise's

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