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Posts posted by Namarid

  1. SImiliar to it's Fates counterpart, this topic is for fun and is here to allow you to post what you think the marriage options of a character would be if there was a limited supports system. Here are some of my ideas. I didnt bother with the 2nd gen, donnel or avatar only characters. And yes avatar would be able to marry everyone. I didn't think of any friendship supports, but ideas on those are welcome as well.

    Chrom: Sumia, Sully, Maribelle, Olivia

    Lissa: Frederick, Vaike, Lon'qu, Ricken

    Frederick: Lissa, Cordelia, Cherche, Sumia

    Sully: Virion, Kellam, Stahl, Chrom

    Virion: Sully, Cherche, Olivia, Tharja

    Stahl: Sully, Panne, Miriel, Cordelia

    Vaike: Lissa, Miriel, Maribelle, Nowi

    Miriel: Vaike, Stahl, Ricken, Kellam

    Sumia: Chrom, Frederick, Gaius, Henry

    Kellam: Miriel, Sully

    Lon'qu: Lissa, Cherche, Olivia, Tharja

    Ricken: Maribelle, Lissa, Miriel, Nowi

    Maribelle: Ricken, Vaike, Gaius, Chrom

    Gaius: Panne: Sumia, Maribelle, Nowi

    Panne: Gaius, Stahl, Gregeor, Henry

    Cordelia: Frederick, Stahl, Gregor

    Gregor: Nowi, Panne, Cordelia, Cherche

    Nowi: Gregor, Ricken, Gaius, Vaike

    Tharja: Libra, Virion, Lon'qu, Henry

    Libra: Tharja

    Olivia: Chrom, Lon'qu, Virion, Henry

    Cherche: Virion, Lon'qu, Gregor, Frederick

    Henry: Tharja, Panne, Sumia, Olivia

  2. I find the idea of self inserts to be a great one because it allows me to become more immersed in the world and build deeper connections with the characters. However I can see where a lot of you are coming from when you say that they shouldn't be the focus of the plot,worshiped and should actually be self inserts rather than predetermined characters that we make choices for. The personality quiz idea I think would be the best way to create a personality for your avatar, that combined with the limiting of supports would give them a defining character. Personally I would like them to be tacticians and act as side characters with a little importance over normal characters because of your strategic ability.

    This is why I prefer Robin over Kamui. Robin primarily acted as a supporting character and had a reason as to why he lead the army.

    This has lead me to wonder how Fates would of played out if the decision was based around your value as a tactician rather than your familial bonds(assuming you're not related to any of the families).

  3. Well, assuming you mean lunatic and not lunatic plus (my memory is kind of shaky anyway)

    Hoshido: Hoshido has larger unit count changes, but until Chap 21 (where all the units are promoted, technically it happens in Chap 19, but 19 has...gimmicks), the enemy stat increase are palty (+2 strength? +3 HP? that's not very difficult). Enemy skills are kind of to basically sucky

    Nohr: Nohr has stat increases, but less enemy count increases......note that reinforcements are more of a thing on nohr, somewhat. Nohr also has it's restrictions, partially. In general nohr is a bit more difficult, largely because I would say skills, and the bosses are fairly more loaded with skills since this is lunatic

    Invisible Kingdom: Invisible Kingdom throws in the stat increases very quickly (+10 Str? That's preposterous!). The contribution of numbers is less important as the game progresses, since well, numbers. Invisible Kingdom (I think, I haven't really seen *that* much Hoshido/Nohr Lunatic) is the only route to cap enemy stats, for what it's worth) (Numerically speaking, few of your units will cap their stats...most stat caps are above 30 and average is usually 30 at most anyway. It's not that people won't cap, that is). Also Invisible Kingdom (also) has sucky skills

    Thanks for answering

  4. I'm sort of a newbie to the series, with awakening being my first FE game and FE7 being the only other one played after that. I like many others enjoy being able to ship characters together (although I wish it was restricted to 3 or 4 romantic supports and similar to past FE games) as it was fun to do. I also like the idea of children characters because it adds more to variety to an already enjoyable cast of characters, some of my favourites being Foreo,Owain and Inigo. Self inserts is another thing that I enjoy because it allows me to feel more connected to the characters. Despite my love for these features if it was the only thing the series had going for it I probably wouldn't be on this forum as the gameplay is the highlight of the series and not the dating simulator aspects of it, which judging by the poll is the main selling point of FE.

    In my eyes I see these features as bonus optional content. You're never required to marry a character or get any of the children. It may seem frustrating that maps are essentially character locked,but it's not that big of a deal as getting the children isn't ridiculously hard to do. You can leave self inserts as defaults if it truly bothers you. FE Amie is there for those who like and for those who don't like it never have to touch it. These things just add to the game not detract anything from it( maybe respect but that's up to you). This is why despite children serving no relevance to the plot and having no reason to exist, I still like that they do exist.

    With Fates my biggest gripes are the story that had SO much potential(seriously some of you guys should be hired by IS to write the story of these games) and being given marriage options that shouldn't be a thing. Do I think FE is having an identity crisis? No. I think it's evolving into a more accessible series with more features that appeal to large audiences, while keeping strategic,interesting and fun gameplay at heart. If the story could get to the level that the gameplay is at we are going to have a masterpiece on our hands. Fates could of been a 10/10 imho but lack of a great story that it was hyped to have dropped it to an 8/10.

  5. Just a fun idea I thought about while looking through various topics. People dislike that anyone can marry everyone and that you can make couples that seem completely incompatible with each other( subject to opinion), so why not list down your ideas for what you think the marriage options of characters should be. No specific criteria, just what you think they should be.

    Some that I thought of:

    Takumi- Oboro, Setsusna, Camilla

    Hinata- Oboro,Hana,Pieri

    Luna- Odin,Lazwald,Tsubaki

    Sakura- Tsukuyomi,Saizou, Marx

    Charlotte- Benoit, Marx, Nishki

    Harold- Effie, Belka, Setsuna

    Tsubaki- Hinoka,Hana,Luna

    Zero- Belka,Camilla,Oboro

    Tsukuyomi- Sakura,Orochi,Nyx

    Silas- Aqua,Felicia,Mozume

    Suzukaze- Aqua,Felicia,Mozume

  6. I wouldn't say you sound hypocritical. Those two are *children*. Honestly, everyone always complains about them being marriageable but not many people are going to do it anyway. I really just think they might be included for younger players.

    Them being included for younger players is an interesting take on the matter that I've never thought of before, but then it is still kinda shaky imo. Just because of how much they look up to you as an elder sibling in the story and nothing more.

  7. Welcome to Serenes CaitlynMellark! Hope you're enjoying your time here:)

    Cool profile pic, editing ability of your caliber is certainly something I'll be unable to emulate.

    From your fav characters from fates I can see you're especially fond of the animal based characters, which is something I can relate to.

  8. Aww, I still would have replied if you had called me Melissa! You'll enjoy Fates very much once it's released in English. Since you've played Awakening, I'd recommend you start with Birthright (Hoshido). It's definitely easier, but if you want a challenge, Conquest (Nohr) would be better. And thank you for the compliments, I'm flattered :)

    But in the meantime, I'd recommend playing FE8! It's most like Awakening, and overall just a fun game.

    I will take that into account Melissa. I was originally gone choose Nohr first cause that's who I sided with when it came to the moral decision, but then it makes sense to play the stories in order of difficulty. I actually did start playing FE8 today and I'm finding it to be quite fun.

    Hey Namarid! Name's Alex. (Yes, that is my real name). I'd put more here, but I don't know what to say. Haha.

    Greetings, Salutations, Hola, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

    Haha, no worries bro just taking the time to say hello is more than enough :)

  9. Welcome to Serenesforest Icemario!

    The tales series is definitely something that I need to look into as I've heard and seen good things from it.

    I also have all the fire emblem amiibo which is surprising cause I thought they were rare so yes "loluk amiibo demand" indeed

    Hope you enjoy your time here :)

  10. *facepalm* Well at least I learnt something from this: always refer to people by username on the forums. I guess I should of realized that it would be weird to give out your actual name on a forum that can be viewed by anyone. Either way thank you both for teaching me that.

    I have actually played FE7 and a bit of FE8. I'll think I'll go back to finishing it due to your suggestion.

  11. Hello and thank you Melissa for the welcome. I've seen you in the Fates forums quite a bit when I wasn't a member and got the impression from your posts that your'e a nice person if I do say so myself. Hopefully when I get my english copy of Fates, I'll be able to contribute in the forums as much as you have :)

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