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Posts posted by Namarid

  1. So what boon/flaw are you guys thinking for your first playthrough? I'm thinking Skill/Magic for my first playthrough, it looks quite good for a physical orientated unit.

    +mag/-str to reflect myself( I considered -skl, but I wasn't liking that blow to skl growth) and mage talent.

  2. Voted no for the first one ,even though there are some gems like Forrest and Sophie, their inclusion in the game is uncalled for and it makes the first gen look like morons and bad parents. These children should have nothing to do with the war. In awakening the children had more of a reason to be there and the idea of them fighting a war is much more believable considering their circumstances.

    Despite that I voted yes for the second one. I like shipping characters and seeing the results of these ships are very rewarding( sometimes heartwarming). I also like the idea of the abilities of the parents being passed down to the child. In some cases having a child better develops the character of the parent, for example Takumi and Leo. I would love children to be in future games,but give them a good reason to be there.

  3. Dark mage, mostly to become a dark knight. All about the magic in FE and if I was a character in the universe tomes would be my weapon of choice.

    If I was going to do a default corrin run then I would pick cavalier.

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